Transcript Scablands
The Channeled Scablands
Cataclysms on
the Columbia
Michael J. Oard. 2004. CRS Books
1991 Timber Press
Dry Falls
giant erosional features
Trinidad Bar ripple marks
J. T. Pardee
Glacial Lake Missoula shorelines
similar features on Mars?
backwater areas
80 floods,
with time becoming smaller
and occurring more often
B. Atwater (80), and R. Waitt (40)
Berggren and
van Couvering,
This book … reevaluates the concept of uniformitarianism
based only on events and processes familiar in human
experience and makes it clear that a
radical expansion of that concept is needed to account for
striking discontinuities in geology, paleontology and
climatology. The contributors demonstrate that
modern geology … has developed to the point where the
consideration of catastrophes … offers insight rather
than confusion.
The Earth’s crust bears
decisive evidence of
ancient catastrophic
processes which have
operated on a regional
and global scale.
This book is a
compendium of geologic
literature challenging
the notion that the
Earth slowly evolved to
its present
Cataclysms on
the Columbia
Michael J. Oard. 2004. CRS Books
1991 Timber Press