Transcript plain ozon

The Earth and its living World
Where do you get water from?
On the surface of the
earth, there is
some land and
Spheres of the Earth
 Lithosphere - Land
 Hydrosphere - Water
 Atmosphere - Air
 Biosphere - Living things.
Earth's crust is hard rock and soil
Lanol - grassy;sand,crops,forests
1/3 part of lithosphere- Land
Large or Vast continuous stretch of Land.
Divided into seven continents Africa, Asia,
Europe, North America, South America
Australia, Antarctica
Land forms
Land is not even in all places
Give rise to different shapes
eg. Plain, Hill, Mountain
2/3 part of earth
covered with water.
Water part is divided
into : Ocean- salty
water, Surface
water and fresh
Salty water - five oceans Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic,
South Ocean, Indian Ocean.
Land along margins of ocean called coastal
Water bodies of different shapes and sizes.- sea,
bay, strait, Gulf etc.
 Fresh water reservoirs
 streams of water flowing over the land
 Streams are - Rills, Brook, Rivers
 Rills, brooks, streams - join to form rivers
 Rivers join to make bigger river tributaries
 Rivers cascade down a sudden drop - water fall
 Rivers flow to the ocean.
Water collected in a low lying area of land - Lakes
eg. Manas sarowar
Ice form of water, Glacier
water particles in the clouds freeze in cold
come down in the form of snow
Layer of snow pile up on ground to form ice.
In low - lying area ice pile become huge mass
slips down; a slope - glacier
Blocks of ice floting in sea- Iceberg
Groundwater- (Well)
water stored in underground layer
well, bore wells, under ground springs
Hydro Sphere :water on earth is surface,
Ground water, Water vapours
Air around Earth
Higher from the surface air becomes rarer.
Consists- mixture of gases, nitrogen, oxygen,
water vapour, carbon dioxide
Layers of Atmosphere
Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere
Ionosphere, Exosphere
 13 km from earth's surface
 conditions changes continuously
 Go higher in troposphere air becomes cooler
 Weather related phenomena rain, fog, clouds, Winds, Storms.
 Aeroplanes fly in higher parts (mountaineers)
Beyond troposphere about 50 km
Ozone gas layer
Ozon layer absorbs ultra violet rays.
How does it rain
 Water evaporates due to
sun's heat
 Water vapour lighter than air,
 Goes higer,cools,condensesFine drop lets of water
 Droplets forms clouds.
 Smaller droplets Bigger drop
can not float
 Fall down on the earth- Rain
Water Cycle
Rain water flows into rills, streams, rivers and
finally into sea
Evaporation of this water
Condensation, rainfall continuously processes
are done
Variety of living things in different regions.
Snowbound polar-bear , Africa –Zebras,
Australia-Kangaroos, Hot climate- Elephants,
Living things exist in litho, hydro, atmo
Living world- biosphere
Plants, animals, microbes are dependent on one
Biosphere is where living things take birth, live
and die
Three Layer of Earth
Earth is surface
occupied by land 1/3
and water 2/3
Litho - soil, rock
Hydro - Salty, fresh
water reservoir
Atom –Tropo, strato
Bio - All living things