Transcript File

Ch. 17 Objectives
Please take out #1 Yellow Unit of Study
 Conflict Resolution: methods and
processes involved in facilitating the
peaceful ending of conflict.
 Ideology: a system of ideas and ideals,
especially one that forms the basis of
economic or political theory and policy.
The term “Renaissance” means a rebirth of art &
Draw a line down the middle and label the left side “For”
and the right side will be “Against”
For Renaissance
Against Renaissance
Bell Ringer #1-
Take out Pink Renaissance Packet
Wait for directions. You will read and write
down the main idea with supporting detail
(summary on next slide):
Main Idea
“During the Middle Ages, Europe suffered from
both war and plague. Those who survived wanted
to celebrate life and the human spirit. They began
to question institutions of the Middle Ages, which
had been unable to prevent war or to relieve
suffering brought by the plague. Some people
questioned the church, which taught Christians to
endure suffering while they awaited their rewards
in heaven. In northern Italy, writers and artists
began to express this new spirit and to experiment
with different styles. These men and women would
greatly change how Europeans saw themselves
and their world.
Main Idea
Europe suffered from both war and
plague. Those who survived wanted to
celebrate life and the human spirit.
Supporting Detail
1:”question institutions of the Middle Ages,
which had been unable to prevent war or to
relieve suffering brought by the plague”
2:“questioned the church, which taught
Christians to endure suffering while they
awaited their rewards in heaven”
3. “writers and artists began to express this
new spirit and to experiment with different
Italy: Birthplace of the
Ch. 17 Section 1
After the Middle Ages
During the Middle Ages, Europe suffered
from both war and plague.
 Those who survived wanted to celebrate
life and the human spirit.
 People began to question institutions such
as the Church.
What is Renaissance?
Definition: Revival of art and learning;
term means rebirth.
 Time Period: 1300 – 1600 AD
 Started in Northern Italy – explosion of
creativity in art, writing, and thought.
City States, and Merchants
City-States: Overseas trade helped large
city-states grow in Northern Italy.
 After the Plague, few opportunities to
expand business, Merchants began to
pursue other interests like art.
Classical and Worldly Values
Renaissance scholars looked down at the Middle
– Study of Classical Texts led to Humanism, a focus
on human potential and achievements.
– Worldly Pleasures, you could enjoy life without
upsetting god. People became Secular worldly rather
than spiritual (here and now)
– Patron of the Arts, church leaders spent money
beautifying Rome and purchasing art. More money an
individual had the more important your family was.
Men and Women during the
– Educated men had to create art
– Be educated
– Witty and Charming
– Know the classics and be charming
– Inspire in art, but rarely create it
– Educated
Renaissance Revolutionizes Art
– Religious subjects with realistic style copied
from classical models of Greece and Rome.
– Used the technique Perspective which
shows 3 dimension on a flat surface.
– Painted prominent citizens, the focus on the
Renaissance Writers
Wrote in Vernacular (your spoken
 Wrote for self expression or to portray the
individual of their subjects
Famous Renaissance Writers
Francesco Petrarch: Influential humanist,
wrote sonnets – 14 line poems.
 Boccaccio: Uses both comic and tragic
views to illustrate human conditions.
 Machiavelli: The Prince political guide with
the basis that man is selfish, and corrupt.
“The end justifies the means”
Renaissance Ideas
By the end of the 15th Century (1400 –
1499) Renaissance ideas spread north
from Italy.
 Different countries will adopt these ideas
within their own culture.
Merchants and the Medici Family
Merchants dominated politics of city-states.
Unlike nobles, merchants did not inherit social
rank. They used their wit.
Merchants believed they deserved power and
wealth because of their individual merit.
This belief in individual achievement became
important during the Renaissance.
Medici Family: powerful banking family of
Florence controlled most of Northern Italy
Famous Renaissance Artists
Leonardo da Vinci: Painter, sculpture,
inventor, and scientist
 Raphael: School of Athens (pg. 479)
 Michelangelo: Painter, used realistic style
when depicting the human body. Sistine
Chapel at the Vatican.
 Donatello: Sculpture of natural human
postures and expressions.