Transcript Slide 1

Short demonstration of LiveWeb
with Shockwave Flash files
To view this PowerPoint presentation you will need to be using a PC running
Microsoft Windows have LiveWeb installed
( The installation is very easy.
To add a web page, after installing LiveWeb, just use menu “Insert … Web
pages…” and indicate the URL.
All the pages “embedded” in the PowerPoint presentation are live – you can
treat them exactly like you would any browser page.
The first slide (after this one) demonstrates the loading of a page with an
embedded Shockwave Flash object. The nice thing about this is that it can
be any web page, and you can have forms and buttons and such that
interact with the object via JavaScript.
The second slide points directly to the SWF file without embedding it in an
HTML page. No JavaScript allowed here.
The third slide illustrates the loading of a page that requires a password.
Sorry if you don’t know it!
Here we are just loading the directory I have of a few of Conrad’s animations.
Click on one of the files to see it just like you would in a browser.
This page targets the swf file directly at
Shown below should be