Transcript File

First Thing:
What are some perceived
traits that you share with
Objective 3.1
•Genetic predispositions may affect behavior
and or mental processes.
•Our behaviors have an evolutionary
explanation and have been passed from
generation to generation through the process
of natural selection.
•These behaviors are genetically inherited and
play a role in human behavior.
Nature vs. Nurture
 It
has long been known that certain physical
characteristics are biologically determined by
genetic inheritance.
 Color of eyes, straight or curly hair,
pigmentation of the skin and certain diseases
(such as Down Syndrome, Autism, etc.) are all a
function of the genes we inherit.
 Other physical characteristics, if not
determined, appear to be at least strongly
influenced by the genetic make-up of our
biological parents.
The importance of Nature
 Genes
are carried by threadlike bodies called
chromosomes found in the nucleus of all cells.
Humans have 23 pairs.
 Genes are often called the blueprint for life,
because they tell each of your cells what to do
and when to do it: genes can potentially
dictate many of our biological processes, which
in turn can influence our behavior.
The importance of Nature
 Height,
weight, hair loss (in men), life
expectancy and vulnerability to specific illnesses
(e.g. breast cancer in women) are positively
correlated between genetically related
 These facts have led many to speculate as to
whether psychological characteristics such as
behavioral tendencies, personality attributes
and mental abilities are also “wired in” before
we are even born.
Genetic Influence on behavior
Understanding differences in human behavior has
traditionally been done from two perspectives – the
nature approach that emphasized genes and inborn
characteristics, and the nurture approach that
emphasize learning, experience and the environment.
This was the origin of the nature/nurture debate that
spanned the 20th century.
The twentieth century saw a swing between these two
perspectives, but current thinking emphasizes gene environment interplay. This will be the thesis of our
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Genetic Influence on behavior
 Psychologists
now believe that an individual
may have a genetic predisposition towards
a certain behavior, but without the
appropriate environmental stimuli this
behavior may not be manifested ( e.g. a
genetic predisposition towards depression,
but a happy childhood environment)
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Evidence from Twin Studies
Twin studies are often used by psychologists to look at the
influence of heredity and environment.
Identical (monozygotic - MZ) twins develop from a single
fertilized ovum so any differences between them must be
due to environmental factors.
Fraternal (dizydotic - DZ) twins develop from two
separate fertilized eggs and are no more similar
genetically than brothers and sisters
Twin Studies
Identical twins serve as excellent subjects for
controlled experiments because they share prenatal
environments and those reared together also share
common family, social, and cultural environments.
Furthermore, studies of twins can both point to gene
effects and also estimate heritability, a term that
describes the magnitude of the genetic effect.
Twin Studies
 Some
of the most conclusive twin study
research has analyzed identical and fraternal
twins who were raised apart.
 Researchers
have sought to establish whether
characteristics such as personality traits,
aptitudes, and occupational preferences are
the products of.
nature or nurture
Twin Studies
 Similar
characteristics among identical twins
reared apart might indicate that their genes
played a major role in developing that trait.
 Different
characteristics might indicate the
opposite—that environmental influences
assume a much stronger role. By comparing
identical and fraternal twins, investigators can
investigate the extent to which genetic
inheritance influences behavior.
The Minnesota Twins Studies
In the most widely publicized study of this
type, launched in 1979, University of
Minnesota psychologist Thomas Bouchard
and his colleagues have chronicled the
fates of about 60 pairs of identical twins
raised separately.
Some of the pairs had scarcely met
before Bouchard contacted them, and
yet the behaviors and personalities and
social attitudes they displayed in lengthy
batteries of tests were often remarkably
The Minnesota Twins Studies
The Minnesota Twins Studies
The first pair Bouchard met, James
Arthur Springer and James Edward
Lewis, had just been reunited at age
39 after being given up by their
mother and separately adopted as
The Minnesota Twins Studies
Springer and Lewis, both Ohioans, found they had
each married and divorced a woman named Linda
and remarried a Betty.
They shared interests in mechanical drawing and
carpentry; their favorite school subject had been
math, their least favorite, spelling.
This type of twin study research has consistently
suggested that genes can play an important role in
our behaviors. But is it the only factor?
Things to consider…
 It is often difficult to separate the relative influences of
heredity and environment on human characteristics.
People who have similar genetic makeup (e.g.,
brothers and sisters, parents and their children)
typically live in similar environments as well. So when
we see similarities in behavior among members of the
same family, it is hard to know whether those
similarities are due to the genes or to the environments
that family members share.
Nevertheless, a significant body of research tells us
that both heredity and environment affect behavior.
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Things to consider…
In practice hardly any psychologist today accepts
either of the extreme positions. There are simply too
many “facts” on both sides of the argument which are
inconsistent with an “all or nothing” view.
 So instead of asking whether child development is
down to nature or nurture the question has been
reformulated as “How much?” The reality is that
genes and the environment create a chemical
cocktail that influence behavior.
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Example of Gene-Environment interplay
Thus far it has been established through research and
various studies that genetics can influence aggressive
behavior. However, researchers also agree that there is
an environmental component that needs to be
examined. Thus, it safe to safe that environment research
is just as important as genetic research. Environment
enrichment research can also be used to support this
Social Learning theory (1965)
 Bandura (1965), claims that aggressive behavior is
learned through observing and imitating aggressive other
people. His research study powerfully demonstrated the
social aspects of aggressive behaviors. We shall look at
this study in more detail under the Sociocultural level of
Gene-Environment Interaction
Genes can influence traits which affect
responses, and environment can affect gene
A genetic predisposition that makes a child restless
and hyperactive evokes an angry response from his
parents. A stressful environment can trigger genes to
manufacture neurotransmitters leading to