Transcript Lecture_8x

Web Design:
Basic to Advanced Techniques
Fall 2010
Mondays 7-9pm
200 Sutardja-Dai Hall
jQuery and AJAX
Lecture Code: 788458
Today’s Agenda
 Review JavaScript from last lecture
 Forms: Post, Get
 jQuery APIs
Ajax: jQuery Ajax API
Effects: jQuery Effects API
Events: jQuery Events API
Manipulation: jQuery Maniplation API
Traversing: jQuery Traversing API
 Ajax
 MP #2 Part 2 deadline extended Friday (10/29)
 YouTube video tutorial up
 MP #3 tWDDer due Monday (11/1)
 Finish today’s lab and turn in for MP #3
 Office hours Wednesday night? 7PM?
 CSS Positioning
 MP #2 & MP #3 help
 Final Project Reminder
Feedback #1
 Lecture
 Summarize key points form prev. lecture
 More social interaction (group work)
 More live examples
 Mini Projects
 More screencasted assignments
 Help Outside of Class
 Office Hours
 Workshops
 Additional Resources
List of Resources
Photoshop Tutorial
Supplemental Worksheets
Syntax Cheatsheets
Feedback #1 Cont.
 Lecturers
 Alex
 Will provide more examples
 Shouldn’t miss any more class (missed a few lectures due to
business trips)
 Amber
 Will talk slower
 Jon
 Will be more enthusiastic and engaging
 Opportunities
 ? Last semester had a few recruiters probably because of
 Ask Alex, Amber, and Jon if you want to get more info on
freelance work or working on a project
Changing After Load
• WDD fishes and clouds move
• Google changes results on the fly
JavaScript or PHP?
 JavaScript allows us to do one of the two criteria for
dynamic pages. Which one?
 “Change After Load” or “Different Depending on
A: Change After Load
What is JavaScript?
Client Side
Server Side
 Web Browser
 Web Server
 HTTP Request (visit website)
 Serve Website
 Interpret and render received
Execute JavaScript
Runs in your browser
– on the client side
 Send HTML and CSS files
 Send images
Send JavaScript code
Q: Why can’t JavaScript serve a
different page depending on request?
A: Executed on the client side after page load
What does JavaScript do?
 “Plays with the blocks”
 Modifies HTML and CSS
 “Moves blocks around”
 Change position of HTML objects via CSS
 “Buys new and throws away old blocks”
 Can create and delete HTML objects and CSS rules
 “Stacks blocks”
 Can change nested structure of HTML code
 Essentially change HTML and CSS in anyway it wants
 Anything you could have created or styled ahead of time in
HTML and CSS, JavaScript can create or style after the page
has loaded
How do we spot JavaScript?
 If a HTML and CSS page is anything but static, there’s
JavaScript there.
 Only exception is :hover, :active, :visited pseudo classes for
How does JavaScript do it?
 Browser represents web page as a DOM tree
 DOM = Document Object Model
DOM Tree
 Each HTML element is a node on the tree (an object)
 Its container (whatever it is nested in) is its parent
 What is nested within it is its children
 Each object has attributes (HTML and CSS)
 <img src=“” />
 img { border: 1px solid black; }
1px solid black;
Basic Coding Flow in jQuery
1. Select element that you want to modify using $() syntax
 $(‘CSS Select String’)
2. Chain function calls after select tag
 $(‘p’).css(‘color’, ‘red’).click(function(){$(this).remove(); });
Selecting HTML Elements
 jQuery allows us to use CSS selectors in conjunction with
$ to select objects in HTML
 $(‘#myElement’) gives us the element with id=“myElement”
 $(‘img’) gives us an array of all images on page
 Selecting elements with $ also gives the element some
additional JavaScript functionality which include…
Changing Element Attributes
 Method: .attr
 Get attributes with:
 $(‘#myImg’).attr(‘src’);
 Set attributes with:
 $(‘#myImg’).attr(‘src’, ‘someImage.jpg’);
 $(‘#myImg’).attr({ src : ‘someImage.jpg’, alt : ‘some image’
Changing CSS Properties
 Method: .css
 Get properties with:
 $(‘h1’).css(‘color’);
 Set properties with:
 $(‘h1’).css(‘color’, ‘red’);
 $(‘h1’).css({ color: ‘red’, ‘font-weight’ : ‘normal’ });
Adding CSS Class
 Method: .addClass
 $(‘#myDiv’).addClass(‘header’);
 Method: .removeClass
 $(‘#myDiv’).removeClass(‘header’);
Event handling
 Mouse click
 $(“#blah").click(function() { alert("Hello world!"); });
 Hover
 $('#blah').mouseover(function() { alert(“Hello world!”); });
 Keyup/down/press, onfocus/blur, etc.
 For more, check out the Jquery API:
JavaScript Functions
 Doesn’t do anything until called
 Controlled execution
 Repetitive (code reusability)
 function doSomething(var1, var2, …){
Math Functions (Remember from algebra?)
 f(x) = x2 + x + 3
 f(1) = 12 + 1 + 3 = 5
 f(x, y) = x3 + y2 + 1
 f(2, 1) = 23 + 12 + 1 = 10
 Basic idea: Functions are machines that take can
take an input, do some stuff, then spit a result out.
These functions can also have variable number of
JavaScript Functions (cont’d)
 Anonymous functions
 Assign it to a variable to call later
 var eatCakeAnon = function(){
alert("So delicious and moist");
 Pass it directly as a function argument (callback)
 $('#target').click(function() {
alert(‘Something happened!');
Stringing along jQuery commands
 With jQuery you can string along any other jQuery
commands, as long as you’ve selected the element first.
