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Transforming Teaching
for the 21st Century
Transformation Begins With
Commitment and Courage
A Changing Economy Makes
Education More Important
Low skill jobs
Knowledge work jobs
20th Century Teaching Cannot
Meet 21st Century Needs
Effective Teachers…
Engage students in active learning
Use a wide variety of teaching strategies
Create ambitious tasks
Assess student learning
continuously and adapt
teaching to student needs
Provide clear standards, constant feedback,
and opportunities for revising work
Work with colleagues to design and refine
curriculum, instruction, and assessment
Good Teachers
Matter Greatly
Research finds that student learning is related to:
• Teachers’ strong academic background
• Quality preparation prior to entry
• Certification in the field taught
• Experience (> 3 years)
• National Board Certification
In combination, these predict more of the difference
in student learning gains than race & parent
education combined (Clotfelter, Ladd, & Vigdor,
© Linda Darling-Hammond 2010
Although expert teachers are the greatest
influence on learning, the U.S. invests less
in teaching than other countries
Preparation is uneven and largely unfunded
Salaries are unequal and noncompetitive
Well-prepared teachers are unequally
distributed by race and class
Mentoring for new teachers is rare
Professional development is often “hit & run”
Learning & collaboration time is scarce: US
teachers teach far more hours and have less
prep time than any other advanced country
U.S. Outcomes in
International Perspective
(8th Grade PISA Results in OECD Nations, 2006)
New Zealand
United Kingdom
New Zealand
U.S. is # 21 / 30 OECD nations
#31 / 40 top nations
U.S. is #25 / 30 OECD
#35 / 40 top nations
Inequality Drives
Low US Rankings
Figure 1
U.S. PISA Results, by Subgroup, Compared to OECD Average
Problem Solving
OECD avg.
What are High-Achieving and
Steeply-Improving Nations Doing?
Universal preschool and health care
Equitable funding with investments in highneed schools and students
A lean curriculum & performance
assessments focused on higher order skills,
and developed & scored by teachers
Substantial investments in initial teacher
education and ongoing support
Time for teacher collaboration and learning
Career pathways to develop leadership
Student Assessment Systems
Abroad Also Support Effective
Assessments measure – and
encourage - the full range
of knowledge and skills
represented in standards.
Teacher scoring supports
professional learning
PD focuses on student
learning through action
research and examination
of student work
School-based assessments
support good instruction
and enhance curriculum
© Linda Darling-Hammond 2010
The Status of Professional
Development in the United States
 Effective professional development is better
understood but still relatively rare in the U.S.
 Nearly all teachers (>90%) participate in 1
day workshops and conferences.
 Fewer than 1/3 get sustained PD, get
mentoring or coaching, or observe other
 Only 15% of U.S. teachers reported a great
deal of cooperative effort among staff
2008 – half as many as a decade earlier.
© Linda Darling-Hammond 2010
What Kind of Policies Can Help?
No Child Left Behind:
Noble Goals and Unintended Effects
Goal to focus on all groups of students
Demand for “highly qualified teachers,”
but incentives for reducing preparation
Demand for higher achievement, but
incentives for
-- Excluding low-scoring students
-- Narrowing curriculum
-- Chasing teachers from high-need
Outcomes of NCLB
State scores have ‘increased’
National gains have slowed
International scores have dropped
Graduation rates have declined
Student exclusions have increased
Teacher attrition has grown
What Would Work?
NCTAF Recommendations
[aka The Hunt Commission]
1. Get serious about standards for both
students and teachers
2. Reinvent teacher preparation and
professional development
3. Fix teacher recruitment and put qualified
teachers in every classroom
4. Encourage and reward teacher knowledge
and skill
5. Create schools that are organized for
student and teacher success
North Carolina Led the Way
in the 1990s
Raised teachers’ salaries in the mid-1980s and
again in the 1990s
Increased licensing requirements for teachers
and principals
Created and maintained the NC Teaching
Fellows Program
Later created the NC Principal Fellows Program
Required all schools of education to become
NCATE accredited
Supported professional development schools
and longer clinical training
North Carolina’s Leadership
Created teacher mentoring and assessment
Created professional development academies
and the North Carolina Center for the
Advancement of Teaching;
Supported teacher development networks like
the National Writing Project
Created the nation’s first comprehensive
approach to supporting and rewarding teachers
for achieving National Board Certification
Invested in early childhood education
Outcomes of Attending to
“What Matters Most”
NC student achievement rose from one
of the lowest-ranked states to wellabove the national average
Steepest gains of any state in the
Largest reduction in the achievement
gap of any state in that decade
What are the Next Horizons?
