Transcript Slide 1

Stefanny Wilches
jenny Arias
The Nitrogen Cycle
The earth atmosphere consist of
five different biogeochemical
cycles of matter
What is nitrogen?
• A nonmetallic element that makes up about 78
percent of the atmosphere by volume, occurring
as a colorless, odorless gas. It is a component of
all proteins, making it essential for life, and it is
also found in various nitric acid, TNT, and
• Symbol N
• Atomic number 7
• Atomic weight 14.00674
• Density 1.25 gram per liter
Did you know......
o Nitrogen is in the human body,
blood, bones, tissue, and the total
amount of nitrogen in the body is
1.8 kilograms.
o If the nitrogen level rises above 78
percent you will die of asphyxiation.
o Without nitrogen plants would not
Lets get to the
… … ..
What is exactly the NITROGEN CYCLE??
• Nitrogen cycle is known to be an essential part of the living
Continuous of the Nitrogen Cycle
• Nitrogen cycle is the continuous process by which nitrogen is
exchanged between organism and the environment.
• Some of the atmosphere’s free nitrogen combines with other
elements to form compounds that are deposited in the soil.
• Nitrogen then is passed into the food chain and return to the
soil by the metabolism and decay of plants and animals.
Nitrogen Cycle has five steps:
 The process by which free nitrogen from the air is
combined with other elements to form organic
compounds that plants can use as nutrients.
Cyanobacteria and certain other form of bacteria,
especially those that live in the roots of legumes, convert
gaseous nitrogen into organic compound.
 Nitrogen goes through a process where inorganic
material gets incorporated into living things from which it
may emerge as excrete from animals or from microorganism that decomposes dead matter this process is
known as “fixed”.
◊ The process by which bacteria in soil oxidize ammonia to
form nitrates and nitrites.
How is used….
◊ The roots of the plants absorb the nitrates and nitrites
from the ground. Therefore, nitrification is an important
step in the nitrogen cycle.
◊ After that two more steps are needed to finish the
nitrification process.
◊ First, soil bacteria convert ammonia to nitrate.
◊ Finally, another soil bacterium oxidizes nitrate to nitrate.
• When the roots of the plants break down the
molecules of ammonia, take out the nutrients
and turn them into plant proteins and nucleic
• Another way in which nitrogen is assimilated is
throughout animals, whenever animals bite of
plant tissue they assimilate nitrogen by taking in
the plant nitrogen compounds and changing
them to animal compounds.
• The transformation of biological compounds into
• Ammonification starts taking organism that
produce nitrogen containing waste plus the
nitrogen compounds that occur in dead
organism, which are then are decompose
releasing the nitrogen into the environment as
• This process is done by a bacteria called
ammonifying bacteria.
• The ammonia that is mode by ammonification is
later on re-used for nitrification and assimilation.
• Is the process of reduction of nitrate to
gaseous nitrogen.
• Denitrifying bacteria helps to return
nitrogen to the atmosphere as nitrogen
gas. This is a type of bacteria is usually
found in places that lack oxygen.
3 different ways the nitrogen cycle
impact humans
• Humans double the amount of “fixed” nitrogen entering
the global nitrogen cycle. Which is severely affecting
terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
• Another example of how humans are impacting nitrogen
is throughout large quantities of nitrogen fertilizer. The
outcome of increasing the use of this fertilizer is higher
crops and can also caused water quality problems that
may explain long-term declines is coastal fisheries.
• Other ways in which nitrogen impact humans is when
fertilizers the wash down through the soil and pollute
Are you ready for the
nitrogen cycle game????