Transcript slide_3

Medical Microbiology
Respiratory System - Pneumonia
Streptococcus Pneumoniae,
Chlamydia and Legionella
Dr. Sameer Naji, MB, BCh, PhD (UK)
Dean Assistant
Head of Basic Medical Sciences Dept.
Faculty of Medicine
The Hashemite University
Life History
 Streptococcus pneumoniae is found worldwide. It
resides asymptomatically in the nasopharynx of
healthy carriers.
 The respiratory tract, sinuses, and nasal cavity are
the parts of host body that are usually infected.
However, in susceptible individuals, such as elderly
and immuno-compromised people and children, the
bacterium may become pathogenic, spread to other
locations and cause disease.
 The route by which this organism is spread is from
human to human in the form of aerosol droplets
 When inside the host the organism’s primary site of
pneumococcal colonization is the nasopharynx.
From this site it can aspire to the lungs, eventually
spread to the blood and traverse the blood-brain
barrier to the meninges, once inside the blood it can
cause infections throughout the body
Microbiological characteristics
 Streptococcus pneumoniae is a gram-positive coccus.
Usually they are found in pairs of cocci, or diplococci, but
they may also occur in short chains or singly. When
cultured on blood agar they demonstrate alpha
hemolysis. They are non motile organisms
 Virulence is caused by the chemical composition of the
capsule. There are over 90 serotypes of S. pneumoniae
which causes great difficulty when trying to develop a
vaccine for this bacterium. The capsule interferes with
phagocytosis by preventing C3b opsonization of the
bacterial cells
 S. pneumoniae is the leading cause of pneumonia in all
ages. It is characterized by four stages.
1. In the first stage the lung alveoli fill up with a serous fluid
which is thought to be stimulated by the cell wall of the
organism. This fluid contains a lot of organisms but little
inflammatory cells. The spread of the organism throughout
the lungs is mediated by this fluid.
2. In the second stage, neutrophils, which are attracted by
the S. pneumoniae and there chemotactic signals and the
host cell’s alternate pathway, invade the alveoli. Also red
blood cells are recruited to this site.
3.In the third stage, mostly neutrophils are packed into the
alveoli and very few bacteria remain.
4.In the final stage, macrophages eliminate the remaining
residue from the inflammatory response
 As one can see, the damage which is done to the lung is
largely a result of the host’s inflammatory response,
which causes the buildup of fluids in the lungs.
 If S. pneumoniae is allowed to persist in the lungs it can
then invade the blood, which causes bacteremia. When
in the blood it can traverse the blood-brain barrier and
infect the meninges, which results in meningitis.
 S. pneumoniae is also associated with diseases in other
parts of the respiratory tract including the paranasal
sinuses, which is better known as sinusitis, and the
middle ear can become infected, which is known as otitis
media. It has also been known to cause peritonitis, an
inflammation of the peritoneum, the membrane that lines
the abdominal wall, and it is also implicated in causing
 A gram stain is performed from the sputum of the infected
patient. The presence of neutrophils (>25 neutrophils and
<10 epithelial cells per high power field) and greater than
ten gram-positive diplococci usually results in the
diagnosis of Streptococcus pneumoniae.
 For further conformation of this organism, it is streaked
on blood agar. When on blood agar the organism should
exhibit alpha-hemolysis, which is characterized as a zone
of green coloring around the colonies of bacteria on the
agar, the streaked organisms must also exhibit bile
solubility and optochin sensitivity as well as fermentation
of inulin to have greater assurance that this organism is
in fact S. pneumoniae
 S. pneumoniae most commonly inflicts children, the elderly,
and other people with weakened immune systems.
 The incidence among adults exhibits a midwinter peak and a
striking dip in the summer, due to closer living conditions
during the winter. Up until 2000, S. pneumoniae infections
caused 100,000-135,000 hospitalizations for pneumonia, 6
million cases of otitis media, and 60,000 cases of invasive
disease, which included 3300 cases of meningitis.
 Incidence in the U.S. showed geographic variation from 21 to
33 cases per 100,000 people. Interestingly enough, Alaska
native adults have an 8 times higher disease rate and Alaskan
infants a 4 times higher rate than the benchmark U.S.
community as they remain indoors and live in crowded
conditions and poor ventilated homes, this increases the
transmission and therefore the incidence of S. pneumoniae in
this area
 There are several different treatment options for S.
pneumoniae infections. For mild and severe
pneumococcal infections penicillin G is used.
