Bioremediation: Past and Future Practices
Transcript Bioremediation: Past and Future Practices
Bioremediation of Petroleum and
Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons:
Theory and Applications
Dr. Carol Litchfield
Dept. Environmental Science & Policy
George Mason University
Manassas, Virginia, U.S. A.
October 2005
Brief introduction to hydrogeology and the subsurface
Overview of the theory of bioremediation
What is Bioremediation?
In the most general terms, this is the process by
which organisms (from any domain) transform
For our purposes it is the transformation of
chemicals considered to be contaminants or
When aerobic microorganisms are involved, it
means the production of CO2, biomass, water,
and perhaps other ions such as Cl-
Some Terms and Understanding
of the Subsurface
Groundwater: subsurface water
Water Table: water level in the subsurface where the
pressure of the water equals the atmospheric pressure
and soil pores are completely saturated with water
Hydraulic Conductivity: water flow rate per cross
sectional area; units of cm2/m/day or meters/day
Vadose Zone: zone of unsaturation above the water
table. It may or may not include the interface.
Saturated Zone: soils where water is always present
NAPL: nonaqueous phase liquid
DNPL: dense nonaqueous phase liquid
Soil Texture & Porosity
Aerobic Heterotrophic Metabolism
Molecular oxygen provides the electron
acceptor for the oxidation of organic
Organic carbon is used for energy and
growth and this includes methane but not
carbon dioxide
Examples: mammals, birds, fish, bacteria
Anaerobic Metabolism
Anaerobic bacteria live and grow in the
presence of reduced compounds and with either
the total absence of molecular oxygen or its
greatly reduced concentration
Compounds which can serve as terminal
electron acceptors for anaerobes are: carbon
dioxide, nitrate, sulfate, iron, humates and
glucose (producing lactic acid and ethanol)
The transformation of a nongrowth
compound when an organism is growing
on another substrate and deriving its
carbon and energy from the second
substrate. That is, the first compound is
“accidentally” transformed and provides no
benefit to the organism
Some Terms and Understanding of the
Retardation: the extent to which substances or
chemicals are prevented from moving in soils or
in the subsurface:
cation exchange capacity
Kow (octanol:water partition coefficient)
chemical reactions
other organic matter
microbial action
Retardation of Bacteria
Cross Section of the Subsurface
Hydraulic Conductivities of Different Soil
Surface clay soils
0.01 to 0.2
Deep clay beds
10 -8 to 10 -12
Surface loam soils
0.1 to 1.0
Fine sand
1.0 to 5.0
Medium sand
5.0 to 20.0
Coarse sand
100 to 1000
Sand and gravel
5.0 to 100
Glacial till
0.001 to 0.1
0.001 to 0
10 -7
Dense solid rock
10 -5
Fractured or weathered rock
0.001 to 1
Traditional Technologies
Pump and Treat if a Liquid
Excavate and treat on site
with soil washing
Remediation Options
Excavate and remove to landfill or incinerate
Slurry wall
Pump and Treat
Free-phase removal
Pump groundwater and air strip or carbon filter
Chemical/physical oxidation
Hydrogen peroxide
Reverse Osmosis
Thermal treatment
Use In Situ treatments
Soil venting
Advantages of Bioremediation
Can be highly specific
Less expensive than excavation or incineration
If mineralization occurs get complete
degradation and clean up
Does not transfer contaminants from one
environment to another
Uses a natural process
Good public acceptance
Process is simple
If using ISB you will treat the groundwater and
soil at the same time
Disadvantages to Bioremediation
Not instantaneous
Often need to develop a system
Always need to test and optimize conditions
empirically – not with computer models
May have inhibitors present
Compounds may not be in a biodegradable form
– polymers, plastics
Compounds may be recalcitrant – higher
congeners of PCBs
How Do We Begin Bioremediation?
Determine there is a problem
Monitor the surface/subsurface soils and
Types of Organisms
Pure cultures
Flavobacterium spp.
Pseudomonas spp.
Mixed cultures
Methane-utilizing bacteria (anaerobes)
Genetically engineered microorganisms
What Types of Organisms Have
Been Used?
• Fungi
• Plants (Phytoremediation)
• Bacteria
– The natural community
– Bioaugmentation
What Types of Compounds Can Be
Treated Biologically?
