Drugs and Alcohol at Work Slides
Transcript Drugs and Alcohol at Work Slides
Thursday 1 December 2011
Drugs and Alcohol at Work
– Key Issues for HR
1. Issues
Drinking or taking drugs whilst at work
Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol at
Prescribed drugs
Absence caused by drugs or alcohol
Introducing and/or enforcing a policy
Tolerance levels
Testing, if at all
Disciplinary or occupational issue?
2. Relevant Law
HSWA 1974
Management of Health & Safety at Work Regs
Transport and Works Act 1992
Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
Road Traffic Act 1988
ERA 1996 – s98 (unfair dismissal)
Equality Act 2010?
Human Rights Act 1998?
Data Protection Act 1998?
3. Need for Policy
Sets out clear guidance and rules
Allows employees to understand when support may
be available
Allows employees to understand when the
disciplinary procedures may apply
Gives guidance to managers and supervisors so
they know what action to take when faced with a
Helps meet legal responsibilities
Helps reduce risk, accidents and absenteeism
Reduces private healthcare premiums
4. CIPD Stats
Just under 60% have rules in place re: drugs
and alcohol
60% use disciplinary procedure when
managing drugs and/or alcohol misuse at
Just over 25% use a capability procedure as
part of their approach to the issue
5. Policy Implementation or
If you need to introduce/amend a policy,
much better to consult with and gain
the support of the workforce
Works committee/safety committee
Message needs to be that purpose is
health, safety and welfare orientated
Impact assessment
6. Key Elements of Policy
Aim/objectives – policy statement as to why it exists
and who it applies to
Responsibility – who has overall responsibility and
who will be tasked with enforcement
Definitions – what constitutes misuse of
drugs/alcohol at work – not limited to just
recognised drugs or alcohol – consider possible
solvent misuse
What the rules are – at work, outside of work, at
work functions/business meetings, tolerance levels
(if any) and applicable to which employees
7. Key Elements of Policy [cont]
Support mechanisms for those with a problem,
such as counselling and rehabilitation schemes
Confidentiality aspects for those that confess to
drug/alcohol problems
Disclosure of use of prescription drugs which
may impair ability
When disciplinary action may be taken and
what would constitute gross misconduct
When issues may be reported to the Police
8. Testing
Does it have to be contractual?
Pre-employment screening (35% safety
Routine or occasional random (27% alcohol,
20% drugs safety critical)
For cause – after accident, incident, part of
rehabilitation and/or suspicion (40% safety
critical organisations)
Across which employees
9. Testing [cont]
How will testing be conducted (breath, urine,
hair) – 55% breath and 64% urine (alcohol),
20% saliva, 4% hair (drugs)
Who will be responsible for it and ensuring
equipment calibrated
Safeguards for test results
Implications for refusal to comply with
request for testing
10. CIPD Stats
22% carry out testing, further 9% were
planning on introducing testing
65% do not test at all and have no plans to
Most common approach is to test when
employee suspected – “for cause”
10% use random testing, much greater in
safety critical roles
11. Education and Training
Key element to any successful drugs and alcohol
Particularly relevant to the effects of drugs and
alcohol and how long those effects last for
Induction on policy and rules, regular awareness
campaigns by newsletters, emails, intranet
Training to management on spotting signs, handling
and testing
Only 33% train their managers/supervisors as part of
their efforts to communicate policies on drugs and
Only 22% train staff generally
12. FAQS
1. Can an employer undertake random drug or alcohol
testing of all employees?
2. What should the level of tolerance be to a positive
3. What if an employee refuses to submit to a test under
the contract of employment or policy?
4. Are there any data protection issues arising from drug
and alcohol testing?
5. Can an employer immediately dismiss someone if
they test positive for drugs or alcohol?
13. FAQS [cont]
6. Do we have to offer counselling or rehabilitation
7. Will an employee be “disabled” for the purposes of
the Equality Act 2010 if they are addicted to drugs or
8. Is there a possible breach of the Human Rights Act
1998 and the European Convention of Human Rights
by drugs and alcohol testing?
9. Is an employer responsible for employees drinking
alcohol at works parties?
Taylors Solicitors
Employment Team
Oliver McCann – Leanne Eddleston
Rawlings House
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t: 0844 8000 263
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80 Mosley Street
M2 3FX