The Pricing System
Transcript The Pricing System
The Pricing System
Determining Prices:
How a competitive market works
► Market
Equilibrium (AKA market clearing price)-the price where the amount sellers are willing to
supply equals the amount buyers are willing to
both forces are in balance; buyers and sellers are
► Surpluses—when
the quantity supplied exceeds
the quantity demanded at the price offered
► Shortages—when the quantity demanded exceeds
the quantity supplied at the price offered
Determining Prices:
Equilibrium Price
Determining Prices:
Shortages & Surpluses
► Shortages
► Surpluses
Managing Prices
gov’t sometimes sets prices to protect producers/ consumers from dramatic price
► Price Ceilings (maximum price)-gov’t establishes a maximum price for a particular
good. Prices above it are illegal to buy or sell; not very common
can be used to stop business from gouging customers protects consumers
Example is rent control, interest rates
Price Floors (minimum price)-gov’t establishes a minimum price for a particular
good; prices below it are illegal to buy or sell; more common
most commonly seen in agriculture, minimum wage protects producers usually
most economists are opposed to price fixing, upsets natural balance
Rationing—gov’t or other institutions decides how to distribute a product.
distributed by policy, not supply & demand
rare in U.S.; usually during war or crisis (oil embargo)
done with coupons
sporting events; playoffs to season ticket holders, colleges to students, alumni
Consequences of rationing
1. unfairness—public left out or not prioritized
2. cost—expensive to implement
3. black markets—encourages goods to be exchanged illegally
ticket scalpers
results in criminal selling of fakes/ nock-offs
Managing Prices:
Price Ceilings & Price Floors
► Price
Gov’t sets max price
below the equilibrium
► Price
Gov’t sets min price
above equilibrium
What is a shortage? What conditions will cause a
shortage? How can you correct a shortage?
What is a surplus? What conditions will cause a surplus?
How can you correct a surplus?
In a competitive market, if the level of demand stays
constant, what will happen to the price if supply increases?
Why? If supply decreases? Why?
In a competitive market, if the level of supply stays
constant, what will happen to the price if the demand
increases? Why? If the demand decreases? Why?
Give a real world example of a surplus or shortage you are
aware of and explain in microeconomic terms how the
shortage or surplus occurred?