Transcript CI Drugs 2

Lesson Essential
How does drug
dependency lead to
violent crimes?
Types of Drugs
Depressants: Drugs that act on the central
nervous system and slow down brain activity.
Impaired co-ordination, balance and
judgment are common. Higher doses can
lead progressively to drowsiness, vomiting,
coma and even death. Examples: Volatile
substances or sniffable substances (eg glues,
gases, aerosols)
 Alcohol
 Tranquillisers
 GHB (Gamma hydroxy-butyrate)
Types of Drugs
Drugs that act on the central nervous system and
increase brain activity. Some give feelings of alertness,
greater energy and confidence. They may also reduce
appetite, leading to hunger when the drug's effects
have worn off, and tiredness or exhaustion if there
has been a long period of activity.
Alkyl Nitrites
Types of Drugs
 Drugs that act to change the way users
experience the world through the five
senses. Sometimes this involves seeing, and
hearing things which aren't there.
 Cannabis
 Magic mushrooms
 Ketamine
Types of Drugs
 Drugs that have a painkilling effect.
 Heroin (and other opiates/opioids)
Types of Drugs
Anabolic steroids
 Drugs that promote muscle growth and
increase lean body mass. These drugs
mostly have legitimate medical uses and
are often misused by those wishing to
enhance their athletic performance or
 Anabolic steroids
Drug Schedules
Drug schedules are used to categorize types of
The drug schedule has 5 parts with ranging
from schedule 1-5
Schedule 1 has the highest potential for
Schedule 5 is expectable medicinal usage
Gateway Drugs
Gateway drugs" is a term for drugs that
supposedly lead to abuse of other
substances. Marijuana, for instance, is
considered by some to be a gateway to
harder drugs.
 Basically, this concept says that if you
abuse drugs like marijuana you will be
more likely to be open to the use of
harder drugs like cocaine and heroin
Gateway Drugs
Whether there is such a thing as a gateway drug is still very
controversial. Critics of the idea note that even if people who
use cocaine started with marijuana, it is not clear that the
marijuana use caused or encouraged the cocaine use:The
person may simply have encountered marijuana first, and/or
is the sort of person more inclined than others to
experiment with a variety of illegal drugs. Fewer than one
percent of marijuana users go on to become cocaine addicts.
What is known is that long-term use of marijuana can
produce changes in the brain comparable to that seen after
long-term use of other major drugs of abuse such as cocaine,
heroin, and alcohol.
PET scans show long-term changes
in glucose metabolism in the brain
of a marijuana abuser, compared to
that of a normal brain.
Role of Drugs
Drugs can lead to violent crimes for a
variety of reasons including:
◦ Individuals who are involved in drug trade may
cause violence during drug deals or because
of deals gone bad
◦ Individuals who are addicted to drugs may
commit crimes to support their habit, either
to steal drugs or money to purchase drugs
◦ Individuals who are under the influence of
drugs may commit crimes while high due to
lack of inhibitions and reasoning skills
Addiction: the state of being enslaved to a
habit or practice or to something that is
psychologically or physically habit-forming,
as narcotics, to such an extent that its
cessation causes severe trauma.
 Narcotics: An addictive drug, such as
opium, that reduces pain, alters mood and
behavior, and usually induces sleep or
stupor. Natural and synthetic narcotics
are used in medicine to control pain.
Fighting Drugs
Lesson Essential
What steps has the
US taken to stop the
drug supply?
Role of Government
The U.S. Government has been working since
1880 to control the amount of drugs that
enter this country. At that time they entered
into an agreement with China that they
would not ship opium into the U.S. The U.S.
also prohibited the use of alcohol from 19201933. The following slides give examples of
more recent attempts to combat drug
War on Drugs
The War on Drugs was started in 1971 by
President Richard Nixon.
During the 1960’s drug use became more
main-stream among middle class whites,
prompting Nixon to call drugs “public enemy
number one”
Goal is to decrease amount of drugs
produced in the U.S., decrease amount of
drugs brought in from outside the U.S., and
therefore decrease the number of people
using and abusing drugs
Zero-Tolerance Policy
Attempt by President Clinton to crack
down on sales of prescription drugs on
the Internet
 Internet drug sales are often unregulated
and are dangerous because drugs can be
bought without a valid prescription
 Policy also sought to fund drug testing
and treatment programs
National Drug Control Strategy
Strategy introduced by George W. Bush
with the goals of:
◦ Stopping abuse before it begins with
education and community activism
◦ Healing current drug users with treatment
◦ Attacking the economic basis of the drug
trade through border control, enforcement,
and prosecution
Medical Marijuana
Lesson Essential Question:
What are the arguments
for and against the
legalization of marijuana for
medical purposes?
Medical Marijuana
A debate has raged for years in the U.S.:
should marijuana be legalized for medical
 Marijuana can be used medicinally to
numb pain, relieve the eye pressure of
glaucoma, calm muscle spasms, and ease
discomfort of AIDS and cancer patients
but it is illegal in most states
Medical Marijuana
California Proposition 215: Also known
as the Compassionate Use Act of
1996, was an attempt to legalize
marijuana for patients that were
“seriously” ill.
 The goal was to allow them to use
marijuana without being arrested or
imprisoned for it.
 What do you think? Should marijuana be
legalized in certain circumstances?