James and Joichiro 7F

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Transcript James and Joichiro 7F

The sun is a giant ball of gas
that is held together by gravity.
its is 5,778 K and that’s just the
surface! Its heat brings life to
our planet and its gravity
protects us from powerful
forces without it we wouldn’t
even exist and if it were any
closer we would be fried and
turned into dust. But don’t be
fooled by how it helps us it is a
killer to other planets, and to
find out how the thing that
gives us life can be the end of
life itself read on…
The sun is the key substance to life on
our earth but even though it’s the thing
that keeps us alive it can also be the
thing of our doom! Our distance from
the sun is the best it can be because if
any closer it can be our destruction! the
sun is at a length were it takes 8
minutes for its light to reach the earth
you may think that’s close but it is way
further than you can imagine it is
149,600,000 km away from our earth.
Lets think if it was 500,000 km away
from our earth. If it was like that water
on the earth will disappear in a instant
the earths crust will burn to a crisp…
wouldn’t be a good life will it. Now lets
think if it was 200,000,000 km away!
The earth would be a negative number
every day the ocean would be frozen
and will be impossible to chip away and
all metal on the earth will turn to rust…
so we should be glad that our sun is
close and not too close.
The Sun May be a hot head but
even though you think its hot on
the outside your wrong. the sun
has a number of different layers
that our hotter the more closer
you are to the core those layers
have been summed up into 3
layers the convective zone, the
radiative zone and the core. The
convective zone is basically the
outside of the sun were all of its
heat energy gets sent out by the
radiative zone. The radiative
zone is the radioactive part of
the sun and it gets the energy
from the core and brings it to
the convective zone it is at least
2 times hotter than surface. But
then we have the core it is
hotter than any part of the sun
and is the place which creates
the heat and energy that brings
life to our planet
A solar flare is a sudden
powerful of energy that is so
powerful that it take
160,000,000,000 megatons of
TNT to be equal to its
destructive power it occurs
when many powerfully
charged electrons hit plasma
particles and a lot hit each
other creating a heap of
energy that is transmitted
into a solar flare! So lets hope
no solar flares hit our planet…
The sun may be in the sky but where is it in the sky? The sun is
actually in the center of our solar system and the order of the
planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune, and Pluto and they all spin around the sun by its gravity.
But before they found out that the sun was at the center they
believed that that the earth was at the center of the universe and
all the planets spin around it which they called the geocentric
model. But they soon found out about gravity and that earth or
the sun isn't at the center of the universe but that there our solar
systems and galaxies that spin with the power of gravity. So all the
things we know could all change by learning one thing!