Using this template - British Hypertension Society
Transcript Using this template - British Hypertension Society
Hypertension Guideline
Implementation and Research
Mark Caulfield
For the British Hypertension Society
The William Harvey Research Institute and Barts and
The London NIHR Biomedical Research Unit
Queen Mary University of London
Launch: Wednesday 24th August 2011
NICE clinical guideline 127
Research Recommendations
•Out-of-office monitoring
In adults with primary hypertension, does the use of out-ofoffice monitoring (HBPM or ABPM) improve response to
•Intervention thresholds for people aged under 40 with
In people aged under 40yrs with hypertension, what are the
appropriate thresholds for intervention?
Research Recommendations
•Methods of assessing lifetime CV risk in people
aged under 40 with hypertension
In people aged under 40yrs with hypertension, what is the
most accurate method of assessing the lifetime risk of
cardiovascular events and the impact of therapeutic
intervention on this risk?
Research Recommendations
•Optimal systolic blood pressure
In people with treated hypertension, what is the optimal
systolic blood pressure?
•Step 4 treatment - resistant hypertension
In adults with resistant hypertension, which drug treatment
(diuretic therapy versus other step 4 treatments) is the most
clinically and cost effective for step 4 treatment?
Research Recommendations
•Automated blood pressure monitoring in people
with atrial fibrillation
Which automated blood pressure monitors are suitable for
people with hypertension and atrial fibrillation?
Hypertension Guideline
•Launch 24th August 2011
•BHS Live! and implementation meeting
•BHS Information and Guidelines WP
•Combination therapies
•Secondary causes of hypertension
•Hypertension urgencies
Education and implementation
•Regional Meetings
•Edinburgh, Manchester, Birmmingham
•Several in Wales
•Northern Ireland
•Primary Care Meetings and Non-medical prescribers
•Nurse updates
Facilitating implementation
•Quality Outcomes Framework – adopting NICE on very
•Pilot of ne QoF Targets
•Exploring possibility of National Procurement of ABPM
•Device manufacturers will need to look at pricing
•National ABPM registry and reporting system