Transcript Projectsx
Case Study 1 and Projects
CS510 Selected Topics: Using XML and
Related Languages
Tonight’s agenda
Trial quiz
Intro to XML (part 1)
Review syllabus
Intro to XML (part 2)
Assignments for next week
New Perspectives on XML, 2nd Edition
Tutorial 1
Trial Quiz
• Write down your answers to the following
• What do the following HTML tags mean?
– <h1> Lincoln’s Gettysburg address </h1>
– <p> Four score and seven years ago…</p>
– </br>
• What are the differences and similarities
between a relational database and an XML
New Perspectives on XML, 2nd Edition
Tutorial 1
You will need a web site
• Personal web pages are available to all
Maseeh College users
– Your web page will be named:
• Free google web site
• Do a google search on “free web site”
• No facebook sites please
You will need FTP to upload
documents to your web site
• I use FTP on Fire Fox:
Using FireFox FTP
Case Problem 1
1. Complete Case Problem 1: Jackson Electronics
– Include your name in the upper left hand corner
2. Post the completed case study on your web site
3. Send an e-mail before Wednesday, April 10,
11:59 pm
To: [email protected]
Subject: Case Problem 1 by <your name>
Body: url to your completed project
New Perspectives on XML, 2nd Edition
Tutorial 1
Course project 1: Using an existing
XML vocabulary
Goal: To use an existing XML vocabulary for implementing a computing project in
which you are interested
1. Review
2. Select an XML vocabulary that matches your interests
3. Familiarize yourself with XML vocabulary by reading its Wikipedia entry.
4. Determine if there is an XML vocabulary processor/interpreter available for free (or
possibly a 30-day free trial). You may need to do several Google searches to
identify and locate these processors
5. Prepare a classroom presentation that demonstrates the following
a. create the document using the XML vocabulary. You may use an editing tool
that generates the XML vocabulary code
b. Display the XML code
c. Render the document using the XML vocabulary processor/interpreter
New Perspectives on XML, 2nd Edition
Tutorial 1
Course project 1: Using an existing
XML vocabulary
Use MathXML to create a tutorial for deriving the quadratic equation
2. Use MusicXML to create a document for an original music composition that can be
renderer as an audio file and displayed as a musical score
3. Use Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) to display two-dimensional geometric figures
for use in a tutorial for calculating areas of rectangles, triangles, and parallelograms
4. Use RDF to create Entity-Relationship description of a database that you designed
for your database management class
5. Use SCXML to create a state transition diagram for a software project that you have
worked on
6. Use DTTA to create documentation for a computer program you have written
New Perspectives on XML, 2nd Edition
Tutorial 1
Course project 2: Define and use an
new XML vocabulary
Goal: To gain proficiency in using XML design and development tools
1. Define a new XML vocabulary by creating a CSS or SCHEMA
2. Create an XML document using that vocabulary
3. Validate the XML document using its DTD or SCHEMA
4. Using either CSS or XSLT, render the document on a laptop display
5. Using either CSS or XSLT, render the document on a small hand-held display
6. Using either CSS or XSLT, render the document as a PDF file.
New Perspectives on XML, 2nd Edition
Tutorial 1
Course project 2: Define and use an
new XML vocabulary
Enter and display recipes (at least three yummy dishes)
2. Enter and display ancestry information including stories and antidotes
3. Enter and display three guided tours with pictures of points of interest in Portland
4. Music genre including description and examples from YouTube
New Perspectives on XML, 2nd Edition
Tutorial 1
Project Approval Process
For each project, write a proposal that includes:
1. Student Name(s)
2. Project Name
3. Goal of the project
4. Intended user of the project software
5. Software tools and languages to be used to implement the
6. For each team member, estimated time in person-hours to
(a) learn how to use the software tools and languages (b)
design the project, (c) implement and test the project
7. Learning goals: what do you hope to learn by completing this
New Perspectives on XML, 2nd Edition
Tutorial 1
Project Approval Process
Have your project ready (but do not submit) by 7:00 pm
Wednesday April 10
Submit the project proposals as an e-mail messages after
Wednesday April 10 and before Saturday April 13
11:59 pm:
To: [email protected]
Subject: Course project <n> proposal by <your name>
And insert your project proposal
Do not begin work on the projects before I approve
New Perspectives on XML, 2nd Edition
Tutorial 1