Pre-chem ch. 4

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Transcript Pre-chem ch. 4

Nomenclature and formulas of compounds
 What a compound is and how structure affects properties of compounds
 Discuss differences and similarities between ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds.
 Name and write formulas for ionic and covalent compounds.
 Differentiate between alkane, alkene, and alcohol.
 Recognize polymers and relate them to your life.
 Mixture
 Compound
 Same chemical formula
 Chemical bond
 Chemical structure
 Bond length
 Bond angle
 Ball and stick
 Space filling
 Structural formula
 Ionic
 Metal and nonmetal
 Covalent
 nonmentals
 Metallic
 metals
 Gain and lose electrons
 Metal and nonmetal
 Conduct electricity when dissolved in water
 2 nonmetals
 Sharing of electrons
 Polar
 Nonpolar
 Polyatomic ions
 Sea of electrons
 Name the cation first and the anion second.
 Monatomic cations use the element name.
 Monatomic anions take their name from the root of the element name plus the suffix
 If the compound contains a polyatomic in, simply name the ion.
 Li2O
 BeCl2
 NaCl
 MgBr2
 K2(SO4)
 (NH4)3PO4
 Lithium oxide
 Beryllium chloride
 Magnesium bromide
 Potassium sulfate
 Ammonium phospate
 To figure out the charge of the transition metal
 Multiply the number of anions by the charge
 The cations overall charge will be equal to but opposite
 Divide the overall charge by the amount of cations
 This gives you the charge of each cation
 Put this number in roman numerals and in parenthesis
 TiN
 FeO
 Fe2O3
 As2O5
 SiI4
 P4S3
 PCl3
 P4O10
 Diarsenic pentoxide
 Silicion tetroxide
 Tetraphosphorus trisulfide
 Phosphorous trichloride
 Tetraphosphorous decoxide
 C based compounds
 Alkane
 End in –ane
 Single bonded carbons
 Methane
 Ethane
 Propane
 Alkene
 End in –ene
 Double bonded
 Ethene
 propene
 Alkyne
 Triple bonded C
 Propyne
 Butyne
 Alcohol
 End in –ol
 Have an –OH group on them
 Methanol
 Ethanol
 Propanol
 Polymers- large organic molecule made of many smaller bonded units
 Biochemical Compounds- organic compound that has an important role in living
amino acid