 Due to a growing number of penicillin resistant S.
pneumoniae this organism has become a greater
concern. It has a natural transformation system in which
genetic material is exchanged between two organisms.
Therefore, bacteria that have developed antibiotic
resistance, whether due to mutation or natural selection,
can often pass these traits to other bacteria. This natural
transformation is accelerated by the fact that these
bacteria have a relatively fast growth rate and achieve
large cell densities in an infectious setting
 Because of these natural attributes the spread of the
antibiotic resistant genes is cause for great concern.
 Fortunately, Erythromycin has been shown to work well
on these penicillin resistant bacteria
 For the prevention of this disease, a vaccine is
currently offered which has a 23-valent capsular
polysaccharide which protects against the most
common strains
 But due to the great antigenic variety of the S.
pneumoniae, which has at least 90 different strains,
a universal vaccine cannot be developed
Chlamydial Pneumonias
 Three chlamydial organisms are pathogenic to humans: Chlamydophila
pneumoniae, Chlamydophila psittaci, and Chlamydia trachomatis. These
are small, gram-negative, obligate intracellular organisms. All three
species can cause pneumonia in humans.
 C pneumoniae causes mild pneumonia or bronchitis in adolescents and
young adults. Older adults may experience more severe disease and
repeated infections.
 C psittaci causes psittacosis or ornithosis after exposure to an infected
bird. Ornithosis is the preferred term, because almost any bird can
transmit the organism. The clinical spectrum of C psittaci infection
ranges from an asymptomatic infection to a fulminant toxic syndrome.
Patients with ornithosis most commonly present with pneumonia or fever
of unknown origin.
 C trachomatis is an important cause of sexually transmitted diseases,
including trachoma, pelvic inflammatory disease, and cervicitis. C
trachomatis can also cause pneumonia, primarily in infants and young
children. Document cases of pneumonia due to C trachomatis have
been reported in immunocompromised adults and laboratory workers.
Mode of transmission
 The mode of transmission is different among the three species (C
pneumoniae, C psittaci, and C trachomatis), but all can cause
systemic disease by hematogenous spread. Respiratory secretions
transmit C pneumoniae from human to human, whereas infected
birds transmit C psittaci to humans via a respiratory route through
direct contact or aerosolization. [2] Birds known to cause ornithosis
include cockatiels, parrots, parakeets, macaws, chickens, ducks,
turkeys, pigeons, and sparrows, among others.
 When a pregnant woman have a C trachomatis infection of the
cervix, the organism is transmitted when the infant passes through
the infected birth canal. C trachomatis infection may cause neonatal
conjunctivitis, nasopharyngitis, otitis media, and pneumonitis. The
tendency to chronic inflammation is typical, and chronic persistent
infection may occur if a neonatal infection remains untreated.
 Immunity to chlamydial organisms is usually not persistent, leading
to repeated and chronic infections, particularly in the ocular and
urogenital systems.
C. pneumoniae pneumonia
 The estimated number of cases of C. pneumoniae
pneumonia per year in the United States is 300,000, and
the pathogen is estimated to cause 1-20% of communityacquired pneumonia (CAP) cases among adults. In
contrast, the incidence may be as high as 50% in children
with CAP
 Although C pneumoniae pneumonias occur every year,
epidemiologic studies suggest a 4-year cycle. This
disease is more common in males (60-90%) than in
females, a difference possibly due to cigarette smoking.
The incidence of C pneumoniae pneumonia is highest
among the elderly
C. psittaci pneumonia
 Psittacosis was first reported in Europe in 1879. Anyone exposed to
an infected bird is at risk for infection with C psittaci. This disease is
found worldwide and year-round, with most cases being sporadic.
 Cases of ornithosis in the United States declined after the
introduction of antibiotic-laced bird feed and a quarantine period of
30 days for imported birds. From 1988-1998, 813 cases of
psittacosis in humans were reported to the US Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC). [11] The Council of State and Territorial
Epidemiologists revised the case definition for psittacosis in June
2009 to include more stringent laboratory criteria for confirmed and
probable cases. As a result, only 4 cases of psittacosis were reported
in 2010, as compared with an average of 16 (range: 9–25) cases
reported from 2000-2009. [12] Additional information about case
reporting of psittacosis can be found through the National
Association of State Public Health Veterinarians.
