Intravenous Drug Administration

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Transcript Intravenous Drug Administration

Medication errors
& how to minimise
Kevin Gibbs
Clinical Pharmacy Manager
Bristol Royal Infirmary
 To provide an awareness of:
 Common medication errors
 How to minimise these
 The National Patient Safety Agency
 Resources available to you to aid in safer
 By the end of the session you should be able to:
 Define a medication error
 List the ‘Five Rights’
 Understand the NHS role in safer prescribing
 Prescribe safely…………
What is an error?
What is an error ?
 Doses omitted
 Wrong dose
 Unprescribed drug
 Wrong dosage form
 Wrong route of
 Wrong rate of
 Wrong time of
time of day
in relation to food etc....
 Using unstable/expired
 Wrong administration
 Incorrect reconstitution
 Extra dose given
Error in ….
 Prescribing
 Dispensing
 Administration
 Counselling/communication
Adverse events – What is the
 Adverse-events per
admission (%)
AE number / year in
Cost in additional
hospital stay (£)
Cost of clinical
negligence schemes/yr
Medication errors = %
of incidents
£2 billion
£400 million
 Difficult to estimate due to varying definitions -
 Prescribing errors
3-20 per 1000 prescriptions
 Medication errors
1 per patient per day
 Been estimated that drug errors account for 1/5 of
all deaths due to adverse drug events
Prescribing errors
Error Rate
Prescribing errors
(Primary Care)
Computer generated
Prescribing errors
(Primary Care)
Hand written
Prescribing errors
Serious Errors
Dean B, Schachter M, Vincent C, Barber N. Quality and Safety in Healthcare 2002; 11:340-344
Shah SNH, Aslam M and Avery AJ. Pharm J. 2002; 267: 860-862
Dispensing and Admin Errors
Stage of process
Error Rate
Serious Errors
Dispensing errors (P)
Dispensing errors
Undetected (H)
Oral Medicines (H)
3 – 8%
Preparation and admin of
parenteral medicines
13%- 49%
UK references 1 – 12 from Building a safer NHS, Medication Safety
The NHS position on error
 Avoidable failures occur;
 Untoward events which could be prevented recur, often
with devastating results
 Incidents which result from lapses in standards of care in
one hospital do not reliably lead to correction throughout
the NHS
 Circumstances which predispose to failure are not well
An Organisation with a Memory
Department of Health (2000)
Patient safety
 The process by which an organisation
makes patient care safer. This should
 risk assessment; the identification and
management of patient-related risks;
 the reporting and analysis of incidents;
 and the capacity to learn from and follow-up
on incidents and implement solutions to
minimise the risk of them recurring.
National Patient Safety Agency
Collect and analyse information on adverse
Assimilate other safety-related information
Learn lessons and ensure that they are fed back
into practice
Where risks are identified, produce solutions to
prevent harm, specify national goals and
establish mechanisms to track progress
NPSA: Patient safety incident
 any unintended or unexpected incident
which could have or did lead to harm for one
or more patients receiving NHS funded
 this is also referred to as an adverse event / incident
or clinical error, and includes near misses.
NPSA: Seven steps to patient
 Step 1
 Step 2
 Step 3
 Step 4
 Step 5
 Step 6
 Step 7
Build a safety culture
Lead and support your staff
Integrate your risk management activity
Promote reporting
Involve and communicate with patients
and the public
Learn and share safety lessons
Implement solutions to prevent harm
NHS action on medication errors
 Reduce to zero the number of patients dying or
being paralysed by maladministered spinal
injections by the end of 2001
 Reduce by 40% the number of serious errors in
the use of prescribed medicines by 2005
Building a safer NHS for patients
Department of Health (2001)
Improving medication safety
January 2004
Improving medication safety
Medication safety – a worldwide health priority.
Medication errors: definition, incidence, causes.
The medication process, prescribing,
dispensing, administration.
Reducing risks for specific patients groups.
Patients with allergies
Seriously ill patients
Improving medication safety
Reducing the risks for specific medicines
Anaesthetic practice
Cytotoxic drugs
Intravenous infusions
Opiate analgesics
Potassium chloride
Organisational and environmental strategies
Information management and technology
Improved labelling and packaging
Interfaces between healthcare settings
Education and training for medication safety
Managing medication safety in
secondary care
 NHS Trusts should have dedicated machinery for
organisation wide management of patient safety.
