Transcript PPT

The involvement of G proteins
and regulators of receptor–G
protein coupling in the
pathophysiology, diagnosis and
treatment of mood disorders
Mood disorder
• 单极情绪紊乱 如抑郁症 ,狂躁症等
• 多极情绪紊乱(bipolar mood disorder )
Biochemical research in mood disorders has
focused, along the cascade of events
involved in signal transduction, from
studies at the level of the monoamine
neurotransmitter to the level of the
neurotransmitter receptors, and lately to
information transduction mechanisms
beyond receptors, involving the coupling of
receptors with signal transducers.
Research level
• Momoamine neurotrotransmitter 第一信
• Neurotrotransmitter recepter 膜受体水平
• information transduction mechanisms
beyond receptors 第二信使水平
The “pharmacological bridge” approach to the
construction of pathogenic hypotheses for mood
The pharmacological bridge approach to the
construction of biological hypotheses for the
pathogenesis of mental disorders is trying to
induce from knowledge and hypotheses
concerning the biochemical mechanisms of action
of neuro-psychiatric medications to pathogenic
and pathophysiological hypotheses,e.g.
dopamine ------------- schizophrenia
monoamine -------------mood disorders.
• First,reserpine(利血平),a medication
that decreases blood pressure by
depleting biogenic amine stores, was
known to precipitate clinical
depression in some patients
• Second, antidepressant medications(抗抑
郁药物), which alleviate clinical
depression, were found to raise the
functional capacity of the biogenic
amines in the brain.
monoamine oxidase A
A mitochondrial enzyme that plays
an important role in degradative
deamination(去胺化) of several
different amines, including
norepinephrine(去甲肾上腺素) and
The involvement of receptor signal transducers-G
proteins in the pathophysiology and treatment of
mood disorders
Lithium (Li) inhibition of beta-adrenergic
receptor coupled G proteins’ function was
suggested as a single molecular site for
antidepressant therapeutic effects of this ion .
Lithium’s molecular mechanism
interaction with G proteins was found to
involve competition with magnesium(Mg) ions
on magnesium low-affinity sites (Mg低亲和位
点)essential for guanine nucleotide (鸟苷酸)
exchange on these proteins (activation of G
proteins by guanine nucleotides .
(G protion level,mRNA level)
鸟苷酸结合蛋白(guanine nucleotidebinding regulatory protein),简称G蛋白 .
Subsequent studies have shown that lithium
decreased the levels of mRNA for the alpha
subunits of Gs, Gi and Go proteins .
Measuring G protein function through
agonist (serotonin血液中的复合胺)
enhanced guanine nucleotide binding in rat
cortical(脑皮层) membranes, lithium
was found to interfere with receptor–G
protein (Gs, Gi and Go) coupling via
a magnesium-sensitive mechanism .
G protein-coupled receptor kinases
Using a functional genomic approach
a series of candidate genes
involved in the pathogenesis of
mood disorders was identified
including G protein-coupled
receptor kinase 3 (GRK3), which was
also found to be decreased in
lymphoblastoid cell(淋巴母细胞)
lines from a subset of bipolar
patients .
More recently a single nucleotide
polymorphism (SNP单核苷多态现象) in
the promoter region of GRK3 was
found to be associated with bipolar
The findings
concerning GRK3 gene are in
accord with evidence from genomewide linkage survey suggesting
that the chromosome 22q12 (22号染色
体长臂1区2带)region contains a
susceptibility locus (易感情化区)
for bipolar disorder.
位点都可以有4 种不同的变异形式,但实际上发
生的只有两种,即转换和颠换,二者之比为2 :1。
SNP 在CG序列上出现最为频繁,而且多是C转换
为T ,原因是CG中的C 常为甲基化的,自发地脱
氨后即成为胸腺嘧啶。一般而言,SNP 是指变异
频率大于1 %的单核苷酸变异。在人类基因组
中大概每1000 个碱基就有一个SNP ,人类基因
组上的SNP 总量大概是3 ×106 个 。
Membrane-associated GRK 2/3 was
found to be increased in specimens
of postmortem prefrontal cortices
collected from depressed
patients.Acute treatment (1–6 h)
with the tricyclic antidepressant
, increased membrane-associated GRK
2/3 in rat brain. This effect
vanished(消失) with a prolonged
desipramine exposure(延长处理时间)
(24h–14days) .
Major depression was found to be
associated with reduced
platelet(血小板) GRK 2, while
treatment with mirtazapine(米尔
塔扎平,抗抑郁药) reversed(颠倒)
this abnormality .