Transcript Scopolamine

Julia Bedell
Laci Click
Meredith Barr
Where does it come from?
 Scopolamine is an
alkaloid drug found as a
secondary metabolite of
plants in the
Solanaceae family.
Solanaceaes are
nightshade plants
Examples of plants in
the family that produce
scopolamine are
henbane and jimson
 Jimson Weed
Chemical make up
 Alkaloid drugs
 In the tropane group
 Alkaloid drugs are
defined as naturally
occurring amines that
are produced by a
 Many have anesthetic
or analgesic effects
 Chemical formula
 C17H21NO4
A drug with a sorted history!
 Project MKULTRA
In the 1950’s the CIA investigated the use of
Scopolamine as a “truth serum”
Due to hallucinogenic side effects the drug
was determined to be an unreliable
interrogation drug
So what do we use it for?
 Scopolamine is used as
an anti-nausea
 It is given in patch
(transdermal) form to
treat nausea associated
with motion sickness
and chemotherapy.
 Marketed as
Scopoderm and
Mechanism of Action
 Scopolamine is an antagonist at muscarinic
acetylcholine receptors (M1)
 Blocking acetylcholine from binding to the
receptor blocks Acetylcholine mediated nerve
impulses from traveling through the body
Mechanism of Action
 In motion sickness a person feels ill because
of conflicting sensory information from the
visual senses and balance center in the inner
 To treat motion sickness this antagonist
blocks the acetylcholine mediated nerve
impulses to the inner ear where balance is
Other Medical Uses
 Scopolamine is sometimes used for other medical purposes
such as:
CNS depressant for pain
Pupil Dilator
Paralysis of eye muscles
 At one point, Scopolamine was mixed with morphine to produce a
state known as “twilight sleep”.
 “Twilight sleep” was induced to yield an insensibility to pain
without loss of consciousness
The negative side of Scopolamine use
 Acetylcholine is the major neurotransmitter
found in autonomic ganglia, and is the
chemical that allows neurons to communicate
for sensory input and muscle control.
 Muscarinic receptors are important for control
Central Nervous System
Parasympathetic control of heart, lungs, and
gastrointestinal functioning
Negative side of Scopolamine cont’
 By blocking Ach- M1 functioning, you could
inhibit the Central and Peripheral Nervous
System functioning.
 Acetylcholine antagonists also cause heart
rate to increase which can lead to myocardial
infarction or angina.
 This drug is highly toxic!
 It must be used in small doses.
 An overdose of Scopolamine can cause
delirium, paralysis, stupor, heart failure, and
Other Side Effects
Dry mouth
Blurred vision
Poor Memory
Unequal dilation of
pupils (also known as
Negative uses of Scopolamine
 In recent years the use of Scopolamine for
criminal purposes has increased dramatically.
 Scopolamine is often used as a date rape
drug because it causes delirium,
hallucinations, and has sedative effects on
the victim.
For more information
 (commercial site)