Transcript ch8

Chapter 8
Studies in
 Discuss the role of randomization in controlled trials
 Discuss the role of blinding in controlled trials
 Identify the general strengths and weaknesses of
controlled trials
 Identify the advantages to using a run-in design, a
factorial design, a randomized matched pair
design, or a group-randomized design
 Discuss some of the ethical issues associated with
experimental studies
Epidemiologic Experimental Studies
 Resemble controlled experiments performed in
scientific research
 Best reserved for relatively mature questions
 Best for establishing cause-effect relationships and
for evaluating the efficacy of prevention and
therapeutic interventions
Experimental Studies
 Also called intervention studies
 Investigators influence the exposure of the study
 Two types of experimental trials
 Controlled trials
 Community trials
Between-Group Design
 The strongest methodological design is a betweengroup design, where outcomes are compared
between two or more groups of people receiving
different levels of the intervention
Within-Group Design
 May be used where the outcome in a single group
is compared before and after the assignment of an
 Strength – Individual characteristics that might confound
an association (e.g., gender, race, genetic susceptibility)
are controlled
 Weakness – Susceptible to confounding from timerelated factors such as the media but may be adjusted for
in the analysis
Controlled Trial
 The unit of analysis is the individual
 A randomized controlled trial in a clinical setting
is referred to as a clinical trial
Community Trial
 The unit of analysis is the group or community
 An experimental epidemiologic study where one
group of people, or one community, receives an
intervention and another does not is a community
Natural Experiment
 In some rare situations in nature, unplanned events
produce a natural experiment
 Levels of exposure to a presumed cause differ
among a population in a way that is relatively
unaffected by extraneous factors so that the
situation resembles a planned experiment
Example of Natural Experiment
 Screening and treatment for prostate cancer in
the Seattle-Puget Sound area differed
considerably from that in Connecticut during
 Specifically, prostate-specific antigen testing was
5.39 (95% confidence interval: 4.76 to 6.11)
times higher in Seattle than in Connecticut, and
the prostate biopsy rate was 2.20 (1.81 to 2.68)
times higher than in Connecticut
Example of Natural Experiment
 Ten-year cumulative incidences of radical
prostatectomy and external beam radiation up to
1996 were
 2.7% and 3.9% for those in Seattle
 0.5% and 3.1% for those in Connecticut
Example of Natural Experiment
 Did mortality from prostate cancer from 1987 to
1997 differ between Seattle and Connecticut?
 The adjusted rate ratio of prostate cancer mortality
during the study period for Seattle vs. Connecticut
was 1.03 (0.95 to 1.11)
 In other words, the 11-year follow-up data showed
no difference in prostate cancer mortality between
the two areas, despite much more intensive
screening and treatment in Seattle
Experimental Studies
 Experimental studies may be
 Between-group designs
 Within-group designs
Between Group Design
 When a comparison is made between outcomes
observed in two or more groups of subjects that
receive different levels of the intervention, we call
this a between-group design
Within Group Design
 When we compare the outcomes observed in a
single group before and after the intervention, it
is called a within-group design
Random Assignment
 Random assignment makes intervention and
control groups look as similar as possible
 Chance is the only factor that determines group
 Neither the patient or the physician know in
advance which prevention program or therapy will
be assigned
 Confounding and sample size
Non-Randomized Study
 Also called convenience sample
 Concurrent comparison group is allocated by a
non-random process
 Assignment
 Problems
Not effective at controlling unmeasured confounding
Measured confounding variables; however, may be
adjusted through analytic methods
Advantages and disadvantages of
randomized controlled clinical trials
 Advantages of randomization
 Eliminates conscious bias due to physician or patient
 Averages out unconscious bias due to unknown factors
 Groups are “alike on average”
 Disadvantages of randomization
 Ethical issues
 Interferes with the doctor-patient relationship
 Three levels of blinding
 Single blind – Subjects
 Double blind – Investigators
 Triple blind – Analyses
Single-Blinded Study
 In a single-blinded placebo-controlled study, the
subjects are blinded but investigators are aware
of who is receiving the active treatment
Double-Blinded Study
 In a double-blind study, neither the subjects
nor the investigators know who is receiving the
active treatment
Triple-Blinded Study
 In a triple-blind study, not only are the
treatment and research approaches kept a
secret from the subjects and investigators, but
the analyses are completed in a manner that is
removed from the investigators
Blinding Patients
 Why blind patients?
