brief survey of ML

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Machine Learning
Lectures Outline:
what we will
ML Lectures Outline: what we will discuss?
• We know already several methods of machine
• What are general principles?
• Can we create improved methods?
• What are examples of applications of Machine Learning?
ML Lectures Outline: what we will discuss?
• Why machine learning?
• Brief Tour of Machine Learning
– A case study
– A taxonomy of learning
– Intelligent systems engineering: specification of learning
• Issues in Machine Learning
– Design choices
– The performance element: intelligent systems
• Some Applications of Learning
– Database mining, reasoning (inference/decision support), acting
– Industrial usage of intelligent systems
– Robotics
What is
What is Learning?
• “Learning denotes changes in a system that ...
enable a system to do the same task more
efficiently the next time.” -- Herbert Simon
• “Learning is constructing or modifying
representations of what is being experienced.” - Ryszard Michalski
• “Learning is making useful changes in our
minds.” -- Marvin Minsky
Why Machine Learning? What ML can do?
• Discovers new things or structures that are unknown to humans
– Examples:
– Data mining,
– Knowledge Discovery in Databases
• Fills in skeletal or incomplete specifications about a domain
– Large, complex AI systems cannot be completely derived by hand
– They require dynamic updating to incorporate new information.
– Learning new characteristics:
– 1. expands the domain or expertise
– 2. lessens the "brittleness" of the system
• Using learning, the software agents can adapt to:
– to their users,
– to other software agents,
– to the changing environment.
Why Machine Learning?
• New Computational Capability
– Database mining:
– converting (technical) records into knowledge
– Self-customizing programs:
– learning news filters,
– adaptive monitors
– Learning to act:
– robot planning,
– control optimization,
– decision support
– Applications that are hard to program:
– automated driving,
– speech recognition
Why Machine Learning?
• Better Understanding of Human Learning and Teaching
– Understand and improve efficiency of human learning
– Use to improve methods for teaching and tutoring people
– e.g., better computer-aided instruction. (can our robot-head teach
Cognitive science: theories of knowledge acquisition (e.g., through practice)
Performance elements: reasoning (inference) and recommender systems
• Time is Right
Recent progress in algorithms and theory
Rapidly growing volume of online data from various sources
Available computational power
Growth and interest of learning-based industries (e.g., data mining/KDD)
A General Model of Learning Agents
Disciplines relevant to Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Bayesian Methods
Cognitive Science
Computational Complexity Theory
Control Theory
Information Theory
PAC Formalism
Mistake Bounds
Learning Predictors
Entropy Measures
MDL Approaches
Optimal Codes
Language Learning
Learning to Reason
Bayes’s Theorem
Missing Data Estimators
Symbolic Representation
Planning/Problem Solving
Knowledge-Guided Learning
Bias/Variance Formalism
Confidence Intervals
Hypothesis Testing
Power Law of Practice
Heuristic Learning
Occam’s Razor
Inductive Generalization
ANN Models
Modular Learning
Forms of Machine Learning
• Supervised
– Learns from examples which provide desired
outputs for given inputs
• Unsupervised
– Learns patterns in input data when no specific
output values are given
• Reinforcement
– Learns by an indication of correctness at end of
some reasoning
So far, we covered only Supervised
Learning, but this knowledge will be also
useful in Unsupervised and Reinforcement
Supervised Learning
• Must have training data including
– Inputs (features) to be considered in decision
– Outputs (correct decisions) for those inputs
• Inductive reasoning
– Given a collection of examples of function f,
return a function h that approximates f
– Difficulty: many functions h may be possible
– Hope to pick function h that generalizes well
– Tradeoff between the complexity of the
hypothesis and the degree of fit to the data
– Consider data modeling
Decision Trees,
Decision Trees or Decision Diagrams (DAG)
• Map features of situation to decision
– Example from a classification of unsafe acts:
In general, branches of a
tree can be combined to
create a DAG (Directed
Acyclic Graph)
Decision Trees, not only binary attributes and
• The actions can be more than only yes/no decisions of a
• Relation to rule-based reasoning
– Features of element used to classify element
– Features of situation used to select action
• Used as the basis for many “how to” books
– How to identify type of snake?
– Observable features of snake
– How to fix an automobile?
