상처, 욕창, 궤양 치료시 비아핀 사용법

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Transcript 상처, 욕창, 궤양 치료시 비아핀 사용법

KNOTT ‘S TECHNIQUE: Blood extraction is performed by a
peristaltic pump. The patients vein is canalized and blood
extraction proceeds via a sterile closed tubing circuit that runs
through a pump and into an irradiation cuvette where the blood is
exposed to UV Photons. From there the blood continues to a
sterile receiving bottle. When all the blood collected is irradiated
and contained in the bottle, the pump is reversed and the blood is
once again irradiated before returning to the patient.
SYRINGE TECHNIQUE: This technique employs a 60cc syringe
without a needle, which is connected to sterile tubing, which is in
turned connected to a 9cm long cuvette and from there to the
canalized vein of the patient. Blood is extracted by pulling back
on the syringe and then reinfusion occurs by syringe injection.
This motion back and forth is repeated 3 to 4 times depending on
the volume of blood needed. Safety measure are greatly lacking in
this type of procedure.
ELDESON TECHNIQUE: Utilized by THERAKOS of Johnson and
Johnson. Here a patient’s vein is canalized and blood is extracted
by pump action to a plasma separator. The whole blood is
separated into Plasma and Serum. The Plasma continues via
sterile tubing to the irradiation chamber; from there the blood is
reconstituted into whole blood and reinfused back into the patient.
This procedure takes 4:50 minutes and is very costly.
UVC-irradiation tubes
aspirated vene
60-ml-single use
integrated single use blood whirling-quartz glass cuvette
UVC-irradiation tubes
10-ml-single use
UVE-single use-quartz glass cuvette
FERNANDEZ TECHNIQUE: Dr. Fernandez developed a blood irradiation
process which is extremely efficient, viable, safe and dependable. In our
technique the patients vein canalization and blood extraction is performed
by conventional methods, such as those employed by the RED
CROSS. After collection is completed, the blood bag is connected to the
irradiator and to a disposable sterile tubing kit and to the PCICuvette. The blood is then pumped via a peristaltic pump at a precise
flow rate; this guarantees precise dosage. The blood then flows to an
irradiation chamber via a sterile spiral cuvette and is exposed to the exact
dosage of UV photons. The blood then continues to a secondary
collection bag. Once the irradiation process is complete (aprox. 3-7
minutes) and the collection bag is full, is it disconnected from the
disposable kit and placed on an IV pole to be reinfused to the patient by
conventional transfusion methods. Dr. Fernandez utilizes a blood
administration kit with a 70micron filter to avoid any clots from being
The PCI-1 has a special feature which is a memory chip that contains the
patients complete medical history and dosage prescription provided by
the attending physician. This chip must be inserted into a USB port on the
machine in order for treatment to be initiated. This safety precaution
avoids mistakes in dosage and assures patient and medical personnel
safety. The blood never comes into contact with the ambient and the
patient is never attached to the machine. Procedure takes 25 minutes.
Mechanisms of Action
the illumination of the blood in the treatment chamber destroys or
alters bacteria and viruses in the extracted blood in such a way as
to provoke a reaction by the immune system upon its return to the
body, which in turn destroys most or all of the other bacteria or
virus in the body
the activation of 4-5 percent of the blood then spreads
throughout the entire volume of the blood upon reinfusion, and
the induced secondary emissions (biophotons are emitted by the
activated cells. An incoming photon in photon therapy excites an
electron to a higher energy level. When the electron drops back to
its original level, it in turn emits a secondary photon.) destroy
virus, bacteria, and-in autoimmune diseases-activated white
blood cells. It is not clear to what extent the secondary emissions
in photon therapy are immediate (fluorescent) or delayed
the treatment itself, though quite modest in intensity, has an
impact on the autonomic nervous system (hence the frequent
instances of flushing of the skin) and is perceived as a
threat/stimulus by the entire immune system, which springs into
action and thereby contributes to destroying bacteria or virus.
Bacteria and viruses are more vulnerable to biophotonic
emissions than are somatic cells. Photon therapy forms
pyrimidine dimers and otherwise disrupts the DNA of
microorganisms. In contrast, as long as somatic cells are
not metabolically active, they have the capability of
withstanding modest amounts of biophotons emitted by
blood cells.
Photon therapy stimulates the activity of white blood cells;
on the other, excess amounts destroy various white blood
cells. This second point suggests a reason why photon
therapy seems so effective against autoimmune diseases.
In autoimmune disorders it appears that the metabolically
active T-cells and other immune cells absorb much greater
numbers of biophotons than ordinary body cells, and this
destroys them, thus slowing down or stopping the disease.
Activated T-cells in particular are prone to absorb
secondary biophotons following photon therapy as a
source of energy just as they absorb at a very high rate
glucose and other energy-bearing molecules.
This picture proves that bacterium are susceptible to destruction
once exposed to UV pulse modulation irradiation. Viruses
which are smaller than bacteria are readily destroyed by
Rationale and Method of Treatment
The Knott technique of blood irradiation (approved by the American Blood
Irradiation Society) achieves the following physiologic objectives:
Increases the blood oxygen level
Increase phagocytosis (white blood cell activity)
Relieves toxemia,
Decreases edema (swelling)
Controls nausea and vomiting.
The treatment consists of withdrawing blood from the patient and by use of
the Knott hemo-irradiator, exposing it to radiant energy between the wave
lengths of 2,399 and 3,900 angstrom units as it passes through the
irradiation unit at a predetermined rate. The blood is returned to the
patient through the needle used for the initial venipuncture (IV). The entire
system is “closed” meaning the patient’s blood never leaves the tubing or
the bottle and is simply returned back into the vein after passing through
the UV device. Treatment requires 15-60 minutes depending on the
amount of blood treated and how fast the blood flows. After the treatment,
15 minutes of rest is required, after which time the patient may resume
whatever activity is permitted by his or her Woodlands Healing Research
Center physician.
Indications: According to the Foundation For Blood Irradiation,
Inc, UBI has been found useful in treating:
Viral Infections
Poliomyelitis , polioencephalitis, myelitis
Hepatitis: infectious, serum
Common upper respiratory
Herpes simplex, Herpes zoster
Mononucleosis, Mumps,
Bacterial Infections
Septicemia (staphyloccocus,
streptococcus, pneumococcus)
Wound Infections, lymphatic
infections (lymphangitis)
Typhoid Fever
Recurrent skin infections
(furunculosis, carbunulosis)
Inflammatory Conditions
Acute thrombophlebitis,
fibrositis, bursitis, nephritis, iritis,
uveitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Circulation Conditions
Varicose and diabetic ulcers
Peripheral vascular disease
Vascular headaches
Non-healing Wounds and
Adjunctive cancer treatment
The results of treatment
inactivation of toxins
destruction and inhibition of growth of bacteria
increase in the oxygen-combining power of the
blood and oxygen transportation to organs
activation of steroid hormones
activation of white blood cells
stimulation of cellular and humoral immunity
stimulation of fibrinolysis
decreased viscosity of blood
improved microcirculation
stimulation of corticosteroid production
decreased platelet aggregation