1 Multimedia Technology
Transcript 1 Multimedia Technology
Int 2 Computing
Multimedia Technology
Software Development Process
You learned about The Software Development Process in
the previous unit.
As a reminder here are seven of the stages that we should
This same process can be applied when developing
multimedia projects.
WYSIWYG editors to create web pages
What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG).
This is the facility to view the web page in the
authoring package and see it exactly as it will
look on a browser.
Most web authoring packages have a preview
option which does this.
Without this facility it is very awkward for the
author, who would have to constantly view the
web page as it is being developed by saving it as
an HTML file and then viewing it in a browser.
Graphical User Interface
Modern authoring packages have a Graphical User
Interface (GUI).
The GUI enables the user to define and position objects,
attach properties like colours to them and then define
operations which are attached to the objects.
Some have the added feature of enabling the user to write
pieces of coding, or script, to control the features of the
Web authoring packages like FrontPage enable you to
move from the GUI to a scripting environment where you
can a write HTML coding.
Presentation of Multimedia Packages
Presentation software like PowerPoint can be
used to create multimedia presentations
consisting of sequences of slides which can
incorporate all the multimedia elements:
text, sound, graphics, animations and video.
These slides can use hyperlinks to produce a
complex navigational structure giving users
multiple pathways through the material.
This hyperlink will send you back to the first