Energy, Control & Continuity

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Energy, Control & Continuity
Energy Supply
Survival and Coordination
Nervous Coordination
Analysis and Integration
Muscles as Effectors
Selection and Evolution
Energy Supply
ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is required for endothermic
processes but can be re-synthesised when coupled to
exothermic processes: ATP ADP + Pi
ATP is synthesised across the inner membranes of the
mitochondria and chloroplasts so they are adapted to give
max. surface area. Energy for ATP synthesis is supplied by
ATP-ase enzymes that are powered by a proton gradient
NADH (NADPH in photosynthesis) and FADH2 are reduced
coenzymes that are used to carry electrons to a different
part of the organelle
Occurs in two stages:
1) Light dependent reactions
- photon hits chlorophyll molecule in PS II and excites electron.
Photolysis of H2O into oxygen, protons and electrons is
- released electrons pass through series of electron carriers
before reaching PS I
- at PS I, electrons are excited again by incident photons. They
pass through ferredoxin electron carrier
- Electrons can either travel back to plastoquinone, powering
proton pump or reach NADP reductase enzyme where NADP+
ions are reduced to NADPH
-Proton gradient powers production of ATP from ATP-ase
enzymes in thylakoid membrane
2) Light independent reactions
- rubisco enzymes catalyses the fixing of the CO2 molecule to
the 5-carbon ribulose biphosphate
- decays into two 3-carbon molecules of phosphoglycerate
- ATP from LDR is used to form diphosphoglycerate
- NADPH used to reduce this to GALP
- one molecule of GALP is removed per 3 molecules of CO2 and
the rest are modified into (i) ribulose phosphate and (ii)
ribulose biphosphate
Aerobic Respiration
Occurs in four stages:
- Glycolysis in the cytoplasm
- Link reaction in the matrix
- Krebs cycle in the matrix
- Electron transport chain on the cristae
Survival and Coordination
Human body is controlled by two major systems:
1) Nervous system
2) Endocrine system
These systems are linked together by the hypothalamus
Reflex arc is an instant uncontrolled action:
- sensory neurone  relay neurone  motor neurone
Postural reflex, e.g. knee jerk, maintains position and body
control without conscious adjustment
Endocrine glands produce hormones (peptides, proteins,
lipids) which fit into specific receptor molecules on target
cells to trigger a change in intercellular activity
Homeostasis: maintenance of constant internal body
environment. Two systems are involved:
1) Sympathetic nervous system (stimulates)
2) Parasympathetic nervous system (inhibits)
Postitive feedback: homeostatic mechanism increases the
change and brings factor further from resting level
Negative feedback: homeostatic mechanism reverses the
change and restores factor to resting level
the dermis, there are receptors to different stimuli:
pacinian corpuscles
meissner’s corpuscles
free nerve endings
For thermoregulation, there are two types of organism:
1) endotherms (produce and maintain body temp.)
2) exotherms (rely on environment to maintain body temp.)
Hypothalamus maintains thermoregulation
Temp too high:
- sweating, blood moves to surface so heat radiates away,
hairs fall so heat is not trapped, muscles become inactive
Temp too low:
- sweating stops, shivering starts (muscles vibrate), blood is
drawn away from surface, raised hairs trap air
Thyroid gland controls metabolic rate  iodine is essential
Blood Glucose Level
Pancreatic Islets of Langerhans maintain blood glucose level
- Hyperglycaemia (too much blood glucose)
- Hypoglycaemia (too little blood glucose)
- Gluconeogenesis occurs in times of starvation (glucose
production from lipid/protein sources)
Ultrafiltration: blood filtered under pressure  produces a
filtrate identical to tissue fluid
Selective reabsorption: reabsorption of useful substances
back into blood stream
Loop of Henle: reabsorbs water
Osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus: monitor osmotic blood
Baroreceptors in the circulatory system: monitor blood
The Eye
Light entering eye: focused on retina
- cornea does most refraction. Cornea and vitreous humour have
the same refractive index
- lens fine focuses using ciliary muscles:
Distant object: ciliary muscles relax, ligaments tighten
 lens becomes flat and thin
Close-up object: ciliary muscles contract, ligaments relax
 lens becomes more spherical and fat
Iris controls pupil size:
Dim light: radial muscles contract, circular muscles relax
 pupil dilates
Bright light: radial muscles relax, circular muscles contract
 pupil constricts
The Eye
Rods respond to dim light, responsible for peripheral vision.
