The Cascade A Timeline of Chronic Disease

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A Timeline of Chronic Disease –
Prevention to Restoring Health
Presented by
Damon P. Miller II, MD
Box 50399, Palo Alto, CA 94303
William S. Coury
 Founded American Nutriceuticals in 1998
 Mentor
 Healer
 Cancer Survivor
 Inventor
 Teacher
William S. Coury
 Motivated by a desire to live, and a desire to serve.
 Survived an osteosarcoma in his tibia that arose
from a site of chronic osteomyelitis (following a
pedestrian vs. car accident)
 Refused amputation. Survival of this tumor
without surgical resection is almost unheard of.
William S. Coury
Bill had much help, and some important mentors:
 Lahey Clinic
 Cleveland Clinic
 McGill
 Ernesto Contreras in Tiajuana
 Dr. Hans Nieper
Bill spent much of 1970 to 1975 working with and
treated by Dr. Nieper at Sloan Kettering. He was given
access to facilities for research and study while there.
William S. Coury
Yesterday is Gone
Tomorrow belongs to God.
The only moment you are alive in your entire life
is this moment right now.
Cherish the moment.
Say, “I will live with the grace of God,
and I will do good for others.”
Cancer, the Problem
 Cancer is the major cause of death (non-trauma)
in all age groups under 65 years.
 Some of the largest increases in cancer incidence
are in younger cohorts,
ie: Greatest increase in breast cancer incidence
in the 22-25 year old cohort in the United
States (see Fortune Mag. Jan, 2003)
Cancer Mortality (Sweden)
 Journal of Australian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine Vol. 21
No. 1; April 2002: pages 3-8
(from BEIR-VII,
Current Cancer Treatment
 From the news in 2004:
 “The FDA approved the drug for advanced colorectal
cancer. While the drug does not extend cancer
patients' lives, studies have shown that it does reduce
the size of tumors.”
 "This has enormous potential," said Robert Mayer,
director of gastrointestinal oncology at the DanaFarber Cancer Institute in Boston. "And this is only the
first wave. There are several more underway. That's
why this is such a very exciting time."
Current Cancer Treatment
 Cancer Patient Survival Report Number 5, January
1976 by Lillian M. & M.A. & Ardyce J. Asire & M.S. & Max
H. Myers ED. Axtell (funding by HEW, NIH and US-Public
Health Service
 Compiled 3 year survival results for many cancers treated
with combinations of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy
(specific therapies)
 Included data on people who had opted for “non-specific”
therapies. Survival in this category better than for specific
therapies for many cancers, sometimes much better.
 (There was no Report Number 6)
Current Cancer Treatment
 The “General Social Survey”, federal non-partisan
polling has shown a significant decrease since the
1970’s in the faith people have in the Pillar Institutions
of our society. People’s faith in the Medical
Establishment has deteriorated significantly.
 This growing reluctance to follow blindly the advice of
your physician is compounded by a broader access to
information about the ineffectiveness of many cancer
ie: “The Contribution of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 5-year
Survival in Adult Malignancies”, Clinical Oncology (2004) 16:
The Null Set
 When the only choices available are surgery,
chemotherapy and radiation therapy, sometimes the
best choice is to do nothing.
 Precious little research on cancer treatment that has
studied the null set – what happens if you do nothing
vs. treatment.
Natural history of breast cancers detected in the Swedish
mammography screening programme: a cohort study. Lancet
Oncol 2011; 12: 1118–24
 Once you and your client have decided to do “nothing”,
then we can show you what can be done.
The Disease of Cancer
 The disease of cancer is the uncontrolled growth of
abnormal cells.
 A tumor is a symptom of the disease.
 Eliminate the symptom and leave the disease, and
the person simply develops another malignancy.
Clinicians know this.
The Growth of Cancer
 Cancer is a twelve year disease, with a tumor appearing at
about the eighth year (= one billion cancer cells = 1 gram= size of
 Assumes an average cell doubling time of 90 days
 Growth of tumor not linear, with growth increased during periods of
 Tumors arising in response to radiation, extreme stressors, or in the
presence of pre-existing genetic malformations move this calendar
 Skin tumors can vary (faster or slower)
One Billion Cancer Cells
The Cascade℠
The Cascade is a chronological explanation of
the progression of health status from a
balanced state to a chronic disease or
cancerous state, and how the opportunities
for undetectable cellular abnormalities
places one in “The Cascade Timeline”.
