Transcript Document

Charles Copp
This Schema…..Is Not….RDF
A lot is already covered in ABCD and EFG
Entities identified for the
Anthropology extension
Although many of the elements
related to anthropological
specimens can be mapped into the
ABCD and EFG schemas, there
are elements specific to the
domain and others that overlap
with archaeology, art and social
history. For the HHI schema , it
was decided to add only subsets of
these further domains and some
extensions to existing element
groups such as taphonomy and
dating methods.
HHI - Human History
Proposed Schema with working name
HHI.XSD: Human History Information ->
Developed under the SYNTHESYS Project in
collaboration with NHM, London & Budapest
The Schema is intended to be used in
conjunction with ABCD. It adds new elements
and extends some others.
First draft by Charles Copp, now available for
testing and comment
Covers Physical Anthropology but also includes
elements to describe cultural artefacts, burials
and excavation sites. It is not a comprehensive
archaeological schema.
Global Elements 1: anthropologyUnit
The anthropologyUnit, used in conjunction with the ABCD and EFG
schemas, provides elements for describing human and humanoid physical
remains together with details of pathology, taphonomy, socio-culteral
determinations and biographical details.
Anthropology specimens may have a great variety of dating methods some
of which, e.g. dendrochonology and cultural/historical dates have had to be
anthropologyUnit 1.1
- socioCultural elements
Some anthropological specimens can be linked
to known ethnic origins, cultures, races or even
families. It may also be possible to establish the
social status of the person in life e.g. through
associated grave goods or inscriptions.
anthropologyUnit 1.2
- Biographical elements
Some remains are of identifiabale people
or details of lives may be recorded on
coffins, tombs or associated documents and
anthropologyUnit 1.3 - Pathology elements
Many anthropological specimens
show signs of pathological change or
damage resulting from genetic
conditions, hormonal and nutritional
problems, disease, surgery, warfare
and ritual mutilation. Some post
mortem changes also resemble
pathological conditions.
anthropologyUnit 1.4 - Archaeological Taphonomy
Taphonomy is concerned with
how things are preserved and
what has happened to their
remains. Much of this is covered
in EFG for fossil remains but
anthropological remains also
have taphonomic data associated
with burial and similar rituals.
anthropologyUnit 1.4.1
- Burial
In HHI, The Burial element is
concerned with the physical remains
of the deceased and how they have
been prepared for burial and whether
they are buried singly or in multiple
interrements. Burial is associated
with the anthropologyUnit whereas
details of the grave (e.g. the pit or
tomb) are regarded as part of the
archaeological provenance of the
Global Elements 2: archaeological Provenance
Achaeological provenance extends the
Gathering element to providea place for extra
details associated with collection from
excavation sites. The element is not fully
modelled but has the basic categories of
information likely to be associated with
anthropological specimens
archaeological Provenance 2.1 - Archaeological metadata
Archaeological metadata is placed as
an extension of the Gathering
element to allow the recording of
details relating to the excavation
event and its organisation.
Geographic context allows for the
expression of the political or cultural
geographic context of the site
(possibly historical) rather than just
place names.
archaeological Provenance 2.2 - archaeological feature
Archaeological features are normally
immovable components of a site
including walls, ditches, earth mounds
and graves. Features may include many
individual contexts.
archaeological Provenance 2.2.1 - grave
Graves are archaeological features.
Most are excavations for the
deposition of burials. They occur
in many shapes, sizes and
orientations, which may have
cultural or religious significance
archaeological Provenance 2.3 - archaeological context
An archaeological context is a
single identifiablesubdivision of an
excavation e.g. the infill of a ditch
or coffin, a hearth layer or
pavement surface.
archaeologicalProvenance 2.2 .1 & 2.3.1- associated Artefacts
The data supplier might treat artefacts
either as separate specimens or as
simple lists associated with the
anthropological specimen. Lists can be
associated with a general
archaeological feature or a single
Global elements 3: culturalArtefactUnit
Called culturalArtefact to distinguish from natural artefacts. It covers essentally any
human/humanoid-made objects or modified objects. Objects may be simple or made
of many parts each with their own descriptions, materials, identifications etc.
Typological Determination
Every domain has its own naming
conventions and controlled
terminologies, although they
overlap in any details.
Archaeologists and anthropologists
use a mixture of common
classifications and other more local
typologies, which may even be
constructed at the location level.
Historical Dating Methods
There are many methods and schemes for
dating objects and events. Some, such as
Carbon isotope dates are covered in the EFG
schema but others including denrochronology
and schemes based on various calendars,
historical periods and dynasties had to be
developed for HHI