Continental Drift - The Cyberworld of Deepsea Dawn, Oregon

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Transcript Continental Drift - The Cyberworld of Deepsea Dawn, Oregon

The Shifting Crust
Chapter 3
Continental Drift
 Alfred
Wegener -1912
– large “supercontinent” (Pangea) existed and
then split into pieces
– fossil & glacial deposit evidence
 Wegener
not able to provide MECHANISM
for his theory
 Major mechanism later found in the
Seafloor Spreading &
Plate Tectonics
 Harry
Hess - 1960s
– new ocean basins form from volcanism
– ocean floor forms IN BETWEEN pieces that
have split
Seafloor Spreading &
Plate Tectonics
 Theoretical
– surface of earth composed of “plates”
(LITHOSPHERE) that move on a “conveyor
Evidence for Continental Drift
 Fit
of the continents
 Correlation of mountain belts
 Diversity of species
– correlation of dinosaur species (Pangea)
– isolation of mammal species (after breakup)
 Glaciers
Important Quote
 “Relationships
known since early in the
century yet the validity of continental drift
was not generally recognized until the late
 It took ocean floor data to solidify ideas
and convince scientific community!
 The oceans rule!
One Mechanism
 seafloor-spreading
 lithosphere
 asthenosphere
Another Mechanism
 subduction
 world’s
most explosive volcanos are
formed over subduction zones
 Oregon’s Cascades Mtns. over Cascadia
Subduction Zone
– Juan de Fuca plate under N. American plate
“Munch and Crunch”
- subduction of oceanic plate
under continent or ocean
– oceanic crust is thin and dense
– dives
- collision of continental plates
– India into Tibet and China
– continental crust is thick and light
Sliding By
 Tranforms
– plates neither created nor destroyed
 Transform faults are active
 Fracture zones are inactive extensions of
– “fossil transforms”
Young & Old
 ocean
floors - 200 million years
 land - billions of years
 With seafloor spreading is the earth
 Why is seafloor so young relative to
 “law of conservation of ocean floor”
Driving Forces
 “Slab
 Slab
pull” versus “ridge push”
Pull - gravity pulls cooled, dense
plates back down into mantle at
subduction zone
 Ridge Push - rising, hot rock pushes plates
apart at spreading center
Proof for Seafloor Spreading
 What
made people believe in seafloor
spreading? (poor Wegener!)
 changes in inclinations of magnetic field
 Earth’s magnetic field a mystery
 currents in liquid core one hypothesis
SF Spreading Proof - 2
 Earth’s
magnetic field flips back & forth
 magma freezes magnetic minerals
 minerals lines themselves up w/ prevailing
field of earth
 anomaly in field is the key - normal
(positive) or reversed (negative)
 Vine and Matthews noted this in the ‘60s
and flagged this as PROOF for seafloor
bar code
by agedating of
200 Ka
Divergent Plate Boundaries
 Divergent
- seafloor spreading
– mid-ocean ridges or rises
– Mid-Atlantic RIDGE, East Pacific RISE
 Convergent
- subduction
– trenches
– Tonga Trench, Cascadia Subduction Zone
 Translational
- strike-slip faulting
– transform faults (active) - San Andreas Fault
– fracture zones (inactive) - Mendocino FZ
Plate Boundaries
 How
do we know where these boundaries
 bathymetry
 earthquakes
 deepest earthquakes at CONVERGENT
boundaries (subduction zones/trenches)
 slab breakage causes earthquake
 like potato chip breaking off in bean dip