The Cascade℠
Understanding the Progression of Chronic Disease:
How a Chronic
Disease Begins
What is the
Role of
What is the
Result of
Damage to
How Cells
Evade Immune
How a Tumor
Attracts Blood
What is the
Role of pH
What is
How a Tumor
is Created
The Cascade
How Chronic Disease Begins
 Work in Japan with electron microscope studies has
shown that, on average, there are 75 million cells per
day that are abnormal and need to be cleared by our
immune system.
 Equilibrium between the health of the immune system
and the total load of abnormal cells in the body at any
given time.
75,000,000 Cancer Cells
Immune System
The Cascade
How Chronic Disease Begins
Increased Stress
Increase above 75 million cells
*It only takes two weeks of stress and/or other immune
suppression for the cells to become abnormal and
evade the normal immune response bringing someone
further down the timeline of chronic disease.
Causes of
The Cascade
What is the Role of the Mitochondria
 Work of Bruce Ames, Ph.D
 Toxins are carried to the mitochondria,
whose job it is to combust them.
 Incomplete combustion of toxins, for a variety of
reasons, leads to the production of excessive
amounts of O2 Free Radicals
The Cascade
What is the Role of the Mitochondria
 Video from Dr. Ames lab of a
mitochondria spewing free
radicals in the cytoplasm of a
 This excessive production of
free radicals as a consequence
of the incomplete combustion
of toxins magnifies the
damage caused by the toxins
we carry.
 Streams of these free radicals are now flowing from the
mitochondria heading to the RNA/DNA and causes damage.
The Cascade
What is the Result of Damage to RNA/DNA
 DNA / RNA behaves as a crystal
 Work of Rosalind Franklin with X-Ray diffraction
studies to characterize DNA (identified joints)
 Human DNA strands are 6 feet long, yet can fold
and compress to 1 Angstrom (1x10-6 mm)
 “Joints” become the outside walls of the compressed
The Cascade
What is the Result of Damage to RNA/DNA
 The “Joints” in the DNA / RNA strand contain the switches
controlling apoptosis.
 Repeated insult to these switches by free radicals, toxins,
radiation, etc. damages the switches and they stay “on” 
resulting in uncontrolled growth of the abnormal cell
(onco cell).
Loss of
No Control
Onco Cell
The Cascade
How Cells Evade Immune System Detection
 Immune System kills things “Not Self”
 Compromised Immune System for
two weeks allows sufficient time for
newly formed onco cells to attach
to connective tissue, coat themselves
with fibrin and mucus, and shield
themselves from immune system.
 Japanese electron microscopic studies showing 15x
layers of fibrin.
The Cascade
How a Tumor is Created
 These abnormal cells with no
apoptosis switch continue to divide
making bad copies of itself.
 They are now coated with fibrin
which “masks” them from normal
immune system destruction.
 Since the fibrinogen and phlegm are
very sticky, the coated cells begin to
stick together to form a colony 
now you have a tumor.
The Cascade
What is Progenitor Cryptocides
 Work of Dr. Virginia
and the identification
of Progenitor
Cryptocides as an
organism almost
universally present in
the sac around solid
The Cascade
What is Progenitor Cryptocides
 Progenitor Cryptocides, a strep like bacterium
 Produces a substance analogous to HCG
 What does the immune system do with non-self
cells that are coated with HCG?
It ignores them.
 Vaccines to counter Progenitor Cryptocides
The Cascade
What is the Role of pH
 Blood enters cancer cell and glucose combustion
occurs, but also burns up nutrients and spews H+ ions
into the blood
 H+ ions have pH of 2.1-2.4
 Neighboring cells die and become food
 Cancer can only live in this acidic micro-environment
The Cascade
Sugar, Glycolosis and Cancer
 Milieu around an onco cell is an incubator, and an
 Tumor cell relies on glycolosis for energy
 Otto Warburg, Nobel Laureate in 1931
 Tumor cells can only eat sugar
 2 glucose receptors on a normal cell,
but 23 or more glucose receptors on
an onco cell
The Cascade
Sugar, Glycolosis and Cancer?
 If an oncologist tells you that limiting sugar
consumption is not important, remind them of the
mechanism behind a PET scan.
 Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG), avidly taken up by
cancer cells.
 What about fruit?
 Fructose + fluorine-18 works for PET
 Limit all sugars
The Cascade
How a Tumor Attracts Blood Supply
 Colony looking for a good
blood supply to get more
 Touches smooth muscle,
draws in blood supply
The Cascade
 Cancer is not a “spontaneous eruption” in the body.
Nothing in nature is spontaneous.
 When you understand how a cancer forms, and how
cancer establishes a happy home in a body,
Then you can develop preventative strategies to
manage and control the imbalances that occur
in the beginning of the Timeline as well as
therapeutic protocols for “known” cancers.