 Patients try to get well/please physicians
 Minimize potential bias from a placebo effect
 A placebo effect is defined as the effect on
patient outcomes (improved or worsened) that
may occur due to the expectation by a patient (or
provider) that a particular intervention will have
an effect
Chronic Severe Itching Study
 Forty-six patients randomly assigned to one of
four groups
Cyproheptadine HCI
Trimeprazine tartrate
Itching Score
Blinding Patients
 To blind patients, use a placebo; for example,
 Pill of same size, color, shape as treatment
 Sham operation (anesthesia and incision) for angina
relief (unethical)
 Problems
 In non-drug studies may be impossible/unethical
 In drug studies if treatment has characteristic side effects
Blinding Patients
 More subjective outcomes call for more serious
consideration of placebo
 For example, time to death vs. pain relief
 Placebos improve comparability of treatment
groups in terms of compliance and follow-up
 For example, if patient perceives improvement
because of medication, more likely to remain in study
Blinding physician or outcome
assessing investigator
 Best way to avoid unconscious bias is to blind
 Physicians – don’t know which patient is taking the
placebo and which patient is taking the drug
 Assessors – of the outcome; are not the treating doctors,
and are not told which treatment was used
 What if physician blinding is not possible (e.g.,
surgery or radiation trial)?
Problems with Blinding
 For non-drug studies, such as those involving
behavior changes or surgery, it may be
impossible or unethical to blind
 It may also be problematic to blind in drug
studies where a treatment has characteristic side
Purpose of Experimental Studies
 To identify clinical and public health approaches
to solving public health problems (how to prevent
or treat)
Strengths of blinded randomized
controlled clinical trials
 Demonstrate cause-effect relationships
 May produce a faster and cheaper answer than
observational studies
 Only appropriate approach for some research
 Allow investigators to control the exposure levels
as needed
Weaknesses of blinded randomized
controlled clinical trials
 Often more costly in time and money
 Many research questions are not suitable for
experimental designs because of ethical barriers
and because of rare outcomes
 Many research questions are not suitable for
 Standardized interventions may be different from
common practice
 May have limited generalizability due to the use of
volunteers, eligibility criteria, and loss to follow-up
Early History of Clinical Trials
 1600 – East India Company
 1747 – James Lind
 1835 – P.C.A. Louis, Charite Hospital, Paris
Day bled after onset
33,000,000 leeches imported to Paris
7,000 leeches imported to Paris
% Surviving
Designing a Clinical Trial
 Assembling study cohort
 Measuring baseline variables
 Choosing comparison group
 Assuring compliance
 Selecting treatment
 Selecting patient population
 Selecting outcome (endpoint)
 Ethical considerations
Assembling Study Cohort
 Inclusion criteria
 Broad vs. specific – related to the extent of generalization
 Is the outcome rare (e.g., CHD incidence)? Then
recruit from populations at high risk such as males.
Assembling Study Cohort
 Exclusion criteria
 Define exclusion criteria that will help control error.
Example: An advanced cancer that may be fatal before the end
of the follow-up period in a subject entering a CHD-prevention
 Exclude those with difficulty in complying
 Examples: Alcoholics, psychotic patients, individuals
planning to move out of state
 Sample size
Measuring Baseline Variables
 Characterize the study cohort
 Identifying information (name, address, ID#)
 Demographics (age, race, gender, etc.)
 Clinical factors
 The first table of a final report of any randomized
blinded trial typically compares the level of baseline
characteristics in the two study groups
Measuring Baseline Variables
 Consider measuring the outcome variable
 Change (appropriate for within-group design)
 To assure disease is or is not present at baseline
(appropriate for between-group design)
 Measure various predictors of outcomes (e.g.,
smoking habits) to allow for statistical adjustment
 Be parsimonious (i.e., keep simple)
Choosing Comparison Group
 Not contaminated by treatment
 Ideal – possible to blind, usually meaning placebo
 Status quo vs. new treatment
Assuring Compliance
 Calling the day before clinical visit
 Providing reimbursement
 Adhering to the intervention protocol
 Drug or behavioral intervention should be well tolerated
 Taking once a day vs. complex schedule
 Measuring compliance (self-report, pill counts, urinary
metabolite levels)
Selecting Treatment
 What is the research objective?