Petroleum Hydrocarbons
Diesel Fuel
Gasoline Additives such as MTBE
Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons
Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
Chlorinated Aliphatics: trichlorethylene
Chlorinated Aromatics : PCB’s, Pentachlorophenol
Inorganics via Reduction to a Lower Valence Causing
Uranium, Technicium
Sulfur and Sulfuric Acid
Ammonia or Nitrate/Nitrite
Environmental Conditions for
• Aerobic – where oxygen in some form is
added to the treatment environment
• Anaerobic – where nitrate, iron, or other
electron acceptor is added to the
treatment environment
• Combinations - where a combination of
the above is used, often in pulses
What Biological Technologies Are
In situ Bioremediation (ISB) or Enhanced
Natural Bioremediation
Bioventing/ Biosparging
Engineered Treatment Cells
Bioreactor Design Considerations
Type of contaminant: soil, sludge, water
Hydraulic residence time
Bacterial residence time
Oxygen transfer
Contaminant levels and likelihood of interactions
Discharge standards and air emission controls
Sludge disposal
Operational costs: capital equipment, personnel,
chemicals, duration
Definition: The addition of microorganisms
to the reaction chamber whether in situ or
above ground
Considerations before bioaugmenting:
Ability to survive
Ability to function
Assurances that they are nonpathogenic to
higher life forms
Types of Bioremediation Using Indigenous
On Site
Above ground bioreactor for soils and/or
Solid phase treatment cells for soils
Landfarming for soils but could use for water
if not much water is contaminated
Composting of soils
In situ bioremediation
A process for treating contaminated soils
using microorganisms in a heat generating
process so that the contaminants are
degraded at an accelerated rate.
Definition of In Situ Bioremediation (ISB)
The treatment in place without excavation
of contaminated soils or sediments. This
may require construction in the
soils/sediments of barriers to contain the
movement of the groundwater, nutrients,
or contaminants
Factors to Consider in Any In Situ
Geochemistry – the interaction of any
treatments with the soil mineralogy
Hydrogeology – how does the subsurface
water move
Biodegradability – rate, extent, and
pathways of degradation
Redox condition – is this an oxidizing or
reduced environment
Principles of ISB
Bacteria occur naturally in subsurface soils and water.
These bacteria have adapted to their environment
Microbial activity is limited by environmental or nutrient
When these limiting factors are corrected, the microbial
community can degrade the contaminants to biomass,
carbon dioxide, water, and salts if appropriate
Growth stimulation can be controlled by controlling the
addition of the nutrients.
Aerobic biodegradation is preferred because it is faster
and tends to result in more complete degradation
Microbial transformations can lead to more toxic
materials or complete degradation
Information Required for any ISB Process
Is there an acclimated population?
How many are there?
Is there a reducing zone indicating that bacteria
are already active there?
What is the hydrology of the site?
What is the vertical and horizontal distribution of
the contaminants?
What are the concentrations of the
What is the lithology of the subsurface?
Steps in Performing an ISB
Historical background
Obtain fresh core and groundwater samples
Run a screening study to determine if adapted
organisms are there, their numbers, and whether they
can degrade the contaminant
Duration: 1- 4 weeks
Cost: Minimal
Optimize the conditions to determine the best electron
acceptor, optimal nutrient mixture, and evaluate the
rate and extent of biodegradation
Duration: 14-20 weeks
Cost:$10,000 - $100,000
Steps in Performing an ISB, cont’d.
Perform a soil-nutrient interaction study
Duration: 1-5 days depending on
Cost: Minimal
Engineering Designs
Implementation: monitoring soils and/or
groundwater to show biodegradation is
Indicators of an Acclimated Microbial
Depressed oxygen levels in the area of
the spill
Increased numbers of colonies capable of
growing on the contaminant
Increased levels of ATP
Demonstration in microcosm studies that
have degradation of the contaminants
If appropriate, increased levels of salts in
the groundwater
How to Enhance the Indigenous
Microbial Community
Add nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, trace
metals, co-substrates
Add electron acceptor: oxygen, nitrate,
humates, etc.
Information Required for In Situ
Adapted microorganisms are present
Radius of influence of the wellspermeability of the soils to gases
Likely flow paths
Presence of natural biogenic gases:
carbon dioxide, methane, and oxygen
Evidence of in situ respiration