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
• As described, cancer is a 12 year disease. It is
imperative to understand where your patients fall
in The Cascade Timeline.
• Test EVERYONE...As we know prevention is key!
• Give the body the tools to innately do what the
body knows what to do!
• Should someone test for any aspect of The
Cascade Timeline, there are strategies for
providing preventative & therapeutic support for
returning to homeostasis.
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
Specific Body System Support
 Chinese Herbal Medicine, by C.P. Li, MD, U.S. Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, DHEW Publication No. (NIH) 75-732, 1974
 Medicine in Chinese Cultures: comparative studies of health care in
Chinese and other societies: papers and discussions from a conference
held in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A., February 1974. edited by Arthur
Kleinman ... [et al.]. [Washington], U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and
Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, for sale by
the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1975 [i.e. 1976] (DHEW
publication, no. (NIH) 75-653)
 Orleans, Leo A.]. A bibliography of Chinese sources on medicine and
public health in the People's Republic of China: 1960-1970; a publication
of Geographic Health Studies by the John E. Fogarty International Center
for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences. [Bethesda, Md.] U.S. Dept.
of Health, Education, and Welfare, National Institutes of Health (DHEW
Publication no. (NIH) 73-439)
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
Specific Body System Support
• At ANY given time within The Cascade Timeline, an
individual may need support for specific systems that
tests imbalanced.
• Important to detect these BEFORE becoming chronic
and more difficult to reverse.
• Natura 101-901 Chinese Herbal Formulas are system
specific for these imbalances:
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
Specific Body System Support
“Natura Saves Lives”
 Dr. Huang the current holder of the mantle of a
medical tradition that dates back to at least the year
1200 A.D. in China
 Natura formulas are “medicine” in China and used for
more than 1,000 years in more than 100 countries on
over 500,000 patients.
 Over 4,000 cases of patients were clinically analyzed
showing average effectiveness rate of 83.5%!
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
Support & Increase Immune System
 Healthy Diet, Juicing, Raw Foods
 Addressing other health needs
 Remember the see-saw: if the immune system is
depressed, the total number of cancer cells
 Support for immune function, anti-inflammatory
support, adaptogens.
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
Support & Increase Immune System
Immune Support
Keio University, Japan, Cancer Letters, 1993
 Noni “may have turned pre-cancer cells back into
normal cell”
 Conclusion- “Noni was the most effective…among 500
tested extracts”
Physician survey– 3700 pain patients; 87%
reported decrease in symptoms
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
Support & Increase Immune System
 Alkylglycerols derived from specially processed
shark liver oil with over 50 years of clinical data
 Regulates immune functions (WBC, RBC,
antibodies, platelets)
 ALSO great mercury detoxifier without kidney
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
Detoxification Inside & Outside of Cells
Stress Release
 Naturally increases the production of SOD (Super-
Oxide Dismutase) – the “intercellular garbage men”
 All cancer cells have very low levels of SOD
 Especially useful at clearing the toxicity from
chemotherapy and radiation 
reduces side effects.
 Large amounts used in Chernobyl and Japan
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
Oxidative Therapy
Before oxidation damages the RNA/DNA apoptosis
switch and starts making “bad copies” of itself, need to
increase antioxidant activity at the cellular level.
Vitality C
 A combination of Sodium Ascorbate and a specially
formulated ribose allows large ORAL dosing of
Vitamin C, usually circumventing need for IV Vitamin C. Easy, simple and cheap.
 Contains 4 Grams of Vit C and 2 Grams of GMS-
Ribose per tsp WITHOUT stomach upset
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
Oxidative Therapy
 Extensive literature on Vitamin C and cancer
treatment, both as a single agent, and in protocols.
 Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 19, No. 4,
2004 (pdf’s at
 Excellent issue devoted to use of antioxidant in
conjunction with chemotherapy.
 Most patients treated concurrently with antioxidants
and chemotherapy did better than chemotherapy
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
Oxidative Therapy
 76 year old man, diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer.
 So sickened by first attempt at chemotherapy that he
refused all further therapy.
 Contacted by his family for suggestions of things to
make him comfortable.
 Suggested that he eliminate all sugar, and take
Vitality C to bowel tolerance.
 Maintained this program for over three years. After
three years, decided to stop protocol, and died two
months later.
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
Remove Fibrin
When immune system suppressed, cancer cell will coat
itself with fibrinogen to “hide” and look like “self” to
bypass normal destruction response.
 Large doses of absorbable enzymes needed to strip
the cells of its fibrin coat and “unmask” it so the
immune system can see the abnormal cells/tumor.
