Low incidence countries

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Exercise: define research priorities at
programmatic level
GB Migliori, L. D’Ambrosio
WHO Collaborating Centre for TB and Lung Diseases,
Fondazione S. Maugeri, Tradate Italy
In the first TB PANB-NET external course
in Borstel (2010) your collegues identified
the following research priorities,
distinguishing among:
• Low incidence countries
• Middle incidence countries
• High incidence countries
Low incidence countries (1)
Representatives from:
Den, Ger, Ita, Gre, Neth, Albania
Importance of correct identification of LTBI population
Acceptance of interventions in the target groups
TB in migrants-special circumstances
Rapid drug testing in vulnerable groups
Drug treatment
Low incidence countries (2)
Representatives from:
Austria, Italy, Belgium, Neth, Spain
Diagnostic and treatment guidelines for children
Biomarkers to distinguish active from latent TB
Rapid turn over of DST results to clinicians
Immunology of TB
Shorter and better treatment regimens
Funding in PH TB
New vaccines
Middle incidence countries
Representatives from:
Bulgaria, Estonia, Russia, Turkey, UK, Lithuania, Belarus
• Better diagnostics for active and latent TB
• Treatment: shorter and more efficient Tx, incl. XDR,
evaluation of surgical interventions, adherence
• Nosocomial transmission issues
• Evaluation of MDR contacts: guidelines needed
• Advocacy
High incidence countries
Representatives from:
China, India, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa
• Diagnostics: active TB- POC tools Applicable to HIV+ve patients
• Treatment: shorter regimens
• Prevention: role of nutrition, vaccines
• Operational: appraise/change DOTS, private sector
involvement, national TB program/drug control
Exercise (1)
• The exercise is focused on defining research priorities at
programmatic level.
• You can also discuss research priorities beyond the
programmatic level.
• The priorities identified by your 2010 Collegues will give
you the direction to follow.
Exercise (2)
• Each group is composed of 3 persons.
• The groups have 20 minutes to discuss and identify,
separately, the research priorities for programmatic needs,
and eventually, those involving basic research.
• A report by groups and a class discussion will be done in
the remaining 30 minutes.