Transcript Document

“Assessing Bacterial Accumulation in
Artemia salina for Use in the Rearing of
Yellow Perch”
Dawn Turney
St. Marys of the Mills School, Laurel, MD
UMCES Sea Grant Summer Research Fellow 2003
Dr. Andy Lazur
Associate Professor/Extension Aquaculture Specialist
Horn Point Laboratory, Cambridge, MD
Yellow perch project
Hatchery technician
Artemia project
Daily water quality monitoring
Develop a treatment for live foods
to reduce pathogenic bacteria
Feeding/Animal Husbandry
Monitor mortality rates in Artemia cultures
over time
Isolation and enumeration of
Systems maintenance
Injecting yellow perch with an egg
ripening hormone in order to
encourage spawning
Testing water quality parameters in
the Tuckahoe River where quality
yellow perch eggs have been found
Yellow Perch Project Background
• Principal Investigators: Dr. Andy Lazur, Dr. Bill Van
Heukelem. Graduate Research Assistant: Mark Rath
• Off-Season Spawning Trial of Yellow Perch Perca
•Fish are divided into four groups and isolated into
rooms where temperature and photoperiod are controlled
•Seasons are accelerated to try to achieve four spawns
per year instead of the normal single spawn
•Spawning was successful but problems arose with egg
quality and development and larval (“fry”) survival.
Bacterial loading in Artemia cultures
•Used different hatching and treatment methods to try to
identify a way to reduce the amount of bacteria found in
Artemia detritus
•Monitored Artemia mortality rates over time
•Isolated and quantified types of bacteria found in different
Methods used in Artemia Bacterial Loading study
• Five treatments with two replicates per treatment
•Six trials
• First two trials were test runs to determine the best
techniques and methodology
• Four final trials conducted to complete replicates
• Treatments used:
•Natural Hatch (NH)
•NH + Oxytetracycline
•NH + Potassium Permanganate
•Decapsulated Hatch (DH)
•DH + Oxytetracycline
Methods Continued
•Cultures were treated and monitored over a 24 hour period for
changes in mortality, then collected
•Determined wet weight of 100 micron mesh over a sieve
• Poured treatments through mesh to collect detritus and bacterial
•Obtained weight of detritus and bacterial accumulation
•Cultured bacterial residue on soy agar petri dishes for identification
• Fixed and enumerated bacterial cultures
Grams of Bacterial Accumulation Per Treatment
Grams of Bacterial
trial 1
trial 2
trial 3
Conclusion: A general trend can be seen, however
trials have not been completed, therefore no definite
conclusions can be made.
Classroom Project
“The effect of abiotic factors on
hatching and mortality rates of
Grade Level 6-8
Major Emphasis: Biology, Microbiology, Environmental
Major Curriculum Area: Science
Related Curriculum Area: Math
Dawn Turney
St. Marys of the Mills
Laurel, MD
Classroom Project
5E Model
Students will:
•Learn to use a compound microscope
•Identify, observe, and describe Artemia salina
•Define and give examples of abiotic factors that
impact water quality
•Gain an understanding of pH
•Discover and describe how water quality impacts
aquatic organisms
•Tie observations made in the classroom to issues
related to the Chesapeake Bay
How do abiotic factors such as pH,
temperature, light, salinity, and
contaminants effect the hatching rate and
mortality of aquatic organisms?
Students will design their own experiment
and form their own hypothesis based on
previously presented material. An example
might be, “Artemia will hatch more quickly
when more salt is added to the water.”
5E Model
An Approach to Enhance Scientific Investigation in the Classroom
Engagement: Grab the students' attention and stimulate their thinking
Exploration: Students think, plan, investigate, and organize collected
Explanation: Students analyze their exploration
Students expand and solidify their understanding of the
concept & apply it to real world situations
Evaluation: Scoring tools developed by the teacher and students to
target what students must know
Grab the students attention and stimulate their thinking
dehydrated cysts, hydrated cysts, and live Artemia using a
compound microscope. Observe and describe shape of cysts
and the anatomy and movements of live Artemia
Scavenger hunt
for related information. Example questions may be: What is
pH? When might the pH of water be lower? What is salinity?
Describe the habitat where Artemia can be found in nature.
Have other aquatic organisms been effected by the condition of
the water? What are they? How have they been effected?
Possible Sources: 1. Web sites 2. Text Books 3. Newspapers/
Magazines 4. Library Books
Students think, plan, investigate, and organize collected information
THINK-Students will brainstorm on their own several problems
they would like to investigate and ways to design an experiment
in order to test their problem. (Suggested topics may be: the
effect of: pH, temperature, light, salinity, fertilizer, oil, eroded
soil, on the rate of hatch or on live Artemia.)
PAIR- Students will discuss their ideas with other students at their
lab table and decide on a problem, hypothesis and an
experimental design.
SHARE - Lab table groups will share their work with the class.
Class will offer compliments and constructive criticism/
suggestions for improvement of project designs.
Students analyze their exploration
• Analyze data in groups and as a class
• Graph data (what type of graph is best to use?)
• Tables and graphs displayed and discussed
•Give an explanation for the results found in each
Students expand and solidify their understanding of the
concept & apply it to real world situations
•Research the health of a nearby water body.
•Invite experts (such as someone from Dept. of Natural
Resources) into the classroom to discuss water
quality/pollution issues in the area
•Visit and test water quality parameters at a nearby water
body (pond, stream, estuary, etc.)
•Coordinate a clean up of the designated area
•Coordinate with local government in order to paint storm
drains with “Please Do Not Dump/ Chesapeake Bay
Drainage” signs
Scoring tools designed to target what students must know
•Assessment rubric design may be based on:
Class/lab participation, project design (Did it follow
scientific method? Were ideas sound?), data collection
methods, analysis of data
•Formal assessment tool may be used to ensure all
objectives are met
•Oral/Written report which addresses the importance of
abiotic factors to aquatic organisms, water quality issues
that have faced the Bay, and the possible impact of those
issues on the organisms that live in the Bay
Dr. Andy Lazur, Horn Point Laboratory
Dr. Bill Van Heukelem, Horn Point Laboratory
Mr. Mark Rath, University of Maryland
Mr. Russell D. Long IV, Salisbury University
Dr. Byron Crump, Horn Point Laboratory
Brine Shrimp Direct, Technical FAQ: Brine Shrimp Egg