SSWH2 The student will identify the major

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Transcript SSWH2 The student will identify the major

SSWH2 The student will identify
the major achievements of
Chinese and Indian societies from
1100 BCE to 500 CE.
a. Describe the development of Indian
civilization; include the rise and fall of the
Maurya Empire, the “Golden Age” under
Gupta, and the emperor Ashoka.
Powerful Empires of India
Focus Question
In what ways did Maurya and
Gupta rulers achieve peace and
order for ancient India?
Chandragupta Forges an Empire
• A man named
Chandragupta first gained
power in the Ganges
valley. He then
conquered northern India.
His son and grandson
later pushed south,
adding much of the
Deccan to their empire.
From 321 B.C. to 185
B.C., the Maurya dynasty
ruled over a vast, united
• Chandragupta maintained order through a well-organized
bureaucracy. Royal officials supervised the building of roads
and harbors to benefit trade. Other officials collected taxes and
managed state-owned factories and shipyards. People sought
justice in royal courts.
• Chandragupta’s rule was effective but
harsh. A brutal secret police force
reported on corruption, crime, and
dissent—that is, ideas that opposed
those of the government. Fearful of his
many enemies, Chandragupta had
specially trained women warriors guard
his palace.
Asoka Rules by Moral Example
• The most honored Maurya
emperor was Chandragupta’s
grandson, Asoka (uh soh
kuh). A few years after
becoming emperor in 268 B.C.,
Asoka fought a long, bloody
war to conquer the Deccan
region of Kalinga. Then,
horrified at the slaughter—
more than 100,000 people are
said to have died—Asoka
turned his back on further
conquests. He converted to
Buddhism, rejected violence,
and resolved to rule by moral
• True to the Buddhist principle
of respect for all life, Asoka
stopped eating most meats
and limited Hindu animal
sacrifices. He sent
missionaries, or people sent
on a religious mission, to
spread Buddhism across India
and to Sri Lanka. By doing so,
he paved the way for the
spread of Buddhism
throughout Asia. Although
Asoka promoted Buddhism, he
also preached tolerance for8
other religions.
Division and Disunity Set In
• After Asoka’s death, Maurya power declined. By 185 B.C.,
the unity of the Maurya empire was shattered as rival
princes again battled for power across the Gangetic Plain.
• Adding to the turmoil,
foreigners frequently
pushed through
mountain passes into
northern India. The
divided northern
kingdoms often
proved incapable of
resisting these
The Guptas Bring About a Golden Age
• Although many kingdoms
flourished in the Deccan, the
most powerful Indian states
rose to its north. About 500
years after the Mauryas, the
Gupta dynasty again united
much of India. Gupta emperors
organized a strong central
government that promoted
peace and prosperity. Under
the Guptas, who ruled from
A.D. 320 to about 540, India
enjoyed a golden age, or
period of great cultural
Peace and
• Gupta rule was
probably looser than
that of the Mauryas.
Much power was left
in the hands of
individual villages and
city governments
elected by merchants
and artisans.
• Trade and farming
flourished across the
Gupta empire.
Farmers harvested
crops of wheat, rice,
and sugar cane. In
cities, artisans
produced cotton
cloth, pottery, and
metalware for local
markets and for
export to East Africa,
the Middle East, and
Southeast Asia. The
prosperity of Gupta
India contributed to a
flowering in the arts
and learning.
Indians Make Advances in Learning
• Under Gupta rule, students were educated in
religious schools.
• Indian advances in mathematics had a wide
impact on the rest of the world. Gupta
mathematicians devised the system of writing
numbers that we use today. Indian
mathematicians also originated the concept of
zero and developed the decimal system of
numbers based on ten digits, which we still use
• By Gupta times, Indian
physicians were using
herbs and other remedies
to treat illness. Surgeons
were skilled in setting
bones and in simple
surgery to repair injuries.
It seems that doctors also
began vaccinating people
against smallpox about
1,000 years before this
practice was used in
Expanding India’s Literature
• During Gupta times,
many fine writers added
to the rich heritage of
Indian literature. They
collected and recorded
fables and folk tales in
the Sanskrit language. In
time, Indian fables were
carried west to Persia,
Egypt, and Greece.
The Gupta Empire Declines
• Eventually, Gupta India declined under the pressure of weak rulers,
civil war, and foreign invaders. From central Asia came the White
Huns, a nomadic people who overran the weakened Gupta empire,
destroying its cities and trade. Once again, India split into many
kingdoms. It would see no other great empire like those of the
Mauryas or Guptas for almost 1,000 years
• How did religion
influence learning
and the arts in
Gupta India?