 The CNST has developed new standards for
medicines. This requires trusts to have medicines
management policies, together with annual reports,
improvement programmes with defined objectives
and progress.
Prescribing responsibilities
 Drug
 Dose
 Route
 Rate of administration
 Duration of treatment
 Checking patient allergies & sensitivities
 Providing a prescription that is:
Giving all information to allow safe
Research says:
44-98,000 deaths
“To Err is Human”
Australia 250,000 adverse events
50,000 permanent disability
10,000 deaths
“Iatrogenic Injury in Australia”
Denmark confirmed 9% of admissions
Commonest causes of medication
 Lack of knowledge of the drug – 36%
 Lack of knowledge about the patient
 “rule” violations – 10%
 “Slip” or memory loss – 9%
 JAMA 1995;274:35-43
Common error types
 Wrong patient
 Contra-indicated medicine
Allergy, medical condition, drug-drug
 Wrong drug / ingredient
 Wrong dose / frequency
 Wrong formulation
 Wrong route of administration
 Wrong quantity
 Poor handwriting on Rx
 Incorrect IV administration calculations or
pump rates
 Poor record keeping/checking
double doses
wrong patient
 Paediatric doses
 Poor administration technique
 Complicated prescriptions
 Calculations
 Verbal orders
 Lack of knowledge about drugs
 Mistakes in identifying drugs
 Rx: Insulin 7  stat
 read as 70 units, given
 Erythromycin 500mg IV
 Highly irritant – should
in 50ml
 ISMN 10mg
be 250-500 ml
 ISTIN 10mg given
 Vancomycin IV 1g
Isosorbide mononitrate
given instead of
given as bolus rather
than infusion
cardiac arrest
 Ceftazidime 2g tds IV
written badly
 Methotrexate 20mg
daily (Dx: RA)
 Digoxin 125mg IV
Should be weekly
loading dose 10mg od
Should be micrograms
 Discharged on warfarin
Cefotaxime given
given - cardiac arrest
Not referred for dose
adjustment to clinic
14days of 10mg od
INR 12.3
 Weight-related dose for
tinzaparin – 80kg body
weight estimated
 CABG patient,
standard therapy
 Galantamine re-started
after a gap 8ml qds
 Patient was 51kg
 Thyroxine missed on
admission, discovered
day 10
 Should have been
12mg (2ml) bd
PRHO confused over
liquid strength
 Anaesthetist adjusted
rate of fentanyl syringe
pump in Theatre
 Rx: Co-amoxiclav
 Rx: morphine 0.4ml
 30% sodium chloride
used instead of 0.9% to
dilute an epidural
 New pump. Increased
rate x 1000
Respiratory arrest
 Did not realise this is a
penicillin – anaphylaxis
 4ml given
 Severe pain
 Rx: Ranitidine 50mg
 In Theatre: Sodium
chloride flush for a
central line switched
with fentanyl
 IV line flushed with
sodium chloride 0.9%
 Given via epidural line
rather than central line
 Respiratory arrest.
Syringes made up in
advance and not
 Was in fact Potassium
15% - death.
Ampoules look similar
in design.
Case study 1 – "Cambridge"
 Rx Methotrexate 17.5mg once a week
 New Rx 10mg once a day
 10mg daily dispensed by locum pharmacist
 Rx error noticed by 2nd GP, but the computer
record was not altered
 +5/7 patient admitted to ENT ward
 Drug chart written for 100mg daily
 +1/7 Nurse d/w patient – back to 10mg od
 +1/7 Pharmacist queries and asks nurse to ask Dr
to check dose
 GP records confirm 10mg od
 +2/7 blood tests re-checked } Haem
 +5/7 patient dies
Case study 2 – “Nottingham”
 Rx Intrathecal methotrexate under GA in
theatre by Oncology Reg & intravenous
vincristine on ward by specialist nurse
 "Outlied" on non-specialist ward
 Both drugs delivered to theatre from ward
 Given food pre-op – op postponed
 Orignal SpR off-duty now
 Cover SpR unable to leave ward, anaesthetist to
admin intrathecal drug
 Aneasthetist had given I/Thecal drugs before but
had never given chemotherapy
 Methotrexate given intravenously
 Vincristine given intrathecally
 Patient died
How to handle errors
 Is there an acceptable rate ?