 = Wobenzyme + Wobe-Mucos
 Enzyme from Venus Fly-Trap important in cancer
 Nutrizyme
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
Production of Hydrogen Peroxide
Tumor is a huge oven burning glucose (glycolysis)needs sugar. Cancer cell has 23+ glucose receptor
sites vs. two on a normal cell.
Vitality C
 Vitality C has a glucose factor attached, which
causes cancer cells to love it and suck it into their
 Due to absence of catalase, it breaks down the
hydrogen plus ions into hydrogen peroxide
causing cell death from inside.
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
Shift Microcellular pH
 When glucose is combusted inside the tumor, H+ ions are
released producing an extremely acidic
microenvironment in which tumors can only survive.
 Acidic environment around tumor binds K+ and Mg++ and
causes adjacent normal cells to pull their apoptosis
switch, and they then become food.
 must shift to alkaline environment
 Cesium Chloride (Ce) & Rubidium Chloride (Rb)
formula displaces the excess of H+ ions around the
tumor disrupting its’ defenses
 Alkalizing must be done at the cellular level and in the
immediate environment around the tumor.
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
Shift Total Body pH
 A different conversation than shifting the pH in the
microenvironment around the tumor.
 The easiest, simplest and cheapest way to make
yourself more alkaline is to breathe a bit fuller and
slower than you usually breathe.
 Search “isokinetic breathing” on for a
simple breathing exercise that can shift your salivary
ph to a more alkaline state in just four or five minutes.
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
Inhibit Angiogenesis
 In angiogenesis, the cancer cells reach out to
arteries and veins to pull in a blood supply for the
colony. The cancer cells/tumor needs the glucose
(sugar) in our blood in order to live.
 A natural product derived from Convolvulus
arvensis (or Bindweed)
 The isolated group of proteoglycan molecules
(PGM’s) have shown anti-angiogenesis properties
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
Restore Normal Membrane Potentials
Biologically Closed Electric Circuits:
Clinical, Experimental and
Theoretical Evidence for an
Additional Circulatory System
Bjorn E. W. Nordenstrom, MD (Sweden)
 Investigation of the natural
currents around tumors and other
pathology, with the hypothesis that
these currents were a part of the
body’s attempt at healing.
 Microcurrent therapies to cure
tumors an inadequate single
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
Adjunctive Aspects
 Water, Water, Water!!!
 Skin brushing
 Parasite cleanse
 Reduce stress
 Liver/Gallbladder flush
 Exercise
 Coffee enemas
 Emotional Detox
 Nutrition / Juicing
 Meditation
 Far Infra-red sauna
 Inflammation
 Foot detoxing
 Hormonal Balance
 Chelation (Oral or IV)
 Lymphatic drainage
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
 Detoxification is critical if we are to restore health and
support the terrain of the body.
 Forget testing. We are all full of any toxin you can test
for, and in large amounts.
 EDS testing measures the body’s response to, or
attitude about, the various toxins.
 Dr. Cowden’s LED procedure is simple, elegant and
powerful. Well described in online courses at
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
 The combination of the individualized homeopathic
nosodes and energetic medicine (IR and laser) stir up
the toxins.
 Once mobilized, significant support with drainage
remedies and chelators is needed to allow complete
excretion of the toxins.
 LED greatly accelerates the detoxification process, and
when well managed, is very well tolerated. Just try it,
but educate yourself first.
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
 The new heavy metals
we are dealing with are
isotopes from the
nuclear age.
 Experience from the
Fukushima, etc.
 Stress Release (AN) and
Radiation Detox
Strategies for The Cascade Timeline
Adjunctive Aspects - Emotional Toxicity
 Work of Dr. Hamer
 Work of Claude Sabbah, and his
student, Gilbert Renaud (Vancouver,
 How the stressors and conflicts that challenge
us settle into our bodies.
 “All diseases are cancer”
The Cascade
 Paper by Dr. Judah Folkman
 Role of Angiogenesis in Human
Tumor Dormancy, Cell Cycle
5:16, 1779-1787, 15 August 2006
 “Microscopic human cancers can remain in an
asymptomatic, non-detectable, and occult state for
the life of a person.”
 And, Can cancer cells revert to normal tissue???
The Cascade
 What if there was a simple test that
could tell you if someone was in The
Cascade Timeline?
 What if your work with a person began
before they actually had a tumor?
Patient Evaluation
 Use of galvanic skin response training to evaluate a
person’s place in The Cascade
 Biosurvey for the Zyto from American Nutriceuticals
 “Cascade Biosurvey”
 Information from evaluation of the body’s tissues and
systems combined with the balancing provided by
adding proteolytic enzymes, oxidative therapies and
the different Natura products to identify if someone is
in the Cascade.