 Are the therapies safe and active against the
 Is there evidence that one therapy is better than
 Is the intervention likely to be implemented in a
clinical practice?
 Is the intervention “strong” enough to have a
chance of producing a detectable effect?
Selecting Patient Population
Often a compromise between
1. The population most efficient for answering the clinical
2. The population best for generalizing the study findings
 For example, many CHD-prevention trials do not
include subjects over age 60 because such
elderly subjects might already have extensive
atheriosclerosis of their coronary arteries that
would no longer be responsive to preventive
Selecting Outcomes (Endpoints)
 Primary endpoint
 For example, the primary endpoint for most phase III
clinical trials in HIV disease is an AIDS-defining event
or death
Major AIDS-defining events are: parasitic infections;
fungal infections; bacterial infections; viral infections;
neoplastic disease; HIV dementia; HIV wasting
 Selection of the “best” endpoint is often
 Surrogate endpoint
Phase I Trial
 Unblinded, uncontrolled study with typically fewer
than 30 patients
 The purpose of phase I trials is to determine the
safety of a test in humans
 Patients in phase I trials often have advanced
disease and have already tried other options
 They often undergo intense monitoring
Phase II Trial
 Relatively small (up to 50 people) randomized
blinded trials that test
 Tolerability
 Safe dosage
 Side effects
 How the body copes with the drug
 Also evaluate which types of disease a treatment is
effective against, further assess side effects and
how they can be managed, and reveal the most
effective dosage level
Phase III Trial
 Typically much larger and may involve thousands
of patients
 These trials typically involve random assignment
and are used to evaluate the efficacy of a new
 Different dosages or methods of administration
of the treatment are often part of the evaluation
Phase IV Trial
 A large study conducted after the therapy has
been approved by the FDA to assess the rate of
serious side effects, and explore further
therapeutic uses
Selected special types of
randomized designs
 Basic randomized designs
 Run-in designs
 Factorial design
 Randomization of matched pairs
 Group randomization
Run-In Design
 All subjects in the cohort are placed on placebo (or
treatment), followed for some period of time
(usually a week or two), and then those who have
remained in the study are randomly assigned to
either the treatment or placebo arms of the study
 A limitation of this study design is that the subjects
in the cohort at the time of randomization may no
longer reflect the population of interest
Factorial Design
 Subjects are randomly assigned to one of four
groups. The groups represent the different
combinations of the two interventions.
Randomization of Matched Pairs
 Improves covariate balance on potential
confounding variables
 Matched randomization provides more accurate
estimates than unmatched randomization, and
may involve matching on several potential
Randomization of Matched Pairs
 Subjects are matched in pairs according to some
confounding factor (e.g., age, sex, race/ethnicity)
 One subject is then randomly assigned the study
group (e.g., a dietary program, a drug) and the
other is assigned to the comparison control
Group Randomization
 Groups or naturally forming clusters are randomly
assigned the intervention
 Groups may involve
 Practices
 Schools
 Hospitals
 Communities
 Individuals or patients within a cluster are likely to
be more similar to each other compared to those in
other clusters
Summary of Ethical Principles
Benefits – Maximize good
Risks – Avoid doing harm
Subject – Respect for all persons
Society – Fairness to all
Is consent necessary?
Is it necessary to disclose to the subject the fact that they
will be determined by chance?
 Should subjects be compensated for injury?
 Who should be permitted (or encouraged) to participate in
clinical research?
 When and how should a clinical trial be stopped?
Tuskegee Syphilis Study
 The Tuskegee study had nothing to do with
medical experiments
 No treatment was offered for syphilis
 No new drugs were tested, nor were any efforts
made to establish the efficacy of older chemical
Summary of Ethical Principles
 Competent investigators and good research
design lead to a greater likelihood of benefits,
protect subjects from harm, ensure that peoples’
time is not wasted, and their desire to participate
in a meaningful activity not frustrated.
Source: Levine and Labacqz