Buddhism and Hinduism
• Let’s Look in your book. Together we will create
a chart in your notes that compares and
contrasts Hinduism to Buddhism. We will focus
1. founders/origins
2. Key beliefs
3. Gods
4. Sacred Literature
5. Effect on society
6. Modern-day traditions
b. Explain the development and impact of
Hinduism and Buddhism on India and
subsequent diffusion of Buddhism.
• Hinduism:
-polytheistic religion
-reincarnation and
-Not traced to one
-Strengthened the
caste system through
• Buddhism:
-founded by
Siddhartha (Buddha)
-Path to enlightenment
-Attempt to reach
nirvana, or a release
from suffering and
worldly pain
-rejected caste system
How do these compare to the 10 comandments (page 79)
E. Napp
• Siddhartha Gautama (ca. 556 – ca. 486 BCE)
-Founder of Buddhism
-Indian prince from a small north Indian state
-Led a sheltered and privileged existence
-Shocked by the existence of old age, sickness, and
-Left family and wealth
-Began search for the causation and cessation of
E. Napp
E. Napp
• Upon becoming the Enlightened One (the Buddha),
formulated the Four Noble Truths
-Life has suffering.
-Selfish desire is the cause of suffering.
-Suffering can end.
-Follow the Noble Eightfold Path (eight actions to
help eliminate suffering)
• Nirvana is the elimination of suffering
-The identity is extinguished as greed, hatred, and
delusion are extinguished too
-Loving-kindness or compassion for all living things
• Many similarities to Hinduism
-Karma, reincarnation, overcoming the incessant
demands of the ego, meditation, release from
• Differences too
-Rejected religious authority of Brahmins, ridiculed
rituals and sacrifices, not much interested in the
creation of world or existence of God
E. Napp
Hinduism and Buddhism in India
• Buddhism attracted many
laborers and crafts people
who were at the bottom of
the caste system
• Though missionaries
spread the Buddhist religion
in India, it never took hold
• Trade with other countries
and territories helped
Buddhism spread else
where (East Asia)
• Hinduism remained the
main religion of India
c. Describe the development of Chinese
civilization under the Zhou and Qin.
• Zhou (1027-256 BC)
-established a feudalistic
-built roads and canals
-coined money
-used cast iron
• Qin (241-202 BC)
-formed an autocracy
-standardized all of China
(laws, measurements,
-Great Wall built
China - Zhou
1100 BCE - 500 CE
• Zhou
– In 1027 BCE the Zhou dynasty overthrew
the Shang Dynasty through the use of the
Dynasty Cycle. The Zhous utilized
ancestor worship and oracle bones in
religious ways.
– Advancements: Roads and canals, coined
– The Qin replaced the Zhou Dynasty and kept China
unified. This dynasty is known for the creation of the
Great Wall, a unified system of writing, law, currency,
and weights/measures.
– One concept that emerges during this time is
Legalism. This is the belief in a highly efficient and
powerful gov’t. The gov’t wanted to control beliefs and
actions. If you were disobedient you could be
punished greatly. (ex: Anyone caught outside his
village without a travel permit should have his ears or
nose chopped off)
Civil Service
– 18 ranks:
government jobs
that civilians
obtained by
– History, law,
literature, and
– Continued in
China until 1912
Dynasty Cycle
Structured Society
d. Explain the impact of Confucianism on Chinese
culture; include the examination system, the
Mandate of Heaven, the status of peasants, the
status of merchants, and the patriarchal family,
and explain diffusion to Southeast Asia, Japan,
and Korea.
• Confucius wanted to restore peace and harmony
to China
• He developed 5 codes of relationships between,
people, and people and the government
• Believed that education was important in helping
people grow, and in the running of a government
• Confucianism is not a religion, but a way to live
• Strict social order and discipline was the key to a
successful society
Compare and contrast
• Study the teaching of Buddha, the ten
commandment, and the teaching of
• Choose three main points that each
religion/philosophy deems important and
compare or contrast them with each other.
How are they similar, how are they
different, make sure to explain your
answer completely.
• Examination System:
-originally most
government jobs were
through appointment
-the examination system
required citizens to pass
a test to earn a position
in the government
-In theory, it opened up
government jobs to the
• Mandate of Heaven:
-Royal authority came from heaven
-Only wise and just rulers kept the Mandate
and their throne
-Foolish rulers lost the Mandate and their
throne through natural disasters,
upheaval, revolts, and inavsions
• Peasants and Merchants:
-Though more wealthy than peasants,
merchants were lower on the strict social
-Merchants did not contribute to society and
were only after their own personal gain
-Peasants produced food, which society
e. Explain how the geography of the Indian
Subcontinent contributed to the movement
of people and ideas.
• Mountains in the
North prevented
much trade by land
• Southern India is
surrounded by water,
making the transfer of
goods much easier