Transcript Document

CJ 325 Psychology for
Law Enforcement
Unit 6 Seminar
Role of Psychologist in Training
S Welcome to Unit 6 Seminar 
S Training -S Explain the concept of Training
S Why is Training so important in law enforcement?
Why is Training so important in psychology?
S Traditionally, what are the four ways in which law
enforcement came into contact with psychologists?
Role of Psychologist in Training
S Have these contacts changed?
S Why is it important for a police psychologist to
indoctrinate him/herself into the law enforcement
S Wellness Trainings
S What is Wellness Training? What types of issues
are included in this type of training?
Role of Psychologist in Training
S What is important in justifying Wellness Training to
law enforcement administrators?
S Is mandatory or voluntary training easier to justify to
administrators? To officers? Why?
S Participant Support
S Why is marketing the training package important for
the psychologist?
Role of Psychologist in Training
S Why is credibility of the training and credibility of
the presenter important in law enforcement?
S Why is experiential learning important to law
enforcement training? What are some types?
S How does the psychologist handle these training
topics -- critical incident survival, stress
management, parenting skills, alcohol/drug abuse,
spousal relationships
Role of Psychologist in Training
S Informational and Skill Trainings
S Many issues may not seem relevant to an officer.
How can the psychologist assist the officer in
identifying the problem and owning it as a problem
for him/herself personally (i.e., stress
S Why is program evaluation and feedback
important in law enforcement training?
Role of Psychologist in Training
S How does the psychologist handle these training
topics -- crisis management, communication
training, domestic violence and sexual assault, use
of force
S Organizational Trainings
S Why is it important for the psychologist to address
the systematic needs of the agency?
Role of Psychologist in Training
S How does the psychologist handle these training
topics -- early warning intervention, sexual
harassment, grief management, team building
S Questions ???
S Unit 7 seminar next week !!!
S Have a great week and thanks for chatting :)