List the characteristics of life: Organization, cells

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List the characteristics of life:
Organization, cells, response
to stimuli, homeostasis,
metabolism, growth and
development, reproduction,
and change through time.
Distinguish between homeostasis and metabolism
and between growth, development, and
Homeostasis - maintain stable internal conditions,
such as temperature: Metabolism – convert
nutrients into energy the body can use to sustain
Growth and development is how an organism
matures into adulthood: reproduction is how
organisms produce new organisms it is essential
to the existence of organisms.
Outline the main steps in the
scientific method
Making observations, asking
questions, forming hypotheses,
designing and conducting
experiments, analyzing data,
drawing conclusions, and
communicating results.
Compare a scientific hypothesis
to a scientific theory
A hypothesis is an educated
answer to the problem in a
scientific experiment, a set of
related hypothesis are true it
becomes a theory.
• State how communication in science helps
prevent dishonesty and bias
– When people publish the results of their
experiments it allows others to test the
same findings and see if they are true.
• List the function of each of the parts of a
compound light microscope
– Ocular Lens – magnifies the object
normally 10 times
– Objective Lens – Enlarges the object to
allow scientists to see stain and other
parts of the specimen.
– Stage – Platform that supports the slide.
– Light Source – provides light to the
specimen that is being observed.
• Explain the relationship between elements
and atoms
– Elements are substances that cannot be
broken down chemically into simpler
kinds of matter. Atoms are the simplest
particle of an element that retains all the
properties of that element.
• Explain the relationship between enzymes
and activation energy
– Activatoin energy is the amount of
energy that is needed to start a reaction:
Enzyme is a protein or RNA molecule
that speeds up reactions.
• Describe the structure of a water molecule
– A water molecule is composed of one
oxygen and two hydrogen atoms. The
oxygen atom is more negative than the
two hydrogen atoms. Therefore, the
water molecule has a region of partial
negative charge and a region of partial
positive charge.
• Explain how water’s polar nature affects its
ability to dissolve substances.
– In water molecule, the oxygen atom has
a greater ability than the hydrogen
atoms do to attract the electrons shared
between the oxygen and hydrogen. The
charge within the molecule is unevenly
• Identify the role of solutes and solvents in
– A solute is the substance that is being
dissolved: the solvent is the substance
that is dissolving the substance.
• Identify the role of solutes and solvents in
– A solute is the substance that is being
dissolved: the solvent is the substance
that is dissolving the substance.
• Differentiate between acids and bases.
– Acid: solution in which the number of
hydronium ions is greater that the
number of hydroxide ions.
– Base: solution in which the number of
hydroxide ions is greater than the
hydronium ions.
• Distinguish between organic and inorganic
– Organic compounds are made primarily
of carbon atoms: Inorganic compounds
with a few exceptions do not contain any
carbon atoms.
• Explain the importance of carbon bonding
in biological molecules.
– Carbon can form four covalent bonds
with any number of atoms, including
other carbon atoms. This allows it to
form molecules of different composition
and shape.
• Describe how the breaking down of ATP
supplies energy to drive chemical
– The removal of a phosphate from ATP
releases a great deal of energy to drive
other chemical reactions.
• Distinguish between monosaccharide,
disaccharides and polysaccharides.
– Monosaccharide: simple sugar that
contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
in a 1:2:1 ratio.
– Disaccharides: two monosaccharide or
a double sugar.
– Polysaccharide: three or more
• Explain the relationship between amino
acids and proteins structure.
– There are 20 different amino acids,
these combine through peptide bonds
which form polypeptide chains. Protiens
are formed by these chains of amino
• Compare the structure and function of
each of the different types of lipids.
– Triglycerides: three fatty acids joined to
one glycerol.
– Phospholipids: two fatty-acid chains
joined by one glycerol with a phosphate.
– Wax: fatty acid chain, alcohol chain
– Steroids: 4 fused carbon rings
• Compare the nucleic acids DNA and RNA.
– DNA has information for cell activities
and RNA stores and transfers
information for protein synthesis and are
also enzymes.
• State the three principles of the cell theory
– All living organisms are composed of
one or more cells, cells are the basic
units of structure and function in an
organism, and cells come only from the
reproduction of existing cells.
• Explain why the cell is considered to be
the basic unit of life.
