Nutrition and Health -

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Nutrition and Health
By Marta Nogales & Thais Plaza
The importance of Nutrition
Nutrition are a group of processes in which the organism receives,
processes and uses the substances which it obtains from food.
The diet of an organism refers to what it eats.
Dietitians are health professionals who are specialize
in human nutrition .
They know how to provaide safe and
prevent injurious impacts on
health and on the organism.
The most common reasons of
diseases are poor diets or diets with
many fats or lipids..that can produce
obesity..which now a days is
very common on young people.
Types of nutrients:
There are seven different types of nutrients :
Carbohydrates or glucids:
Are the most abundant of the four major
classes of biomolecules, which also include
proteins,lipids and nucleic acids.
The most common in our diet are starches
(potatoes) and sugars like glucose .
Lipids or fats have many functions but the most important
is providing energy to the body.
They are an important part of the
diet of human beings.
In big quantities they
can be dangerous for
our organism.
Are found in vegetables and are also glucids they move food through
the digestive system, they absorb
water and they produce and
easier defecation.
They are necessary
for the organism.
Are from the group of micro-nutrients , because are substances
which are in food but in very small quantities .
They are chemical elements that dont form part of the living
matter but that they are necessary
They are macro-molecules.
(As the majority of the components
of food).
They are necessary for forming
in a good way our cells.
They are found in food which have
a vegetable or animal origin
Are also on the group of micro-nutrients because we can find it on
food in very small quantities , but they are necessary for our
Organism, if not their absence can cause serious disasters.
-Vitamin A (retinol)
-Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
-Vitamin D (calciferol)produced
by the skin.
-Vitamin E (antioxidants)
Water :
The human body is anywhere from 55% to 78% water.
Water is a fundamental component
of living matter.
Is necessary to drink
about three litres
of water a day .
Also we take water
from the aliments we eat.
Our own diet
Our typical diet on :
- Mondays
Total Kcal : 1969.6 Kcal
- Sundays.
Total Kcal : 1201.6 Kcal.
- A glass of milk with sugar and Cola-cao . 125 + 12 + 10= 147 kcal.
- Orange juice. 46Kcal.
- A breath of milk (like croissant) . 115 Kcal.
Total Kcal : 308 Kcal.
-1/2 Spanish omlette sandwich. 300 Kcal.
Total : 300 Kcal.
-Boiled rice. 130 Kcal.
-Roast chicken. 232 Kcal.
-Peeled apple . 57 Kcal.
Total Kcal : 419 Kcal.
-1/2 Chocolate palm. 290.6 kcal.
-1 Actimel. 33 Kcal.
-1 Banana . 135 kcal.
Total: 458.6 Kcal.
-Smoked salmon. 117 Kcal.
-Salad. 306 Kcal.
-1 Natural yoghurts. 61 Kcal.
Total: 484 Kcal.
-A glass of milk with sugar and Cola-cao . 125 + 12 + 10= 147 kcal.
-Orange juice. 46Kcal.
-Cereals rich in fibre. 264 Kcal.
-A piece of bread. 102 Kcal.
-Strawberry jam. 30 kcal.
Total Kcal: 589 Kcal.
Lunch :
-Paella . 286 Kcal.
-130g of apricot or strawberry. 52 Kcal.
Total : 338 Kcal.
-French omelette.104 Kcal.
-Green beans . 28.6 Kcal.
-1 Kiwi . 46 Kcal.
-1 Glass of milk . 96 Kcal.
Total : 274.6 Kcal
Does our country have something
to do with our nutririon?
Spain is different from other countries in nutrition.
We think that the food we eat is healthier than the one
eaten in America,for example.
Spanish nutrition is based on the mediterranean diet.
In which is normally to eat many fruits and vegetables,
and many varied types of meats and fishes.
We have less fast food restaurants,and normally,we eat
it once or twice a month…
This,doesn’t damage our organism,although it has lots of
calories and fats.
Importance of the quality of food
Transgenic food are those that contain ingredients or that were
produced from a genetically modified organism.
They come mostly from transgenic plants such as corn or soybeans.
The transgenic foods do not always contain the proteins encoded
by the genes transferred, because many of them are expressed in
different parts of the plants to harvest organs.
The concept fast food is a style of food where the food is
prepared and served to consume rapidly in specialized shops.
The most widespread example of premises worldwide, is the
multinational McDonals.
This food isn’t good for our organism,because it has too
much fats and it isn’t healthy.
This doesn’t mean that you
can’t eat it,but only once or
twice a month…
Illnesses related with food…
This is a very serious illness.
Many teenagers suffer it.why?
Because of many spots on tv where they see for example,models or
actresses that are so thin…
We must care about this.
The abuse of certain drugs can also cause lack of appetite, mainly
those with central nervous system stimulants. It is also a side
effect of some drugs (antidepressants, Methylphenidate, etc.)
Its key feature is that the person suffers episodes of compulsive
binges, followed by a great sense of guilt and sense of loss of
Often alternated with periods of fasting or very low food intake,
but soon returned to suffer episodes of binge eating.
Goals for a good diet
-Eat varied food (all kinds although you don´t like it.)
-Don´t eat many fast food , it isn´t good for the
-Play sports regularly or at least walk .
-Not eating between hours.
Our Conclusion…
Well, we think that for having a good
body..and a good health is necessary to have a
varied diet , practise sports …and if you think
that you are getting fat , don´t stop
eating…just practise more sport and eat less
fast food or sweats or all that food that
contain more sugar and which can also produce
some internal ilnesses not just psicological.
The End