Amniotic Fluid Embolism - Max Brinsmead MB BS PhD
Transcript Amniotic Fluid Embolism - Max Brinsmead MB BS PhD
Max Brinsmead MB BS PhD
May 2015
Amniotic Fluid Embolism
A rare event – 3.3 per 100,000 deliveries in an
Australian study based on ICD10
Was once associated with an 85% maternal
mortality - 50% within the first hour
35% maternal mortality with modern intensive
care and 32% perinatal mortality if it occurs before
AFE – Risk Factors
Intrauterine Fetal Death
Tumultuous labour
Oxytocin or Prostaglandin hyperstimulation
Caesarean section
Manual removal of the placenta
AFE - Pathophysiology
Probably an anaphylactoid-type reaction to the
intravascular ingress of amniotic fluid
This causes widespread vasoconstriction including
pulmonary and cardiac vessels
There is ↓myocardial contractility and acute left
heart failure
If the mother survives the initial cardiorespiratory
failure then DIC and haemorrhage is inevitable
Survivors may suffer stroke due to cerebral
The presence of fetal amniotic squames in the
maternal lung at autopsy is said to be “diagnostic”
AFE – Clinical Presentations
Acute fetal distress followed quickly by maternal
collapse with hypotension, dyspnoea and cyanosis
Sudden loss of consciousness or seizure
Often proceeds or occurs immediately after delivery
Maternal collapse during Caesarean section
Followed by profuse post partum haemorrhage
AFE – Diagnosis
The diagnosis is a clinical one
Exclude alternatives (if possible)
Placental abruption
Uterine rupture
Cardiogenic causes of acute CCF
Drug toxicity e.g. Local anaesthetics
Transfusion reaction
Massive aspiration of gastric contents
Useful Tests
Blood gases
Blood Coagulation tests
Lung CT to look for signs of thromboembolism
Serum zinc coproporphyrin >35 nmol/L
AFE - Management
Remember A, B, C
Endotracheal intubation and IPPV with 100%
Aggressive fluid replacement preferably with
CVP monitoring
Aggressive use of oxytocic agents plus
whatever to control PPH
Pressor agents eg Dopamine usually required
Multidisciplinary Intensive Care (including a
FFP and Platelets for DIC
?Heparin ?Factor VIIa