– Features related to problem and state of automobile
– If features are understandable, the decision tree can be
used to explain decision
Learning Decision Trees: classification versus
• Types of Decision Trees
– Learning a discrete-valued function is
classification learning
– Learning a continuous-valued function is
• Assumption: use of Ockham’s razor will
result in more general function
– Want the smallest decision tree, but that is not
– Will be satisfied with smallish tree
Algorithm for Decision Tree Learning
• Basic idea
– Recursively select feature that splits data (most)
– No need to use all features
1. Can be generalized to decomposition methods
2. Can be generalized to other types of trees, DAGs.
• Heuristic approach (applied not only to trees)
– Compare features for their ability to meaningfully
split data
Feature-value = greatest difference in average output
value(s) * size of smaller subset
Avoids splitting out individuals too early
Classification Terms
• Data: A set of N vectors x
– Features are parameters of x; x lives in feature space
– May be
whole, raw images;
parts of images;
filtered images;
statistics of images;
or something else entirely
• Labels: C categories; each x belongs to some ci
• Classifier: Create formula(s) or rule(s) that will assign unlabeled
data to correct category
– Equivalent definition is to parametrize a decision surface in feature
space separating category members
plus the awareness that there’s a lot of data out there that
the classifier may yet encounter
Features and Labels for
Road Classification
We want to classify for each pixel, does it belong to a road
or not.
• Feature vectors: 410 features/point over 32 x 20 grid
Color histogram [Swain & Ballard, 1991] (24 features)
8 bins per RGB channel over surrounding 31 x 31 camera subimage
Gabor wavelets [Lee, 1996] (384)
Characterize texture with 8-bin histogram of filter responses for
Ground height, smoothness (2)
2 phases,
3 scales,
8 angles over 15 x 15 camera subimage
Mean, variance of laser height values
projecting to 31 x 31 camera subimage
Labels derived from inside/outside relationship of feature point to road-delimiting polygon
Features and Labels for Road Classification
0° even
45° even
0° odd
from Rasmussen, 2001
So for classification, the term “features” is
commonly used, but you can think of these
as the road analogs of attributes.
Features are computed on a grid every 10 pixels horizontally and vertically
the three Gabor filter scales correspond to kernel sizes of 6 x 6, 12 x 12, and
25 x 25
Key Classification Problems
1. What features to use? How do we extract
them from the image?
2. Do we even have labels (i.e., examples
from each category)?
3. What do we know about the structure of
the categories in feature space?
Aspects of
Three Aspects of Learning Systems
– 1. Models:
– decision trees,
– linear threshold units (winnow, weighted majority),
– neural networks,
– Bayesian networks (polytrees, belief networks, influence diagrams, HMMs),
– genetic algorithms,
– instance-based (nearest-neighbor)
– 2. Algorithms (e.g., for decision trees):
– ID3,
– C4.5,
– OC1
– 3. Methodologies:
– supervised,
– unsupervised,
– reinforcement;
– knowledge-guided
What are the aspects of research on Learning?
1. Theory of Learning
– Computational learning theory (COLT): complexity, limitations of learning
– Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) learning
– Probabilistic, statistical, information theoretic results
2. Multistrategy Learning:
– Combining Techniques,
– Knowledge Sources
3. Create and collect Data:
– Time Series,
– Very Large Databases (VLDB),
– Text Corpora
4. Select good applications
– Performance element:
– classification,
– decision support,
– planning,
– control
– Database mining and knowledge discovery in databases (KDD)
– Computer inference: learning to reason
Some Issues in Machine Learning
What Algorithms Can Approximate Functions Well?
How Do Learning System Design Factors Influence Accuracy?
– Number of training examples
– Complexity of hypothesis representation
How Do Learning Problem Characteristics Influence Accuracy?
– Noisy data
– Multiple data sources
What Are The Theoretical Limits of Learnability?
How Can Prior Knowledge of Learner Help?
What Clues Can We Get From Biological Learning Systems?
How Can Systems Alter Their Own Representation?
Major Paradigms
of Machine
Major Paradigms of Machine Learning
• Rote Learning
– One-to-one mapping from inputs to stored
– "Learning by memorization.”
– Association-based storage and retrieval.
• Clustering
• Analogue
– Determine correspondence between two different
• Induction
– Use specific examples to reach general conclusions
• Discovery
– Unsupervised, specific goal not given
• Genetic Algorithms
Major Paradigms of Machine Learning
• Neural Networks
• Reinforcement
– Feedback given at end of a sequence of steps.
