How do plants and animals predict weather ?

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How do Plants and Animals predict
By Sahana Thirumazhusai
Fact or Coincidence
Some animals and plants can
predict the weather.
But sometimes it just might be a
Animals like the ground hog seeing
it’s shadow and magically
deciding if the winter is over.
No animal or plant could do that
100% every year.
The feline way to predict weather
“If cats lick themselves fair weather comes.”
 When there is fair weather STATIC ELECTRICITY may build up
on a cat when it touches other objects
 Cat fur loses ELECTRONS alot so cats become positive
 Most cats don’t like being stroked when the air humidity is
low because electric charge can build up and cause small
sparks which naturally irritates the cat
The feline way to predict weather
When a cat licks itself, the
moisture makes the fur more
conductive so the charge can
“leak” off
The cricket way to predict weather
Crickets can tell the temperatures
just by chirping
Cricket Temperature Formula
 Count the cricket’s chirps for
fourteen seconds
 Then add forty
 That is the temperature of
wherever the cricket is
The cow way to predict weather
“A cow with it’s tail to the west makes weather the best; A cow
with it’s tail to the east makes weather the least”
When cows graze it’s their instinct to face away from the wind
When a predator tries to attack from the back the wind sends
the smell to the animal in danger
The cow way to predict weather
East winds usually bring rain in
the northern hemisphere and
West winds usually bring fair
weather in the north
hemisphere .
If you see a cow lying down on
a field it may mean that rain is
on the way because cows can
sense the rain and lie down to
make sure they have a dry place
to lie on
The seagull way to predict weather
Seagulls roost more during low
pressure conditions than high
Since rain usually comes during
low pressure seagulls turn into
weather signs
Before a hurricane, large flocks
of Seagulls are seen roosting
The pinecone way to predict weather
A pinecone can be a useful
weather tool
In dry weather the scales shrivel
up and stand out stiffly
When they close up it means
that rain is on the way
The flower way to predict weather
"Pimpernel, pimpernel, tell
me true. Whether the
weather be fine or no. No
heart can think, no tongue
can tell. The virtues of the
Chickweed, dandelions,
bindweeds, wild indigo, clovers,
morning glories, scarlet
pimpernels and tulips all fold
their petals up during rain.
The fungi way to predict weather
Rain star, mushrooms and
mosses open up when there is
rain and they close when there
is dry weather
The woolen way to predict weather
Wool can also predict weather
in a way similar to the
pinecones and the flowers
When the air is dry the wool
shrinks and curls up and if the
rain is on the way it swells and
straightens out
The kelp way to predict weather
Kelp or seaweed or weather
weed predict weather
These weather indicators
predicts weather by shriveling
when dry and swells up and
feels damp if rain threatens
Kelp can grow to be as tall as
200 feet
Fact and cool stuff
Animals and Plants use the sun as a calendar to know
when to hibernate, migrate etc.
Temperatures and weather help them to decide.
Did you know that harvested kelp algin is used in the
manufacturing of ice cream, salad dressing, beer, paper
and cosmetics among other things
Kelp is grown in china and Japan for food