Contain the visual pigment, rhodopsin
Cones respond to bright light, responsible for central and
colour vision. Contain the visual pigment, iodopsin
Rods – low visual acuity
Cones – high visual acuity
Trichromatic theory = red, blue and green cones. Each
detects different wavelength of light
Nervous Coordination
Predominantly in
nervous tissue
Myelinated neurones:
Myelin sheath speeds up impulse
Non-myelinated neurones:
No myelin sheath
Nervous Coordination
Glial cells:
- packed between neurones to form neuroglia tissue:
a) provides mechanical support and electrical insulation
b) Schwann cells are specialised glial cells, forming myelin
c) control nutrient and ionic balance. Break down
Nissl tissues:
- contained in neurones:
a) generate enzymes involved in impulse transmission and
synthesis of trophic factors
b) regulate growth and differentiation of nervous tissue
Nervous Coordination
When impulse is not transmitted:
- charge (resting potential) across axon membrane = -70mV
When impulse is transmitted:
- action potential is a brief reversal of resting potential
All-or-None rule:
- stimulus needs the minimum intensity to initiate an action
potential. Below this, there is no impulse
Impulse takes place over:
- temporal or spatial summation
Nervous Coordination
- are gaps between neurones to control impulses chemically
- release neurotransmitters that diffuse across synaptic cleft
and trigger action potential in membrane
- once it reaches post-synaptic neurone, enzymes break it
down and it diffuses back across synapse
Neurotransmitters used in the human body are:
- acetylcholine (motor neurones)
- noradrenaline (sympathetic synapses)
- serotonin, dopamine (in brain)
Nervous Coordination
- are effected by drugs:
Hallucinogens (LSD) mimic actions of other neurotransmitters
Nicotine is addictive
Curare and atropine block acetylcholine
Muscarine mimics acetylcholine
Analysis and Integration
Central Nervous System:
1) Spinal Cord
2) Hindbrain
3) Midbrain
4) Forebrain
Cerebral Cortex:
1) Sensory areas
2) Motor areas
3) Association areas
Visual Cortex:
1) Simple cells
2) Complex cells
3) Association areas
Analysis and Integration
Brain and spinal cord protected by:
1) Bone (skull and vertebral column)
2) Spinal and cranial meninges
3) Cerebrospinal fluid
Opposing functions of sympathetic & parasympathetic
divisions of the ANS:
1) Iris
2) Ciliary muscle
3) Lacrimal gland
4) Urinary bladder wall
Muscles are Effectors
Skeletal muscles occur in antagonistic pairs, held together by
connective tissue with a tendon at each end attached to the bones
Collagen is a fibrous protein in tendons and bones that prevent
them from breaking or stretchy
Arthropods have exoskeletons as their cuticle. This must be shed to
Skeletal muscle consists of muscle fibres, each containing many
Sliding filament hypothesis of muscle contraction is like a ratchet
Genotype: combination of alleles
 Phenotype: observable features of an organism
 Gene: length of DNA for a characteristic
 Chromosome: long DNA molecule
 Locus: position of a gene on a chromosome
 Allele: alternative form of a gene
 Homozygous: both alleles are the same (both dom, both rec)
 Heterozygous: alleles are different (dominant & recessive)
Meiosis: First Division
Meiosis: Second Division
Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes:
22 pairs of autosomes
Final pair determines sex – XX or XY
Ova have X chromosome, sperm determines X or Y
Homozygous dominant (AA) – dominant allele expressed
Homozygous recessive (aa) – recessive allele expressed
Heterozygous (Aa) – dominant allele expressed
Codominant alleles: IA & IB are A & B proteins, I0 = no proteins
- I0I0 = blood group O
- IAIA or IAI0 = blood group A
- IBIB or IBI0 = blood group B
- IAIB = blood group AB (codominance)
Parents AABB and aabb  F1 will all be AaBb
 F2 will give 9:3:3:1 ratio of phenotypes
Sex-Linked Inheritance
Occurs when the gene occurs on the sex chromosomes
Males cannot be carriers, if the faulty allele is on the X
chromosome, as they will only have one copy of the gene.
Men tend to be much more affected, as women must have both
faulty alleles, whereas men only need have one
- red/green colour blindness: recessive on X chromosome
- pattern baldness: dominant on Y chromosome
- haemophilia: recessive on X chromosome
Genetic Variation
Two types:
 Discontinuous: usually coded for by one gene
- specific outcome, e.g. hair colour
Continuous: usually polygenic
- many outcomes, e.g. mass, height
Caused by:
 Variation during meiosis
 Mutations
 Environmental factors
Genetic Variation
Gene frequencies are predicted by the Hardy-Weinberg
Total frequency for phenotype, p and q:
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1, whereby:
p2 = frequency pf AA
2pq = frequency of Aa
q2 = frequency of aa
Assuming: large population, random breeding,
no natural selection, no allele mutations
Natural Selection (selection pressure)
 Organisms whose genes give them an advantage for survival
- more likely to survive, reproduce and pass genes on
Feature arises by random mutation, and survival determines
whether feature is passed on through population
Artificial Selection
Breeding is controlled for certain characteristics
- new breeds but not new species
When no selection pressure, characteristics are best suited for
the environment in which an organism lives
A population or group of similar organisms that can reproduce
to produce fertile offspring
New species evolve by:
- isolation
- natural selection
- speciation
Evolution relies strongly on immigration and emigration
Evidence for evolution: fossil records, common blood pigments,
similar larval forms (annelids and echinoderms), similar
embryological development in mammals, fish and reptiles
 Phylum
 Class
 Order
 Family
 Genus
 Species
Canis domesticus: Canis = genus, domesticus = species
Genus has an upper case 1st letter: Canis
Species has a lower case 1st letter: domesticus
Five kingdoms of living organism:
Kingdom Animalia - multicellular eukaryotes, heterotrophic
nutrition, radial or bilateral symmetry
Kingdom Plantae – multicellular eukaryotes, cellulose cell walls
Kingdom Fungi – eukaryotes that reproduce by spore production
Kingdom Protoctista – e.g. amoeba
Kingdom Prokaryotae – no nucleus, circular DNA
Energy Supply
Survival and Coordination
Nervous Coordination
Analysis and Integration
Muscles as Effectors
Selection and Evolution