The Web as a Global Computing Platform
Transcript The Web as a Global Computing Platform
The Web As A
Global Computing Platform
[Slides from a presentation at the 7th International Conference on
High Performance Computing and Networking Europe. Amsterdam,
the Netherlands, April 1999. Associated paper published in Springer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 281-290]
Qusay H. Mahmoud
Etisalat College of Engineering
Emirates Telecommunications Corp.
e-mail: [email protected]
Web-based Global Computing
Why Global Computing
Computing using CGI
A Web-based Distributed System
Security Issues
Related Work
Web-based Computing
The Web current computing models include:
Server-side Computing (CGI)
Client-side Computing (Applets)
These are limited computing models
Were initially designed for processing fill-out
Why Global Computing?
Think of the Web as Programmable
That is, use the Web as global computers
Computing-intensive applications need:
More computing power
Better performance
A Global compute server built out of subcomponents (idle nodes on the Internet)
Use as many idle machines on the Internet as
Computing using CGI
Inconvenient: more than one program
Limited I/O: getting input from user
Lack of control
A Web-based System
Compute server with
Dynamic Class Loader
Security Manager
Client (applet, CGI script, stand-alone)
Logging facilities
Searching for compute resources
Dynamic Class Loader
Modularity: software components are fetched
dynamically, if they are needed
The client sends a URL of the program to be
run by the compute server
The compute server loads the program
Client receives results
Security Issues
Loading arbitrary classes over the network is
not secure
The compute server’s file system is at risk
Client’s code may perform some malicious
actions (e.g. deleting files)
Clients may overload compute server
Compute server may crash
Compute server runs in a restricted
environment (sandbox)
Clients do not have access to compute
server’s file system
A security policy is devised and a custom
security manager is implemented
Searching for Compute Servers
Search engines are used to locate URLs of
A broker is used to dynamically match clients’
Related Work
ParaWeb: executes parallel program on a
variety of heterogeneous hosts
World-Wide Virtual Machine: a collection of
CGI to extend Web servers functionality
Legion: workstations connected by LANs. It is
not web-based
Globus: enable applications to integrate
geographically-distributed computational and
information resources
Java is a step-forward towards programmable
No language has the Web as its run-time
So, we need:
New models of programming and computation for
global computers