– Because the cell is the smallest unit that
can carry on all of the processes of life.
• Describe the three basic parts of the cell
– The three basic parts of the eukaryotic
cell are the:
– Cell membrane: the cell’s outer
– Cytoplasm: includes the liquid interior,
cytoskeleton, and organelles of the cell.
– Nucleus: the area where the cell’s
genetic material is found.
• Analyze the relationship among cells,
tissue, organs, organ systems, and living
– A group of similar cells working together
is a tissue; tissues working together
make up an organ; organs working
together make up an organ system.
• Compare prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic
– Prokaryotic cells, unlike eukaryotic cells
do not contain membrane-bound nuclei
and organelles.
• Describe the structure and function of a
cell’s plasma membrane.
– Plasma Membrane functions:
– Allows certain molecules to enter or leave the
cell, seperates internal metabolic reactions
from the external environment, allows the cell
to excrete wastes and to interact within its
– Plasma Membrane structure:
– The structure is thought of like a “mosaic”
because the proteins and lipids embedded in
the membrane can move laterally throughout
the membrane.
• Summarize the role of the nucleus.
– The nucleus houses and protects the
cell’s genetic information.
• Identify the characteristics of mitochondria.
– Tiny organelles that transfer energy from
organic molecules to ATP.
• Describe the structure and function of the
– Cytoskeleton is a network of thin tubes and
filaments that crisscross the cytosol.
– Microtubules: maintenance of cell shape,
chromosome movement, and organelle
– Microfilaments: maintenance and changing of
cell shape, muscle contraction, movement of
cytoplasm, cell division
– Intermediate filaments: maintenance of cell
shape, anchor nucleus and other organelles,
maintenance of shape of nucleus.
• List the three structures that are found in
plant cells but not in animal cells.
– Animal cells, unlike plant cells, do not
have cell walls, plastids, or central
• Explain how equilibrium is established as
a result of diffusion.
– Diffusion usually leads to equilibrium,
which occurs when the concentration of
molecules is the same throughout a
• Distinguish between diffusion and
– Diffusion is the movement of molecules
from an area of higher concentration to
an area of lower concentration.
• Explain how substances cross the cell
membrane through facilitated diffusion.
– A molecule binds to a carrier protein on
one side of the cell membrane. The
carrier protein then changes its shape
and transports the molecule down its
concentration gradient to the other side
of the membrane.
• Distinguish between passive transport and
active transport.
– Passive transport moves substances
down a concentration gradient with no
energy use by the cell.
– Active transport requires energy use by
the cell to move substances against the
concentration gradient
• Compare endocytosis and exocytosis.
– Endocytosis uses vesicles to bring
external substances into the cell.
– Exocytosis uses vesicles to release
substances from the cell.
• Explain why almost all organisms depend
on photosynthesis.
– Most autotrophs use the process of
photosynthesis to convert the sun’s
energy into chemical energy.
– Heterotrophs eat photosynthetic
organisms to obtain their energy, or eat
other heterotrophs that have in turn
eaten autotrophs.
• Describe the role of chlorophylls and other
pigments in photosynthesis.
– Chlorophylls are pigments that absorb
light energy during photosynthesis.
Chlorophyll b assists chlorophyll a in
capturing light energy. Excited electrons
that leave chlorophyll a travel along two
electron transport chains. The energy of
these excited electrons is then used to
form ATP and NADPH
• Summarize the main events of the light
• Explain how environmental factors
influence photosynthesis.
– Temperature: changes the rate at which
photosynthesis occurs, Carbon Dioxide:
CO2 concentration stimulate
photosynthesis until the rate levels off,
and Light Intensity: excites more
electrons so light reactions occur more
rapidly until the electrons reach their
maximum rate of photosynthesis.
• Identify the two major steps in cellular
– Glycolysis: Organic compounds are
converted to pyruvic acid, producing a
small amount of ATP.
– Aerobic Respiration: pyruvic acid is
broken down and a large amount of ATP
is made.
• Compare lactic acid fermentation with
alcohol fermentation.
– Lactic acid fermentation produces Lactic
– Alcoholic fermentation produces ethyl
alcohol and CO2
• Contrast the role of glycolysis and aerobic
respiration in cellular respiration.