– Feedback can be positive or negative reward
– Assign reward to steps by solving the credit
assignment problem —
– which steps should receive credit or blame for a final result?
The Inductive
Learning Problem
The Inductive Learning Problem
• Induce rules that extrapolate from a given set of examples
– These rules should make “accurate” predictions about
future examples.
• Supervised versus Unsupervised learning
– Learn an unknown function f(X) = Y, where:
– X is an input example and
– Y is the desired output.
– Supervised learning implies we are given a training set of
(X, Y) pairs by a "teacher.“
– Unsupervised learning means we are only given the Xs
and some (ultimate) feedback function on our
The Inductive Learning Problem
• Concept learning
– Called also Classification
– Given a set of examples of some
concept/class/category, determine if a given example is
an instance of the concept or not.
– If it is an instance, we call it a positive example.
– If it is not, it is called a negative example.
Inductive Learning Framework
• Raw input data from sensors are preprocessed to obtain a
feature vector, X, that adequately describes all of the relevant
features for classifying examples.
• Each x is a list of (attribute, value) pairs. For example,
X = [Person:Sue, EyeColor:Brown, Age:Young, Sex:Female]
• The number and names of attributes (aka features) is fixed
(positive, finite).
• Each attribute has a fixed, finite number of possible values.
• Each example can be interpreted as a point in an n-dimensional
feature space, where n is the number of attributes.
Learning to
Specifying A Learning Problem
Learning = Improving with Experience at Some Task
– Improve over task T,
– with respect to performance measure P,
– based on experience E.
Example: Learning to Play Checkers
– T: play games of checkers
– P: percent of games won in world tournament
– E: opportunity to play against self
Refining the Problem Specification: Issues
– What experience?
– What exactly should be learned?
– How shall it be represented?
– What specific algorithm to learn it?
Defining the Problem Milieu
– Performance element:
– How shall the results of learning be applied?
– How shall the performance element be evaluated? The learning system?
Example: Learning to Play Checkers
Type of Training Experience
– Direct or indirect?
– Teacher or not?
– Knowledge about the game (e.g., openings/endgames)?
Problem: Is Training Experience Representative (of Performance Goal)?
Software Design
– Assumptions of the learning system: legal move generator exists
– Software requirements:
– generator,
– evaluator(s),
– parametric target function
Choosing a Target Function
– ChooseMove: Board  Move (action selection function, or policy)
– V: Board  R (board evaluation function)
– Ideal target V; approximated target
– Goal of learning process: operational description (approximation) of V
A Target Function for
Learning to Play Checkers
Possible Definition
– If b is a final board state that is won, then V(b) = 100
– If b is a final board state that is lost, then V(b) = -100
– If b is a final board state that is drawn, then V(b) = 0
– If b is not a final board state in the game, then V(b) = V(b’) where b’ is the best
final board state that can be achieved starting from b and playing optimally
until the end of the game
– Correct values, but not operational
Choosing a Representation for the Target Function
– Collection of rules?
– Neural network?
– Polynomial function (e.g., linear, quadratic combination) of board features?
– Other?
A Representation for Learned Function
– Vˆ b   w 0  w 1bp b   w 2 rp b   w 3 bk b   w 4 rk b   w 5 bt b   w 6 rt b 
– bp/rp = number of black/red pieces; bk/rk = number of black/red kings;
bt/rt = number of black/red pieces threatened (can be taken on next turn)
A Training Procedure for
Learning to Play Checkers
Obtaining Training Examples
– V b 
the target function
– V̂ b 
the learned function
– Vtrain b 
the training value
One Rule For Estimating Training Values:
– Vtrain b   Vˆ Successor b 
Choose Weight Tuning Rule
– Least Mean Square (LMS) weight update rule:
• Select a training example b at random
• Compute the error(b) for this training example
error b   V b   Vˆ b 
• For each board feature fi, update weight wi as follows:
w i  w i  c  fi  error b 
where c is a small, constant factor to adjust the learning rate
Design Choices for
Learning to Play Checkers
Determine Type of
Training Experience
against experts
against self
Table of
correct moves
Target Function
Board  move
Board  value
Determine Representation of
Learned Function
Linear function
of six features
Artificial neural
Learning Algorithm
Completed Design
Evaluating Supervised
Learning Algorithms
Evaluating Supervised Learning Algorithms
1. Collect a large set of examples (input/output
2. Divide into two disjoint sets
1. Training data
2. Testing data
3. Apply learning algorithm to training data,
generating a hypothesis h
4. Measure % of examples in the testing data that
are successfully classified by h (or amount of
error for continuously valued outputs)
5. Repeat above steps for different sizes of training
sets and different randomly selected training
Supervised Concept Learning
• Given a training set of positive and negative examples
of a concept
– Usually each example has a set of features/attributes
• Construct a description that will accurately classify
whether future examples are positive or negative.