 Should errors be graded or scored for
severity ?
 Blame vs. No blame
 Analyse why the errors have occurred and
try to prevent reoccurrence
When things go wrong
The "patient-centered“ approach
 Identify an individual to blame
 Focus on events surrounding the adverse
 Focus on the human acts or omissions
immediately preceding the event
 Blame, name & shame
 Perfection myth
If people try hard enough they will not make
any errors
 Punishment myth
If we punish people when they make a errors,
ther will make fewer of them
Or/ “Active learning”
= Understanding causes of failure
Human error may precipitate
a serious error
Deeper, systematic, factors are usually present
Addressing these would have prevented the error
 Humans are fallible
Errors are inevitable
 Change work conditions to make humans
less error-provoking
Why did the defences fail?
What factors contributed to the failure?
How can we help you?
How can we help you?
How can we help you?
D o n ’t u s e IV a ntib io tics w ith o u t g o o d c a u s e
2 ) D o n ’t u s e m u ltip le a n tib io tic s w ith o u t g o o d in d ica tio n s
D o n ’t g ive IV th e ra p y fo r m o re th an 2 d a y s w ith o u t re vie w (n u rs es /p h a rm ac ists w ill re q u e st n e w p re sc rip tio n ) (IV to O ra l p o lic y)
D o n ’t p re sc rib e a n tib io tics fo r a c u te a s th m a w ith o u t s tro n g e v id e n c e o f b ac te ria l in fec tio n (u s u a lly vira l)
R e vie w a n tib io tic s w h e n re s u lts e .g ., u rin e, b lo o d , s p u tum c u ltu re s e tc a re a va ila b le.
U s e o ra l an tib io tic s fo r 5 -7 d a ys u n le s s o th e rw is e s ta te d .
D o s e s a s s u m e a d u lt w ith n o rm al re n al fu n c tio n
In tra v e n o u s B e n z ylp e n ic illin s h o u ld b e s w itc h e d to o ra l A m o x ic illin w h e r e a p p r o p ria te .
In fe c tive E x ac e rb a tio n o f
C o m m u n ity A c q u ire d
P n e u m o n ia
R is k F a c to rs in C AP
(C U R B -6 5 )
C = co n fu sio n M T S 8 o r le ss
U = U re a > /= 7 m m o l/l
R = R e s p . R a te > /= 3 0 /m in
B = B P S ysto lic < 9 0 m m H g
+ /- D ia sto lic < /= 6 0 m m H g
6 5 = a g e > /= 6 5 yrs
A m o x ic illin
M o x iflo x a cin
A m o x ic illin
5 0 0 m g p o 8 ho u rly
4 0 0 m g p o o nc e da ily
5 0 0 m g p o 8 ho u rly
M ild – if a typ ic a l
s u s p ec te d o r p e n ic illin
a lle rg ic
S e v e re
M o x iflo x a cin
4 0 0 m g p o o nc e da ily
B e n z ylp e n ic illin
P L U S C ip ro flo x a c in
S e v e re – p e n ic illin
a lle rg ic
L e vo flo x a c in
2 .4 g ram s (4 m u ) iv 6 h o u rly
7 5 0 m g p o 1 2 h o u rly
5 0 0 m g iv 1 2 h o u rly
If p e n ic illin a lle rg ic
M ild
5 d a ys
7 -1 0 d a ys
7 -1 0 d a ys
S w itc h in g to o ra l
M o x iflo x a cin
4 0 0 m g p o o nc e da ily
L e g io n ella P n e u m o n ia
C ip ro flo x a cin
P L U S R ifa m p ic in
7 5 0 m g p o 1 2 h o u rly
3 0 0 m g -6 00 m g iv/p o 1 2 ho u rly
2 -3 w e e ks
S u s p e c te d
S ta p h ylo c o c c a l
P n e u m o n ia
F lu c lo xa c illin
P L U S G e n ta m ic in
