Transcript Chapter 9

Chapter 9
Science Notes
Ch. 9 Vocabulary
Lesson 1
• Types of landforms include mountains, plains,
plateaus, peninsulas, valleys, and canyons.
• Water, ice, temperature changes, chemicals, and
living things can cause weathering.
• There are 2 types of weathering:
• Physical Weathering: Size of rock changes
• Chemical Weathering: Chemicals cause rocks to
change into different materials
• Ice can cause physical weathering. Water from rain
or snow can get into the cracks of rocks. If it
freezes, it forms ice. The ice forces the sides of the
crack out. The crack gets larger and the rock splits.
Lesson 2
• Sometimes deposition happens slowly, other
times it happens fast.
• Avalanches and landslides pick up rock and soil
causing erosion as they move downhill.
• Landslides and avalanches are caused by
• Ways to control erosion and deposition
include the following:
– Growing plants on hills
– Plowing hilly fields in steps, called terraces
– Building barriers along the seashore
Lesson 3
• Magma is very hot rock that is partially melted into a
liquid underground.
• Vents are openings in volcanos that allow hot rock,
gas, and ash to burst out.
• An active volcano has frequent eruptions or shows
signs of future eruptions.
• A volcano that has not erupted for a long time is
called a dormant volcano.
• A volcano is called extinct if scientists think it will
never erupt again.
• The outer surface of Earth is the crust.
• Plate movement along a fault causes most
• The focus is the place underground where the plates
start to move and the earthquake begins.