• That is,
– learn some good estimate of function f
– given a training set {(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ..., (xn, yn)}
– where each yi is either + (positive) or - (negative).
– f is a function of the features/attributes
Supervised Learning:
Assessing Classifier Performance
• Bias: Accuracy or quality of classification
• Variance: Precision or specificity—how
stable is decision boundary for different
data sets?
– Related to generality of classification result 
Overfitting to data at hand will often result in a
very different boundary for new data
Supervised Learning: Procedures
• Validation: Split data into training and test set
– Training set: Labeled data points used to guide
parametrization of classifier
– % misclassified guides learning
– Test set: Labeled data points left out of training procedure
– % misclassified taken to be overall classifier error
• m-fold Cross-validation
– Randomly split data into m equal-sized subsets
– Train m times on m - 1 subsets, test on left-out subset
– Error is mean test error over left-out subsets
• Jackknife: Cross-validation with 1 data point left out
– Very accurate; variance allows confidence measuring
k-Nearest Neighbor
– For a new point, grow sphere in feature space until k
labeled points are enclosed
– Labels of points in sphere vote to classify
– Low bias, high variance: No structure assumed
Duda et al.
Inductive Learning by
Nearest-Neighbor Classification
• One simple approach to inductive learning is to save each
training example as a point in feature space
• Classify a new example by giving it the same
classification (+ or -) as its nearest neighbor in Feature
– 1. A variation involves computing a weighted sum
of class of a set of neighbors
– where the weights correspond to distances
– 2. Another variation uses the center of class
• The problem with this approach is that it doesn't
necessarily generalize well if the examples are not well
• Basic: g(x) = wT x + w0
– w is weight vector, x is data, w0 is bias or threshold weight
– Number of categories
– Two: Decide c1 if g(x) < 0, c2 if g(x) > 0. g(x) = 0 is decision
surface—a hyperplane when g(x) linear
– Multiple: Define C functions gi(x) = wT xi + wi0. Decide ci if gi(x) >
gj(x) for all j  i
• Generalized: g(x) = aT y
– Augmented form: y = (1, xT)T, a = (w0, wT)T
– Functions yi = yi(x) can be nonlinear—e.g.,
y = (1, x, x2)T
Separating Hyperplane in Feature Space
from Duda et al.
Computing Linear Discriminants
• Linear separability: Some a exists that classifies all
samples correctly
• Normalization: If yi is classified correctly when aT yi < 0
and its label is c1, simpler to replace all c1-labeled
samples with their negation
– This leads to looking for an a such that aT yi > 0 for all of the
• Define a criterion function J(a) that is minimized if a is a
– Then gradient descent on J (for example) leads to a
Criterion Functions
• Idea:
– J = Number of misclassified data points.
