Nature vs. Nurture

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Transcript Nature vs. Nurture

Chapter 8: Development
Across the Life Span
Section 1: Issues Studying Human
Human Development
• Human development:
the scientific study of
the __________ that
occur in people as
they age from
_________ until _____
• Heredity: the genetic
___________ of
characteristics from
_______ to their offspring
Nature vs. Nurture
• Nature: the ________ of • Nurture: the _________
our ____________
of the _____________ on
characteristics on our
personality, physical
personality, physical
growth, intellectual
growth, intellectual
growth and social
growth, and social
• ________, _________,
• ____________________
___________, and
Nature vs. Nurture
• Can people learn to be good at something or are
they just born that way?
• Who is responsible?
• Heredity or the environment?
Nature vs. Nurture
• Sir Francis Galton
• Watson
• Studied thousands
• Behaviorist
of __________ and
• Believed that one
found that ________
could _______ any
ran in families
individual to become
• He concluded
___________, no
that _________
matter the _________
was the cause
the person came from
Nature vs. Nurture
• John Locke’s _________________
• We are born with a mind like a “______________”– no
innate programming
• It is only through ___________ that our __________ and
____________ are formed and shaped
Chromosomes, Genes, and DNA
• Genetics: the science of ________ traits
• DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): special molecule that
contains the ___________________ of the organism
• Contain genetic _____ for building the _________ that
make up _________________
• Ex. hair coloring, muscle, skin
• Chromosomes: tightly wound strand of _____________
__________ or DNA
• Genes: section of DNA having the same
arrangement of __________________________
Chromosomes, Genes, and DNA
• Humans have a total of ___
chromosomes in each cell
of their bodies
• ___– mother’s _____
• ___– father’s _______
• Most of our
characteristics are
determined by ____
chromosomal ____ (1
from the mother &1
from the father)
• The remaining 1 pair
determines our _____
Dominant and Recessive Genes
• Dominant: referring to a gene that ________ controls
the ____________ of a trait
• Will always be expressed in the ___________ trait
• Ex. If the dominant gene is brown hair, the
person will have brown hair
• Recessive: referring to a gene that only influences
the ___________ of a trait when _______ with an
_________ gene
• Less active trait
• Ex. Blonde hair
Genetic and Chromosome
• Several genetic disorders are carried by the ________
• Examples:
• _______________– disease of the respiratory &
digestive tract
• ________________________– blood disorder
• Tay-Sachs disorder- fatal neurological disorder
• Phenylketonuria (____)– built up levels of the
amino acid controlling skin and hair color in the
brain that can cause intellectual disabilities
Genetic and Chromosome Problems
• Chromosomal disorder result from either ____________
pairs or ________________ pairs
• Examples:
• Down Syndrome– _________________ in what
would normally be the _____ pair
• Almond-shaped, wide-set eyes and intellectual
• Klinefelter’s Syndrome– the 23rd set of sex
chromosomes is ______ (an extra ____)
• Male with reduced masculine characteristics,
enlarged breasts, obesity, and excessive height
• Turner’s Syndrome– the 23rd pair is ______ an ___
for females
• Female who is very short, infertile, and
sexually underdeveloped
Twin Studies
Psychologists and scientists use twin studies to find
out whether a trait is inherited or not
• Monozygotic twins:
identical twins formed
when __________ splits
into ________________
masses of cells, each
of which develops into
a separate embryo
• _________________
• Dizygotic Twins: often
called fraternal twins,
occurring when ______
________________ get
fertilized by separate
sperm, resulting in ___
_______ in the uterus
at the same time
• __________________
Twin Studies
• Look at identical and fraternal twins
growing up in the same household
• Same house = ___________________
• Identical twins (same _______) vs.
fraternal twins (different _______)
• If identical twins are more alike
on specific traits than fraternal
twins, it most likely means _____
are the cause (________)
• If fraternal twins are alike in
specific traits, it most likely
means the ____________ played
a large role
Twin Studies
• Identical twins separated at birth
• Despite growing up in different environments, still
• Genes (________) plays a large role in