 $(“div”).attr(title, “newTitle”)
 $(“div”).css(background-color, “newColor”);
 $(“div”).attr(title, “newTitle”).css(background-color,
.append() vs .appendTo()
 $('<p>Test</p>').appendTo('.inner');
 This first creates an HTML element with inner text and
appends to all elements in the existimg HTML DOM with
class “inner”
 $('.inner').append('<p>Test</p>');
 This looks for all element with class “inner” first, then
appends “<p>Test</p>” to each one
jQuery Traversal
 .add(selector)
 .children(selector)
 .first()
 .last()
 .parent()
 .find(selector)
 .closest()
jQuery Manipulation
 .addClass()—covered this
 .removeClass()—covered this
 .append(), .prepend() —covered this
 .appendTo(), .prependTo() —covered this
 .after(), .before()
 .remove()
 .val()
jQuery Effects
 .slideDown()
 .slideUp()
 .slideToggle()
 .hide()
 .show()
 .animate()
HTML Forms
<form name="input" action="html_form_action.php" method="get"> </form>
 action: the URL you will be directing the submitting
arguments to
 name: specifies the name of the form. It’s not strictly
necessary, but can be referenced in a script (ie.
 Method: either ‘get’ or ‘post’. More about this next.
 Main point: this allows us to pass values to a server (like
updating facebook statuses).
 A GET request will generate a parameters driven URL
 Parameters are passed in the following form:
 <URL>?key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=…
 ? – lets the browser know anything thereafter are
parameters to be passed to the server
 Each parameter is formulated by a ‘key=value’ pair. Each
‘key=value’ pair is delaminated (separated) by a ‘&’
GET Example
 Our Domain:
 The URL we want to send parameters to:
 Attach parameters like so:
 ?key=tWDDer>twitter&created_after=2000-1-1 00:00:00
 key, created_after – these are the ‘keys’ names of parameters
we wish to send.
 tWDDer>twitter, 2000-1-1 00:00:00 – these are the ‘values’
of their respective ‘keys’
 Can’t really be visualized, but we can see the results by
looking at the web traffic through FireBug.
<form action="form_action.asp“ method=“post”>
First name: <input type="text" name="FirstName" />
Last name: <input type="text" name="LastName" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
 There’s a huge discussion around when and how to use it.
 Good: More secure, hides the data
away from plain sight
 Good: Server Caches the
since it’s not limited by URL length
parameters, so if you submit with
the same parameters more than
once, it might not have to do the
computation over again.
 Bad: the server cannot cache these
 Good: remains in browser history
 Good: Handles long requests well,
 If you are doing password inputs,
use this! Sensitive data should use
 Can be bookmarked, therefore also
available for distribution among
friends (ie sending google search
 Bad: Values available in plain sight
Resource: The Definitive Guide to GET vs POST
What is AJAX?
…We’re not talking about your household cleanser!
What is AJAX?
 Asynchronous JavaScript And XML
 Asynchronous—fetches/sends data to the server without a
page refresh
 JavaScript—you know this already
 XML—Extensible Markup Language (Like HTML!). It’s human
readable, but don’t worry about it too much.
<title>AJAX for dummies</title>
<publisher>Berkeley Books</publisher>
<author>Some guys you've never heard of</author>
 It’s part of Javascript, so it’s Client-side technology
 So what can it do for us?
What’s going on? (just the Ajax view)
1. Synchronous Actions (Initial load)
a. You visit
b. Google’s Web Server receives
request and serves you the web
2. Asynchronous Actions
a. Event triggered by zooming
(actually .click()). Each
magnification “redraws” the map.
Client-side makes Ajax call to
retrieve the new map images at
the set zoom level.
Demo: tWDDer Lab
How do we do Ajax with jQuery?
url: <URL>,
data: { key1:value1, key2:value2, key3=… },
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest){
//This is your callback, where you do stuff after a success
error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){
//fallback in case the request failed.
Resource: jQuery .ajax()
 Piece of executable code that is passed as an argument to
other code
 Allows us control timing of function calls
 Allows us to execute X only if Y was sucessful.
 Just like the jQuery .click()
$("p").click(function () {
The Future of Ajax
 Ajax is everywhere on the web today (google, facebook, twitter).
 Limitations
 It is a Pull Technology: we have to keep blindly asking the server for
data, even if it’s not available yet. Not good if we want a live feed
application with twitter updates.
 It might be better for the server to send us data when it’s available.
There is much less wasteful traffic and overhead.
 The next cool thing: HTML 5 WebSockets.
 Allows Push Technology: when the data is read, the server
contacts us.
 For the web enthusiasts…this works by keeping a persistent
 Q: Is this Client-side?
A: Yes, AND also Server-side!
References & Additional Resources
 jQuery APIs
Ajax: jQuery Ajax API
Effects: jQuery Effects API
Events: jQuery Events API
Manipulation: jQuery Maniplation API
Traversing: jQuery Traversing API
 Websockets
 HTML 5 Web Sockets vs. Comet and Ajax
 HTML5 Web Sockets: A Quantum Leap in Scalability for the
JavaScript Date() – Just a
 It is part of plain JavaScript, not jQuery!
 To create it, you will need to do
 var myDate = new Date();
 Some functions it has
myDate .getTime() - Milliseconds since 1/1/1970 @ 12:00 AM
myDate . getSeconds() - Number of seconds (0-59)
myDate . getMinutes() - Number of minutes (0-59)
myDate . getHours() - Number of hours (0-23)
myDate . getDay() - Day of the week(0-6). 0 = Sunday, ... ,
myDate . getDate() - Day of the month (0-31)
myDate . getMonth() - Number of month (0-11)
myDate . getFullYear() - The four digit year (1970-9999)
Resources: Javascript Tutorial – Date, JavaScript Date Object