Study on genetic polymorphisms (SNPs)

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October 3, 2002
The 3rd Kitasato University - Harvard School of Public Health Symposium
Pharmacogenomics in Japan
Hiroshi Gushima
Scientific Advisor
BioFrontier Partners, Inc.
Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Pharmacogenetics and
pharmacogenomics in Japan - 1
Government Millennium Project
Pharma SNP Consortium (42 pharmaceutical companies
belonging to JPMA)
Frequency of SNPs, Research on expression and function of
mutant proteins encoded by SNPs, Database, Immortal cell lines
Creation of Exploratory Clinical Research Center
Progress in SNP projects
Tokyo University, Kyoto University, Kurume University and
Basic principles for human genome research (6/2000)
Ethical guidelines for human genome and gene research
– Establishment and management of the Ethical Review Board
 141 research organizations (as of August 23, 2002)
Ethical guidelines for epidemiological research (6/2002)
Pharmacogenetics and
pharmacogenomics in Japan - 2
PI: Clinical pharmacokinetic studies stratified subjects
based on genetic polymorphisms of CYP isozymes
are increasing.
PII: Some PII studies are being conducted after the
approval by the IRB and/or EC.
PMS: Post-marketing clinical trials of proton pump
inhibitors (Omeprazole, Lansoprazole) are ongoing.
Activities toward the practical use:
Trastuzumab : IHC and FISH examinations
 Imatinib Mesilate, Iressa : prediction of the efficacy by gene expression
 Irinotecan : discrimination of adverse reactions by SNP-Invader assays
 Interferon : prediction of the efficacy by DNAchip
The Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences
Established by WHO and UNESCO in 1949
Activities :
 Bioethics
 Health Policy, Ethics and Human Values - An
International Dialogue
 Drug Development and Use
– Safety requirements for the use of drugs
– Assessment, monitoring and reporting of adverse drug
– Reporting and terminology of adverse drug reactions
– Ethical criteria for drug promotion
– Surveillance and assessment of drug safety data from
clinical trials
– Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacoeconomics
International Nomenclature of Diseases
CIOMS Working Group
on Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacoeconomics
Academia (2), drug regulatory agencies (13) and
the pharmaceutical industry (11)
 University of Tokyo, MHLW, Yamanouchi
Terminology, impact, cost, regulation, ethics etc.
of pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics
Working Group Meeting
February 2002, EMEA, London
August 2002, BfArM, Bonn
February 2003, FDA, Washington DC
Conditions in Europe and USA
Report of The Society of Pharmaceutical Medicine’s
Working Party on Pharmacogenetics. International
Journal of Pharmaceutical Medicine 2001, 15:53
DIA Workshop on Ethical & Practical Complexities of
PGx Research, Basel, Switzerland, 5 March 2002
Workshop on
Pharmacogenetics/Pharmacogenomics in Drug
Development and Regulatory Decision-Making, Univ.
of Maryland, Rockville Maryland, 16-17 May 2002
– Sponsored by FDA, PhRMA DruSafe and PWG