– But only piecewise continuous  Not good for gradient descent
• Approaches to create criterion functions
– Perceptron: Jp(a) = yY (-aT y), where Y(a) is the set of samples
misclassified by a
– Proportional to sum of distances between misclassified samples and
decision surface
– Relaxation: Jr(a) = ½ yY (aT y - b)2 / ||y||2, where Y(a) is now set
of samples such that aT y  b
– Continuous gradient; J not so flat near solution boundary
– Normalize by sample length to equalize influences
Non-Separable Data: Error Minimization
• Perceptron, Relaxation assume separability—won’t
stop otherwise
– Only focus on erroneous classifications
• Idea: Minimize error over all data
• Try to solve linear equations rather than linear
inequalities: aT y = b  Minimize
i (aT yi – bi)2
• Solve batch with pseudoinverse or iteratively with
Widrow-Hoff/LMS gradient descent
• Ho-Kashyap procedure picks a and b together
Other Linear Discriminants
• Winnow: Improved version of Perceptron
– Error decreases monotonically
– Faster convergence
• Appropriate choice of b leads to Fisher’s Linear
Discriminant (used in “Vision-based Perception for
an Autonomous Harvester,” by Ollis & Stentz)
• Support Vector Machines (SVM)
– Map input nonlinearly to higher-dimensional space
(where in general there is a separating hyperplane)
– Find separating hyperplane that maximizes distance to
nearest data point
Neural Networks
• Many problems require a nonlinear decision
• Idea: Learn linear discriminant and nonlinear
mapping functions yi(x) simultaneously
• Feedforward neural networks are multi-layer
– Inputs to each unit are summed, bias added, put
through nonlinear transfer function
• Training: Backpropagation, a generalization of
LMS rule
Neural Network Structure
Neural Networks in Matlab
net = newff(minmax(D), [h o], {'tansig', 'tansig'}, 'traincgf');
net = train(net, D, L);
test_out = sim(net, testD);
D is training data feature vectors (row vector)
L is labels for training data
testD is testing data feature vectors
h is number of hidden units
o is number of outputs
Neural Network Learning
Autonomous Learning Vehicle In a Neural Net (ALVINN): Pomerleau et al
– Drives 70mph on highways
Dimensionality Reduction
• Functions yi = yi(x) can reduce
dimensionality of feature space  More
efficient classification
• If chosen intelligently, we won’t lose much
information and classification is easier
• Common methods
– Principal components analysis (PCA): Maximize
total “scatter” of data
– Fisher’s Linear Discriminant (FLD): Maximize ratio
of between-class scatter to within-class scatter
Principal Component
• Orthogonalize feature vectors so that they are
• Inverse of this transformation takes zero mean,
unit variance Gaussian to one describing
covariance of data points
• Distance in transformed space is Mahalanobis
• By dropping eigenvectors of covariance matrix
with low eigenvalues, we are essentially throwing
away least important dimensions
Dimensionality Reduction:
from Belhumeur et al., 1996
Face Recognition
(Belhumeur et al., 1996)
• Given cropped images {I} of faces with different
lighting, expressions
• Nearest neighbor approach equivalent to
correlation (I’s normalized to 0 mean, variance 1)
– Lots of computation, storage
• PCA projection (“Eigenfaces”)
– Better, but sensitive to variation in lighting conditions
• FLD projection (“Fisherfaces”)
– Best (for this problem)
Bayesian Decision Theory: Classification with
Known Parametric Forms
• Sometimes we know (or assume) that the
data in each category is drawn from a
distribution of a certain form—e.g., a
• Then classification can be framed as
simply a nearest-neighbor calculation, but
with a different distance metric to each
category—i.e., the Mahalanobis distance
for Gaussians
Decision Surfaces for Various 2-Gaussian
from Duda et al.
Example: Color-based Image Comparison
• Per image: e.g., histograms from Image Processing
• Per pixel: Sample homogeneously-colored regions…
– Parametric: Fit model(s) to pixels, threshold on
distance (e.g., Mahalanobis)
– Non-parametric: Normalize accumulated array,
threshold on likelihood
• For a given homogeneous region, the first component of the
prediction it makes about the image concerns its color.
• In early work, I developed a novel way of defining an object’s
color by sampling pixels from it, fitting an ellipsoid to those pixels’
colorspace projection using principal components analysis, and
quantifying color similarity by the Mahalanobis distance, as you
see here, where brighter pixels are more orange.
Color Similarity:
RGB Mahalanobis Distance
Non-parametric Color Models
of G. Loy
Skin chrominance points
Smoothed, [0,1]-normalized
Non-parametric Skin Classification
of G. Loy
Other Methods
• Boosting
– AdaBoost (Freund & Schapire, 1997)
– “Weak learners”: Classifiers that do better than chance
– Train m weak learners on successive versions of data set with
misclassifications from last stage emphasized
– Combined classifier takes weighted average of m “votes”
• Stochastic search (think particle filtering)
– Simulated annealing
– Genetic algorithms
Unsupervised Learning
• Used to characterize/explain the key features
of a set of data
– No notion of desired output
– Example: identifying fast-food vs. fine-dining
restaurants when classes are not known
ahead of time
• Techniques
– Clustering (k means, HAC)
– Self-Organizing Maps
– Gaussian Mixture Models
• More on this topic in Project 3
Unsupervised Learning
• May know number of categories C, but not labels
• If we don’t know C, how to estimate?
– Occam’s razor (formalized as Minimum Description Length, or MDL,
principle): Favor simpler classifiers over more complex ones
– Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)
• Clustering methods
– k-means
– Hierarchical
– Etc.
k-means Clustering
• Initialization: Given k categories, N points.
