Protected Mealtimes
Transcript Protected Mealtimes
“Eating is not merely a material
pleasure. Eating well gives a
spectacular joy to life and
contributes immensely to goodwill
and happy companionship. It is of
great importance to the morale”
Elsa Schiaparelli, 1890-1973
Food For Thought
• Up to 40% of all patients admitted to
hospital may be undernourished
• Food and nutrition are vital aspects of
• Mealtimes are a highlight of the
patient’s day
• Protecting mealtimes allows us to make
them special for patients
• More food eaten = better nourished
patients = fewer complications
Eating Environments
• The eating environment is as
important as the food and the
patient and warrants as much
What Are Protected Mealtimes?
A calm atmosphere where the
main focus is on serving
appetising meals and providing
patients with uninterrupted time
to eat and enjoy a vital part of
their treatment – their food
Key Principles
• Staff focus their attention on
making the mealtime a success
• Anything that supports and assists
patients to eat is encouraged
• Anything that interferes with the
meal and reduces the amount
eaten is discouraged
Making It Happen
• Identify key stakeholders
• Engage top level support
• Involve ward team in observational
audit of mealtimes
• What changes need to happen on
consideration of audit results?
Making It Happen
• Discuss practicalities. What can
change (e.g. times of ward rounds,
routine drug rounds, visiting
• Communicate with multiprofessional team and share
findings and plan
Ensuring patients eat their meal is
the responsibility of the whole
healthcare team
Making It Happen
• Be clear about the benefits to
• Liaise with other departments eg.
phlebotomy, facilities, catering
• If other wards are to introduce
Protected Mealtimes, may need to
consider phased introduction or
staggered mealtimes
Making It Happen
• Once agreement reached with all
staff involved decide when you are
going to start – Avoid a
traditionally busy day to start
• What information will you provide
for patients, staff, visitors & other
Reality Check
Be realistic – things will not
change overnight. Relatives
will turn up, ward rounds will
run late and emergencies will
happen. Be prepared to
accept things that happen
and try again next mealtime
• Persist – review Protected
Mealtimes with staff regularly
• Work at resolving obstacles and
• Be consistent in providing positive
feedback when it works well.
Providing The Evidence
• Repeat the observational audit and
communicate the improvements
• Has patient satisfaction improved?
• Is more food eaten?
• Is less food wasted?
• Has staff satisfaction improved?
Closing Thought
“If we could give every
individual the right
amount of nourishment
and exercise, not too
little and not too much,
we would have found the
safest way to health”
For more information, or a copy of the
Protected Mealtimes CD-ROM/video,
please contact:
Better Hospital Food
NHS Estates
1 Trevelyan Square
LS21 6AE
[email protected]