Transcript Thalassemia

Thalassemia is among the
most common inherited
What is Thalassemia?
A group of inherited blood diseases
*Causes anemia like symptoms
*Usually found in mediterranean
region,Africa and Asia.
The two main types are alpha & beta
Individuals with Thalassemia don’t
produce enough alpha & beta
proteins. Begins in early childhood.
This causes the red blood cells to be
unable to carry enough oxygen
through the body. ( anemia)
Causes & Effects
Thalassemia is among
the most common
inherited disorders.
Thalassemia is passed
on through parents who
carry the thalassemia
genes in their cells.
As long as her partner
does not carry a gene
for thalassemia, her
children will not inherit
Although they will all be
carriers of thalassemia.
Blood transfusions are used to treat
sever forms of thalassemia.
Unfortunately, repeated blood
transfusions lead to a buildup of iron in
the body. Iron buildup can damage the
heart, liver and other organs. Bone
Marrow transplant is an option.