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Transcript PI_Feb2003_EOT_KV

Education, Outreach
and Training
Overall objective: Better integration of
ecoinformatics, in general, and SEEK tools,
specifically, into the ecological and biodiversity
•RCN training (annual)
•New faculty seminar (annual)
•SDSC tutorials (semi-annual)
•Distributed graduate seminar (semi-annual)
•Web resources
All Approaches
• FR1: Cover computer science topics
comprehensively, presenting the relevant
background information needed to achieve
understanding by college-level non-computer
•FR2: Stress the barriers to data sharing,
benefits of data sharing (e.g. intellectual property
issues, reward systems).
RCN Training
• FR6: Includes coverage of basic
ecoinformatics concepts as well as hands-on
experience with relevant software tools and
•FR8: Is tailored for field biologists, with
examples relevant to their needs.
New Faculty Training
FR9: Is competitive, for new faculty and postdoctoral associates.
FR10: Targets minority and women scholars.
FR11: Includes coverage of basic ecoinformatics
concepts as well as hands-on experience with
relevant software tools and technologies.
FR12: Topics include IT challenges for
environmental scientists, scientific databases,
metadata, data discovery and analysis tools,
visualization, scientific workflow, grids, networks,
and the WWW.
FR13: Closely tied to web resources, so new
faculty are introduced to web materials they can
use in course development.
SDSC Tutorials
FR14: 3 hour, hands on tutorials held during SDSC
events. Attendees typically have a high degree of
technical sophistication, but little ecological
FR15: Potential for tutorials in other settings (ESA,
Distributed Graduate Seminar
FR17: 10-week seminars on technological issues
FR18: Incorporate online instruction from leaders in the
field, online discussion by participants, and web-based
FR19: Involve a faculty member on site
FR20: Incorporate 4 universities.
FR22: Approved for graduate credit at participating
FR24: Topics include IT issues such as semantic mediation,
grid technology, and analytical pipelines, and computational
approaches in ecology, such as modeling types (e.g. GARP,
and other analytical models that will be developed in the
SEEK infrastructure).
Web Resources
FR25: Easily downloaded and understandable by a
college graduate.
FR26: Self-contained, with links to additional
information and resources.
FR27: Where applicable, includes web-based tools
and tutorials.
Use Cases
• UC1: Scientist downloads document that explains how to
access and use the EcoGrid, and is successful in using the
EcoGrid after reading the document.
• UC2: Professor downloads metadata training module
(powerpoint presentation and reference materials) and
successfully incorporates the module or portions thereof in
an undergraduate level course on Methods in Ecology.
•UC3: Students are exposed to SEEK tools and gains
hands-on experience in using tools to address their specific
•UC4: Promote information transfer among students and
developers; developers gain understanding of domain
specific needs and problems.
SW1: Powerpoint module on ecoinformatics basic
concepts and best practices.
SW2: Powerpoint module on quality assurance and
quality control.
SW3: Distributable technology training materials.
SW4: Documents such as user manuals that promote
tool use.
Calendar, Meetings
•½ day at Developer’s meeting May 10-16
•Working group meeting at AHM
Planned Activities
Curriculum design workshops at the meetings,
with Postdoc and Web Developers
•Hire web administrator March 2003
•Hire education postdoc by Summer 2003
•Advertise New Faculty Training at ESA in
August, Science and other venues in August and
•Proposal for ESA 2004 workshop on advanced
•RCN training at UNM, Oct. 27-Nov. 7, 2003.
•New Faculty Training, Jan. 5-9, 2004.
•SDSC Tutorial, NPACI AHM Spring 2004??
•Distributed Graduate Seminar, Fall 2004.
•RCN training in Costa Rica, Oct. 2004.
Deliverables for June 1
•Curriculum for RCN Training
•Course outline for New Faculty Training
•Course outline for Distributed Graduate Seminar
•Draft strategic plan for web resources development