2 w ee k s
5 d a ys th e n re view
A m o x ic illin
2 g ra m s iv 6 h o u rly
4 m g /k g /da y
iv s in gle da ily do s e (c he ck
tro u g h le ve l)
2 .4 g ram s iv 6 ho u rly
5 0 0 m g iv 8 h o u rly o r 1 g ram
p r 8 -1 2 h o u rly
5 0 0 m g p o 8 ho u rly
M o x iflo x a cin
4 0 0 m g p o o nc e da ily
B e n z ylp e n ic illin
P L U S C ip ro flo x a c in
2 .4 g ram s (4 M U ) iv 6 h o u rly
7 5 0 m g p o 1 2 h o u rly
(1 g ra m iv 1 2 h o u rly
a n d c h ec k le ve ls )
B e n z ylp e n ic illin
P L U S M e tro n id a zo le
A s p ira tio n P n e u m o n ia
M ild N o so c o m ia l
C h e s t In fec tio n
If p e n ic illin a lle rg ic
S e ve re N o s o c o m ia l C h es t
In fe c tio n
(C o n s id e r V a n c o m yc in
in s te a d o f B e n p e n . – if M R S A
c o lo n is e d )
M e n in g itis
A ll C a s e s
In itia l tre a tm e n t T H E N
d iscu s s fu rth e r
m a n a g e m e n t w ith
m icro b io lo g is ts
C e llu litis
If p e n ic illin a lle rg ic
C e llu litis in D iab e tics
C e ftria x o n e
4 g ra m s iv on c e d a ily
If O v e r 5 5 yr s A D D
A m p ic illin
2 g ra m s iv 4 h o u rly
B e n z ylp e n ic illin
P L U S F lu c lo x a c illin
2 .4 g ram s (4 M U ) iv 6 h o u rly
1 g ra m iv 6 ho u rly
C lin d a m yc in
6 0 0 m g iv 6 h o u rly o r 4 5 0m g
p o 6 ho u rly
6 2 5 m g p o 8 ho u rly
C o -a m o x ic la v
Depends on
in d ivid u a l ca s e .
C ip ro flo x a cin
P L U S C lin d a m yc in
U rin a r y T ra c t In fe c tio n
U rin a r y C a th e te r
In fe c tio n s
a n d P ye lo n e p h ritis
T rim e th o p rim
A m p ic illin
P L U S C ip ro flo x a c in
S ta t d o s e G e n ta m ic in
S e p s is o f u n kn o w n
s o u rc e
7 5 0 m g p o 1 2 h o u rly
4 5 0 m g p o 6 ho u rly
2 0 0 m g p o 1 2 h o u rly
1 g ra m iv 6 ho u rly
7 5 0 m g p o 1 2 h o u rly
M ild
S e ve re
(L ife T h re a te n in g )
B e n z ylp e n ic illin
P L U S C ip ro flo x a c in
C e ftria x o n e
P L U S G e n ta m ic in
4 m g /k g iv s ing le d os e
2 .4 g ram s (4 M U ) iv 6 h o u rly
7 5 0 m g p o 1 2 h o u rly
4 g ra m s iv on c e d a ily
4 m g /k g /da y iv s in g le d aily
d o s e (c he ck trou g h )
3 d a ys
How can we help you?
 Resources
for Children
Safe prescribing: A summary
Clear and
Care with units
Is it weight/BSArelated dosing. Is
weight accurate?
Approved name
No abbreviations
Care with IVs
 Clear decimal
0.5ml not .5ml
 Rewrite charts
 ***** In English
 If abbreviate use
‘standard’ ones
 od / bd / tds / qds
 NOT 250mg3
 Take time, eg to
read labels
 Care if:
Impaired renal function (NB: GFR)
Hepatic dysfunction
The elderly
Drug unknown to you
Very new drug
The “5 Rights”
• the right patient
• the right drug
• the right time
• the right dose
• the right route
If in doubt ……..
Please ask
Further reading/references
 Naylor, R. Medication Errors. Radcliffe
Press. ISBN 1857759567
 Department of Health. (2004). Building a
safer NHS. Improving patient safety.
 National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) (UK)
 Institute for Safe Medication Practices
(ISMP) (American)