• Pick k points randomly; these are initial means
1, …, k
1. Classify N points according to nearest i
2. Recompute mean i of each cluster from member
3. If any means have changed, goto (1)
Example: 3-means Clustering
image segmentation—say, on the basis of
color—is an obvious application here
Duda et al.
Convergence in 3 steps
Reinforcement Learning
• Many large problems do not have desired
outputs that can be used as training data
• Process
– Agent (system) performs a set of actions
– Agent occasionally receives a reward to
indicate something went right or penalty to
indicate something went wrong
– Agent has to learn relationship between the
model of the situation, the chosen actions,
and the rewards/penalties
Analogy to Animal Training
• We cannot tell our pets what is right and wrong
in (preconditions, action) pairs
• Instead we reward good behavior (giving treats)
and penalize bad behavior (spraying water or
loud noise)
• Pet has to learn when and where what is
– Can result in incorrect interpretations
(go in corner vs. go outside)
• Difficulty: what of the prior/recent actions
caused the positive/negative outcome
– Clicker training for animals is meant to help this
Reinforcement Learning in Games
• Simplest reinforcements
– Winning or losing
– Requires lots of games/time to learn
• Other potential reinforcements
– Opponent’s action selection
– Did they minimize your goodness value
– Modify goodness function to better match their moves
– Potential to learn an individual’s values/strategy
– Predicted goodness value vs. observed goodness value
– This can be used in small (a few moves) or large (a game) time
– Similar to person reflecting on when things went wrong
– Need to be careful in implementation or else goodness function
will return a constant (thus being totally consistent)
Modifying a Goodness Function
• Consider the game of chess
• Presume goodness function has three linear
– BoardControl
– the difference between the number of board positions
that Player1 and Player2 can get a piece to in one move
– Threatened
– the difference between the number of opponents pieces
threatened (can be taken in one move) between Player1
and Player2
– Pieces
– the difference in the sum of the values of pieces left for
Player1 and Player2 where Queen = 10, Rook = 6, Bishop
= 3, Knight = 3, Pawn = 1
Modifying a Goodness Function
• G(s) = a*BoardControl + b*Pieces + c*Threatened
• Modify coefficients to learn appropriate weighting of terms
– Quantity of overall modification should relate to difference
between predicted goodness and observed goodness
– Direction of modification to each linear component should be
related to whether they are consistent with or disagree with
– Could modify coefficients using fixed values (e.g. +/- .1) or with
values a function of their effect on overall G for the state being
• In theory, such a computer player could recognize that
BoardControl is more important early in a game, Pieces is
more important mid-game, and Threatened is more
important for the end game.
Examples of Interesting
Learning Applications
Example 1 of Interesting Application: Data Mining
Find interesting
Database Mining
Example: Reasoning (Inference, Decision Support)
6500 news stories
from the WWW
in 1997
Find interesting
Cartia ThemeScapes -
Questions and Problems
What is Machine Learning?
Why Machine Learning is getting so popular recently?
What is a general learning agent?
Give example of a learning agent in a mobile robot.
What are the research areas related to Machine Learning.
Give example what use you can do from some of these areas in your application.
What is Supervised Learning?
What is Unsupervised Learning?
What is Reinforcement Learning?
What methods and ideas can be generalized from Decision Trees to Decision Diagrams and
other learning models?
What is the main format of data for supervised Machine Learning?
Give examples of attributes.
Give examples of attributes in learning from images.
Give example of DAG that is not a tree, what is its application?
Give examples of models for learning.
Give examples of famous programs for machine learning.
Give example of rote learning in robotics.
Explain algorithm to play checkers.
Discuss methodologies to evaluate supervised learning programs.
Clustering methods, their use and evaluation
Linear Discriminants and their applications.
Questions and Problems
What are Neural Networks?
Explain the main ideas of Principal Component Analysis.
Face recognition.
Explain k-means Clustering algorithm.
What are main ideas of unsupervised learning. Give examples.
What are main ideas of Reinforcement Learning, give examples.
Animal to animal learning.
Invent and discuss a system that uses all kinds of Supervised,
Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning.
Used materials from:
Christopher Rasmussen
William H. Hsu
Linda Jackson
Lex Lane
Tom Mitchell
Machine Learning, Mc Graw Hill 1997
Allan Moser
Tim Finin,
Marie desJardins
Chuck Dyer