Transcript Document

The Valid Web
An XML/XSL Infrastructure for
Temporal Management of Web
Authors and source
Fabio Grandi and Federica Mandreoli,
CSITE-CNR, Dip. Di Elettronica,
Informatica e Sistemistica, Universita
di Bologna
Advances in Information Systems
conference, ADVIS 2000.
World wide web
World wide web is the biggest and
continually growing database.
Some researchers studying in the field
of TDBs have changed their interesting
from relational database to Internet.
The purpose
Support time selection on the
documents of the world wide web.
Some technologies we use
XML Schema
The traditional web
There are no valid time information.
We cannot access contents in the web
page according to specific time.
The valid web
The contents in the world wide web
could be accessed selectively
according to the valid time (interesting
HTML/XHTML documents
In order to support valid time web, all
providers need to do is adding <valid>
tag to original HTML/XHTML
XML schema
XML schema is more flexible and
extensible than DTD ( Document Type
Definition ).
We use XML Schema to define new
valid, and related children tags.
XSL can support conditional operation
on XML documents.
XSL is responsible for dynamic filtering
the XML documents according to the
valid time.
How XSL operate
XSL example
This example provided by Pada
( )
Pada use XML/XSL architecture to
support database of articles.
Valid tag definition
<AttributeType name=“from” required=“yes” dt:type=“date” />
<AttributeType name=“to” required=“yes” dt:type=“date” />
<ElementType name=“validity”>
<attribute type=“from” minOccurs=“1” maxOccurs=“1” />
<attribute type=“to” minOccurs=“1” maxOccurs=“1” />
<ElementType name=“valid” content=“mixed”>
<element type=“validity” minOccurs=“1” maxOccurs=“*” />
Valid tag example
<validity from=“1980-01-01” to=“1985-12-31” />
<validity from=“1995-01-01” to=“2000-12-31” />
This is content valid from 1980 ~ 1985 but
also 1995 ~ 2000
XSL document for filtering
<xsl:template match=“valid”>
<xsl:when test=“validity()”>
select=“@*|*|comment()|pi()|text()” />
not in valid time
A simple example
View ply’s history data.
XML/XSL 的架構能夠與過去的 Web 文件
相容,而且 XSL parser 也已經被實作在
若瀏覽器能夠支援 ( 只須很小的努力 ),
則可以在網際網路上完全實踐 time
即使瀏覽器不支援,也可以使用 cookie
和 server 端的程式,讓有此需要的網
站做 time selection