 Approximately 70% of the psittacosis cases with a known source of
infection result from exposure to a pet bird. The diagnosis of
psittacosis can be difficult, and many more cases may be
undiagnosed or unreported
C. trachomatis pneumonia
 In infants, an estimated 12,000 cases of pneumonia due
to C trachomatisoccur each year, and approximately 522% of pregnant women are thought to have C
trachomatis infection of the cervix; 30-50% of neonates
born to infected mothers show culture evidence of
infection. Of infected neonates, 15-25% present with
clinical conjunctivitis and/or nasopharyngitis which can
develop into neonatal pneumonitis in some cases, and
approximately 11-20% of infants born to infected mothers
develop symptomatic pneumonia before 8 weeks of
age. [13] Adult cases have been reported in
immunocompromised hosts
Clinical Presentation
C. pneumoniae pneumonia
 Most patients infected with C. pneumoniae remain
asymptomatic. The incubation period is approximately 34 weeks. Symptoms develop in a biphasic pattern
characterized by an initial period of upper respiratory
tract symptoms (eg, rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis,
sinusitis), followed by symptoms of pneumonia after 1-4
 Fever is present in the first several days, less often after
1 week. Cough is prominent, with scant sputum
production and may persist for weeks to months despite
therapy, along with malaise.
 Hoarseness is more common than in mycoplasma or
other pneumonias. Headache occurs in as many as 60%
of cases
C. psittaci pneumonia
 Exposure to birds, especially sick ones, is a clue to the
diagnosis of C. psittaci pneumonia
 Pet shop employees and poultry industry workers are also
at risk
 The incubation period is 5-14 days or longer. Disease
severity ranges from mild to severe with associated
systemic illness. Mortality occurs in less than 5%
 Fever is the most common symptom and may reach 39.440.5°C
 Nonproductive cough has been observed in 50-80% of
cases. Chest pain is common, but pleuritic pain is rare
 C. trachomatis pneumonia
 Nasal obstruction/discharge, cough, and tachypnea are
common symptoms in C. trachomatis infection. Infants
are usually symptomatic for 3 weeks or longer before
 Most patients are afebrile and only moderately ill.
 Scattered crackles with good breath sounds are
characteristic. Wheezing is usually absent.
 Conjunctivitis and middle ear abnormality are present in
half of C. trachomatis pneumonia cases
Laboratory Tests in Chlamydial Pneumonias
 Serological testing or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the
diagnosis of C. pneumoniae. Despite evident drawbacks,
serology is still considered the gold standard, but this is likely to
change. The preferred serologic test is
microimmunofluorescence (MIF) with an IgM titer ≥1:16 or a 4fold increase in IgG titer. Culture for C. pneumoniae is technically
complex and time consuming. Isolation of the organism by
 For C. psittaci compatible clinical illness with a 4-fold rise (to a
reciprocal titer of 32 or greater by paired sera collected at least 2
weeks apart) in CF or MIF. Detection of an IgM titer of 16 or
greater against C psittaci by MIF
 Clinical findings suggest the diagnosis of C. trachomatis
pneumonia. chlamydial inclusions or elementary bodies on
Giemsa-stained smears of the conjunctivae or nasopharynx
confirms the diagnosis. Antichlamydial IgM titer may be
elevated in infected infants
Treatment of Chlamydial Pneumonias
 The goals of pharmacotherapy are to eradicate infection,
reduce morbidity, and prevent complications.
Tetracyclines and macrolides are the drugs of choice for
chlamydial pneumonias.
Tetracyclines are bacteriostatic in nature; they work by
inhibiting protein synthesis.
Macrolides inhibit bacterial growth, possibly by blocking
dissociation of peptidyl t-RNA from ribosomes, thus causing
cessation of RNA-dependent protein synthesis.
AZD0914 (AstraZeneca) is a novel DNA-gyrase inhibitor,
which has in-vitro activity against C. trachomatis and C.
pneumoniae comparable to commonly used antimicrobials
such as levofloxacin, azithromycin, and doxycycline.
(Legionnaires’ Disease)
 Legionella is a genus of Gram-negative bacilli that take
their name from the American Legion convention where
they were first discovered.
 The species designation of the prime human pathogen,
Legionella pneumophila, reflects its propensity to cause
pneumonia. Legionella species are widespread in the
 Transmitted through aerosolization or aspiration of
Legionella-contaminated water, but it is NOT spread by
human-human interaction
 Immunocompromised individuals are most susceptible
 Legionellae are inhaled into the lung from an aquatic
source in the environment. Once there, they produce a
destructive pneumonia marked by headache, fever, chills,
dry cough, and chest pain.
 Although there may be multiple foci in both lungs and
extension to the pleura, spread outside the respiratory
tree is very rare.
