The Unstable Landscape: California Plate Tectonics

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Transcript The Unstable Landscape: California Plate Tectonics

Physical Geography:
Landforms of California
Geologic Time
Movements of the Continents
Earth Materials
Tectonic Forces
Weathering and Erosion Processes
Erosional Agents and Deposition
Geologic Time
Pretend the age of the earth (4.6+ billion years) is
compressed into one calendar year.
January 1 - Earth and planets formed
Early March - liquid water stands in pools.
Late March - earliest life
July - oxygen is important part of atmosphere
October 25 - multicellular organisms
Late November - plants and animals abundant
December 15 to 25 - dinosaurs arise and disappear
11:20 pm, December 31 - Humans appear
One second before midnight - Automobile invented
The Earth’s Interior
• General trends: temperature, density
• Horizon composition, behavior
Distance: 6730 km (3963 miles)
Earth Materials
• Three major rock types
– Igneous
– Sedimentary
– Metamorphic
Igneous Rocks
• Igneous (ignus = fire)
• Formed from the cooling of molten rock
(magma/lava), a process called crystallization.
– Slow cooling  larger crystals > dense rock
– Rapid cooling  small crystals > lighter rock
• Two classes of igneous rocks
– intrusive: formed inside the Earth
– extrusive: formed at Earth’s surface
Igneous Intrusive Rocks
• Cools slowly (thousands of years)
• Visible crystals
• Examples
- granite
- diorite
- gabbro
Igneous Extrusive Rocks
• Cools rapidly - exposed to surface
• No visible crystals
• Examples
- rhyolite
- andesite
Typical Igneous Intrusions
Know: Batholith and Dike
Exposed Batholiths
Sierra Nevada, CA
Sedimentary Rocks
Relative Abundance by
Limestone (CaCO3)
Shale (fine grains)
Sandstone (larger grains)
Where do Sedimentary Rocks
Terrestrial environments
Marine environments
 Continental shelf
 Rivers and floodplains
(fluvial environment)
 Continental slope and
rise (deep sea fans)
 Lakes
 Abyssal plain
 Deserts (aeolian
 Beach and barrier
Metamorphic Rocks
or That’s very Gneiss, but I
don’t give a Schist!
Schist (narrow foliation)
Gneiss (broad foliation)
The Unstable Landscape:
California Plate Tectonics
• Crustal Processes
– Destruction (subduction)
– Creation (volcanism )
– Alteration / deformation (folding and faulting)
• Plate boundaries: main location for
Earth’s volcanic and earthquake activity.
• Type of plate boundary determines activity.
• 3 types
– diverging (spreading)
– converging (colliding)
– transform (sliding past each other)
Convergent Plate Boundaries
• Action:
– collision; destructional or constructional
• Activity:
– depends on type of convergence
– 3 types: ocean-continent, ocean-ocean, cont.-cont.
Convergent: Ocean-continent
• Action:
– collision; destructional (subduction of ocean plate)
• Activity:
– shallow to deep earthquakes; volcanism (continental)
• Features:
– ocean trench; volcanic mtns on continental margin
Volcanoes: Explosive
• Composite cones (stratovolcano)
– pointed, steep-sided, tall volcanoes
– “Composite”: layers of pyroclastics and lava
(mostly felsic)
– Explosive and dangerous; found near subduction zones
Volcanoes: Explosive
Arenal, Costa Rica
Mt. Shasta, California
Mt. Lassen, California
Crustal Deformation:
Folding, Faulting, and Earthquakes
• Crustal Processes
– Destruction (subduction)
– Creation (volcanism - convergent/divergent)
– Alteration / deformation (folding and faulting)
Crustal Deformation
• Outcome / result of “battle”:
Stress v. strain (force v. resistance)
– Stress: force imposed on the rock
(tension, compression and shear)
– Strain: how the rock responds to the stress
(folding / bending or faulting / breaking)
Is the rock brittle or ductile?
Figure 12-7
• Definition: fractures where some type of
displacement (movement) has occurred
along a break in rock.
• Three types
– normal
– reverse/thrust
– transform
Carmel Valley Fault, CA
Normal Faults
• Tensional stress
• Earthquake and displacement along fault plane  fault scarp
Landforms - Normal Faulting
Owens Valley, CA
Sierra Nevada, CA
Grand Tetons, WY
Basin and
• Horst and graben
(“hill” and “grave”)
Death Valley/
Landforms: Normal Faulting
• Grabens (“Graves”)
Basin and Range
Transform Plate
• Action:
– shear (lateral motion)
– no loss/gain of
plate material
San Andreas fault system
– How long is it? About 1000 km
– Relative motion of the Pacific
Plate? @ 2 inches (5 cm) northwest per year. In 10
million years Los Angeles will be off of San
Francisco .
San Andreas Fault System Southern California
Transform Plate Boundary
• Activity:
– shallow to moderate earthquakes
– little to no volcanism
Carrizo Plain, CA (view to the east)
Transform Plate Boundary
– shallow, linear
rift valleys
– sag ponds
Carrizo Plain,
central CA
San Andreas Lake
(Crystal Springs Reservoir)
- looking south along fault
- San Francisco water supply
- geology  vegetation
Transform Plate Boundary
• Features:
– offset streams, objects
Stream channel offset,
Carrizo Plain,
central CA
1906 earthquake offset,
Point Reyes, CA
The Geography of Earthquakes
• USA: 1977-1997 earthquake events
• USA: every state except ND, FL
The Geography of Earthquakes
• Globally: primarily at plate boundaries
• Intraplate earthquakes do occur!
Mag 6.5
• Earthquakes are the shaking or vibration of
the ground as a result of rocks suddenly
breaking along a fault.
• Focus (hypocenter) = rupture point
• Epicenter = point on surface above focus
• Foreshocks
• Aftershocks
Process: the earthquake cycle
(elastic rebound theory)
• Earthquakes are a ‘release of energy’ in the
form of a seismic wave (vibrates the crust).
• Plate movement  strain builds rocks
“locked together” (frictional bond)
• Rocks bend  hit limit --> rupture/break
• Cycle repeats ”start-stop” motion along
Seismic waves
• Some of the waves that are generated by an
earthquake travel within the earth and other
travel along the surface, creating surface waves.
• Waves traveling within the earth are known as
body waves.
Surface Waves
• Surface waves cause the most damage to buildings
during an earthquake.
• Surface waves can set up liquefaction in wet
alluvium. This is where the most extensive
damage to buildings occurs.
– Liquefaction: wavelike, almost liquid, rolling of
– Alluvium: fine material deposited by water over
many years.
Measuring Earthquakes
• seismograph: records the vibrations
of the crust
• Richter Scale measures
vibration, not damage.
• seismogram: tracing record
Major California Earthquakes
• Fort Tejon, 1857 - 8.0 magnitude
• San Francisco, 1906 - 7.9 magnitude
• 1933 Long Beach - 6.3 magnitude
Destroyed Glendale College Buildings!
• San Fernando, 1971 - 6.6
• Northridge, 1994 - 6.7
• Hector Mine, 1999 - 7.1
• TIME: January 9, 1857
Fort Tejon,
• LOCATION: 35° 43' N, 120° 19' W
• about 72 km (45 miles) northeast of San
Luis Obispo
about 120 km (75 miles) northwest of
as shown on the map (epicenter location
• MAGNITUDE: Mw 8.3 (approx.)
• TYPE OF FAULTING: right-lateral
about 360 km (225 miles)
meters (30 feet)
San Francisco Aftermath, 1906
Magnitude: 7.9
San Francisco, 1906
Magnitude: 7.9