Race to the Top Focuses on
• Using Data Effectively to Inform
• Strengthening Teacher and Leader
• Turning Around Low-Performing
• Expanding School Options
What Teachers Need
to Teach Powerfully
Coherent, “less is more” curriculum
Performance assessments that provide
students opportunities to apply learning and
teachers rich data about student learning
School designs that support deeper learning
for students and teachers
Access to knowledge, coherent teaching
standards, and support from good leaders
Equitable resources
NAEP, 8th and 12th Grade
1. What two gases make up most of the
Earth's atmosphere?
• A) Hydrogen and oxygen
• B) Hydrogen and nitrogen
• C) Oxygen and carbon dioxide
• D) Oxygen and nitrogen
2. Is a hamburger an example of stored
energy? Explain why or why not.
High School Biology Exam,
Victoria, Australia
3. When scientists design drugs against infectious agents, the term “designed
drug” is often used.
A. Explain what is meant by this term.
Scientists aim to develop a drug against a particular virus that infects humans.
The virus has a protein coat and different parts of the coat play different
roles in the infective cycle. Some sites assist in the attachment of the virus
to a host cell; others are important in the release from a host cell. The
structure is represented in the following diagram:
The virus reproduces by attaching itself to the
surface of a host cell and injecting its DNA into the host
cell. The viral DNA then uses the components of host cell
to reproduce its parts and hundreds of new viruses bud off
from the host cell. Ultimately the host cell dies.
Analysis and Application of
B. Design a drug that will be effective against this virus. In your answer outline
the important aspects you would need to consider. Outline how your drug
would prevent continuation of the cycle of reproduction of the virus
particle. Use diagrams in your answer. Space for diagrams is provided on
the next page.
Design and Scientific Inquiry
Before a drug is used on humans, it is usually tested on animals. In this case,
the virus under investigation also infects mice.
C. Design an experiment, using mice, to test the effectiveness of the drug you
have designed.
Embed New Assessments in
Redesigned Schools
Redesign schools so that they better support
teaching and learning by ensuring:
-- personalization,
-- time for professional learning and planning,
-- more challenging and applied learning
-- more continuous relationships with families
and children
-- more equitable resources
Develop More Effective Preparation
for Teachers and Leaders
High-quality clinical experiences – tapping
the wisdom of practice -- linked to
coursework about learning of students and
Focus learning applying specific tools in
the classroom
More extensive coursework in content and
content pedagogy
Links to curriculum and assessments
Performance assessments for adults
evaluating practice
Deepen Professional Learning
Create a strong infrastructure for
professional learning that is:
Responsive to teacher needs
Sustained and readily available
Grounded in curriculum content
Supportive of diverse learners
Supported by coaching
Connected to collaborative work in
professional learning communities
Integrated into school and classroom planning
around curriculum, instruction, and assessment
© Linda Darling-Hammond 2010
Strengthen Leadership
Proactively recruit and develop leaders
from among expert teachers
Cultivate Leadership Teams
Teach leaders how to redesign schools
Close the Opportunity Gap
Equalize funding and opportunities to learn
Recruit a diverse pipeline of well-qualified
teachers and leaders for every school
Recommit to higher education access,
expansion, and renewal that prepares our
nation for today’s and tomorrow’s world
Tackling the Agenda
that Matters Most
"On some positions, Cowardice asks the question,
'Is it safe?'
Expediency asks the question, 'Is it politic?'
And Vanity comes along and asks the question,
'Is it popular?'
But Conscience asks the question 'Is it right?'
And there comes a time when one must take a position
that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he
must do it because Conscience tells him it is right."
-- Martin Luther King, 1968