What is the difference between genotype and phenotype?

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Understanding the vocabulary in the
questions is extremely important. I've
noticed that once students get the square
set up they do just fine, it's that
interpretation of the words in the
question that they find most challenging.
So LEARN THE VOCAB (homozygous,
heterozygous, genotype, phenotype,
cross, etc.)
 QUESTION – What is the difference
between genotype and phenotype?
Let's say that in seals, the gene for the
length of the whiskers has two
alleles. The dominant allele (W) codes
long whiskers & the recessive allele (w)
codes for short whiskers.
A) What percentage of offspring would
be expected to have short whiskers from
the cross of two long-whiskered seals,
one that is homozygous dominant and one
that is heterozygous?
B) If one parent seal is homozygous
long-whiskered and the other is shortwhiskered, what percent of offspring
would have short whiskers?
In purple people eaters, onehorn is dominant and no horns
is recessive. Draw a Punnet
Square showing the cross of a
purple people eater that is
heterozygous for horns with a
purple people eater that does
not have horns. Summarize
the genotypes & phenotypes of
the possible offspring.
In rabbits, three toes are dominant to two toes.
What are the genotypes / phenotypes of the parents
and their offspring. The parents are homozygous
recessive and homozygous dominant.
In rabbits, red eyes are dominant to black eyes.
What is the chance that a parent who has
homozygous alleles for red eyes and a parent that
has heterozygous alleles for eye color will have
offspring with black eyes?