– Glycolysis: Organic compounds are
converted to pyruvic acid, producing a
small amount of ATP.
– Aerobic Respiration: pyruvic acid is
broken down and a large amount of ATP
is made.
• Describe the structure of a chromosome.
– The structure of the eukaryotic
chromosome begins with DNA, which is
wrapped around histones and other
proteins. Then these coils are further
wrapped tighter and tighter until a rodshaped chromosome is formed.
• Identify the difference in structure between
prokaryotic chromosomes and eukaryotic
– In rod-shaped eukaryotic chromosomes,
DNA is wrapped around special proteins
called histones and other proteins.
Prokaryotic chromosomes are circular.
• Explain the difference between sex
chromosomes and autosomes
– Sex chromosomes contain genes that
determine gender all other
chromosomes are called autosomes.
• Distinguish between diploid and haploid
– Cells having two sets of chromosomes
are diploid.
– Cells having one set of chromosomes
are haploid.
• Describe the events of cell division in
– Binary fission is the division of a cell into
two offspring cells, resulting in two
identical daughter cells.
– Prokaryotic cell exists, DNA is copied,
the cell begins to divide, the cell
completely divides.
• Name the two parts of the cell that are
equally divided in eukaryotes.
– Both the cytoplasm and the nucleus
• Summarize the events of interphase.
– G1: offspring cells grow to mature size
– G2: the cell prepares for cell division
– G0: a nondividing resting period
• Describe the stages of mitosis.
– Prophase: Nuclear membrane disappears,
chromosomes become visible, and spindle
fibers form
– Metaphase: Chromosomes align at cell
– Anaphase: The chromatids of each
chromosome separate and move to the cell’s
– Telophase: Nuclear membranes re-form,
chromosomes start to uncoil, and spindle
fibers disappear.
• Explain crossing-over and how it
contributes to the production of unique
– Crossing over permits the exchange of
genetic material between maternal and
paternal chromosomes, producing a
new combination of genes. This creates
genetic recombination because a new
mixture of genetic material is created.
• Define sexual reproduction.
– Sexual reproduction is the formation of
offspring through the union of sperm
and egg. Off spring produced by sexual
reproduction are genetically different
from the parents.
• Relate the role of the base-pairing rules to
the structure of DNA.
– Hydrogen bonds between
complementary base pairs helps to hold
the strands together. In addition, a
double-ringed purine on one strand
bonds with a single ringed pyrimidine on
the opposite strand, so the chains are
always the same distance apart.
• Describe how complementary base pairing
guides DNA replication.
– Complementary base pairing allows for
two exact copies of DNA to be made
from one original strand.
• Outline the flow of genetic information in
cells from DNA to proteins.
– DNA  RNA  proteins
• Compare the structure of RNA to DNA.
– RNA nucleotides contain ribose (the
DNA sugar is deoxyribose), the base
uracil instead of thymine, an dRNA is
single stranded.
• Describe the internal and external
structure of prokaryotic cells.
– Capsule: protects the cell and helps the
cell attach to other cells and surfaces
– Cell wall: Protects the cell and gives the
cell it’s shape
– Cell membrane: regulates the types of
molecules that move into and out of the
– Cytoplasm: Contains DNA, ribosomes,
an dorganic compounds that are needed
for life
– Chromosome: Carries genetic
information from one generation to the
– Plasmid: Carries genes that are
transferred through genetic
– Endospore: contains DNA; is a thick
coated, resistant structure
– Pilus: Helps the cell attach to surfaces
and other cells during conjugation
– Flagellum: Propels the cell by rotating in
a whiplike motion
– Outer membrane: Protects the cell
against some antibiotics.
• Summarize why viruses are not living
– Viruses lack key characteristics of living
organisms, such as cytoplasm,
organelles, metabolism, and
• Describe the basic structure of viruses.
– Three basic structures are helix an
example is the tobacco mosaic virus,
icosahendron 20 triangular faces and 12
corners, or sphere which is round.
• Describe the lytic and lysogenic cycles of
virus replication.
– The Lytic cycle does not involve the
integration of the viral genome into the
host genome but it does result in the
production of new viral particles and the
host’s destruction.
– The lysogenic cycle the viral genome
integrates with the host genome and
may stay there for a long period of time
without making new virus particles or
lysing the cell.
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