 The widely publicized outbreak of pneumonia among attendees
of the July 21st, 1976 American Legion convention in Philadelphia
led to the isolation of a previously unrecognized infectious agent,
L. pneumophila.
In nature, Legionella species are ubiquitous in fresh water
particularly in warm weather.
Transmission to humans is possible when the water supply of
buildings becomes colonized and the system includes devices
that create aerosols.
Most outbreaks have occurred in or around large buildings such
as hotels, factories, and hospitals involving cooling towers or
some other part of the air-conditioning system.
Some hospital outbreaks have implicated respiratory devices and
potable water coming from parts of the hot water system such as
hot tubs, cooling towers, hot water tanks, faucets and shower
 L. pneumophila attacks the lung, producing a necrotizing
multifocal pneumonia.
 Microscopically, the process involves the alveoli and terminal
bronchioles, with relative sparing of the larger bronchioles and
bronchi .
 The inflammatory exudate contains fibrin, polymorphonuclear
neutrophils (PMNs), mechanisms involving multiple molecules.
One outer membrane protein (OMP) binds C3, facilitating
phagocyte recognition, and induces pores in the membrane
of the macrophage. Another OMP called macrophage invasion
potentiator (Mip) determines cell entry.
 Inside the vacuole the bacteria continue to replicate by
preventing phagosomelysosome fusion and instead recruiting
rough endoplasmic reticulum to the phagosome.
 Legionnaires’ disease is a severe toxic pneumonia that begins
with myalgia and headache, followed by a rapidly rising
fever. A dry cough may develop and later become
productive, but sputum production is not a prominent feature.
Chills, pleuritic chest pain, vomiting, diarrhea, confusion, and
delirium may all be seen.
 Radiologically, patchy or interstitial infiltrates with a tendency
to progress toward nodular consolidation are present
unilaterally or bilaterally.
 A less common form of disease called Pontiac fever (named
for a 1968 Michigan outbreak), is a nonpneumonic illness with
fever, myalgia, dry cough and a short incubation period (6 to
48 hours). Pontiac fever is a self-limiting illness and may
represent a reaction to endotoxin or hypersensitivity to
components of the Legionella or their protozoan hosts.
Difference between Legionnaires' disease and Pontiac Fever
Legionnaires' disease
Clinical features
Radiographic pneumonia
Pneumonia, cough, fever
Pontiac Fever
Flu-like illness (fever, chills,
malaise) without
Incubation period
2-14 days after exposure
24-72 hours after exposure
Etiologic agent
Legionella species
Legionella species
Attack rate
Isolation of organism
< 5%
> 90%
Hospitalization common
Case-fatality rate: 5-30%
Hospitalization uncommon
Case-fatality rate: 0%
 The best means is direct fluorescent antibody (DFA)
smears combined with culture of infected tissues. For this
purpose, a high-quality specimen is preferred, because the
organism may not be found in sputum. Typically, the Gram
smear shows no bacteria, but the organisms are
demonstrated by DFA using L. pneumophila-specific
conjugates. It is positive in only 25 to 50% of cultureproved cases.
 Cultures must be made on buffered charcoal yeast extract
(BCYE) agar medium that meets the growth requirements
of Legionella.
 The diagnosis of legionellosis can also be established by
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of a rRNA
gene common to all Legionella species
 The best information on antimicrobial therapy is still
provided by the original Philadelphia outbreak.
 Patients treated with erythromycin clearly did better than
those given the penicillins, cephalosporins, or
aminoglycosides. Subsequently, it was shown that most
Legionella produce β-lactamases.
 In vitro susceptibility tests and animal studies have
confirmed the activity of erythromycin and showed that
tetracycline, rifampin, and the newer quinolones are also
active. Although the other antimicrobics are sometimes
used in combination, erythromycin and the newer
macrolides (azithromycin, clarithromycin) remain the agents
of choice.
 The prevention of legionellosis involves minimizing production of
aerosols in public places from water that may be contaminated
with Legionella.
Although outbreaks connected with large buildings have received
the most attention, cases have been traced to sources as
common as the mists used in supermarkets to make the
vegetables look shiny and fresh.
Prevention is complicated by the fact that Legionella bacteria are
relatively resistant to chlorine and heat. They have been isolated
from hot water tanks held at over 50° C.
Methods for decontaminating water systems are still under
evaluation. Some outbreaks have been aborted by
hyperchlorination, by correcting malfunctions in water systems,
or by temporarily elevating the system temperature above 70° C.
The installation of silver and copper ionization systems similar to
those used in large swimming pools has been effective.