Transcript Black Holes

Black Holes
What is a black hole?
A black hole is an infinitely dense object that
occupies a single point in space. It is so dense
that not even light can escape from them.
Why is it impossible to escape from a black hole?
It is impossible to escape from a black hole
because its immense density warps space,
creating a gravitational pull that not even light
can ignore. Thus making it a black hole.
If we can not see a black hole how do we know
they exist?
We know they exist because we can see the
effects of a black hole. We can see the cosmic jets
that they generate as well as the objects they pull
What are cosmic jets?
A cosmic jet is a release of matter from the are
surrounding a black hole. Cosmic jets move at
almost the speed of light. However how they move
this fast isn’t really understood. It is believed that
opposing magnetic fields play a key role
How can something like a black hole be created?
Scientists aren’t entirely sure. Because the
changes in the universe happen so slowly, we’re
talking in hundred of thousands of years maybe
more, the process that forms a black hole has
yet to be observed. However it is believed that
when a massive enough star explodes it will
then implode and due to the unbelievable power
of that implodsion the star will collapse into a
black hole.
Okay why should we study black holes?
Well aside from curiosity and a pursuit of
knowledge, black holes could prove
instrumental in improving our
understanding of gravity. The conditions
that a black hole creates allows scientists
a natural laboratory where they can test
out their theorems. This is important
because well computer models can aid
scientists there is still nothing like the real
thing. Which is what black holes provide.
White Holes, what are they?
White holes are the opposite of black holes.
Matter is continuously pushed away from a white
hole, instead of being pulled in. They have been
predicted by as of yet no evidence has been
Well if there’s no evidence, why have they been
Mostly because of the fact that a similar
mathematic equation describes electricity, gravity
and magnetism. But so far only electricity and
magnetism have been proven to be repulsive as
well as attractive
How are black holes and white holes
related to wormholes?
It is theoretically possible for a black hole
and a white hole to ‘connect’ and form a
gateway. However both would have to be
spinning holes. Which further complicates
matters as then both would have to be
electromagnetically in sync. Also no white
holes have been found as of yet. It is also
believed that any gateway would be too
small for a human to use.