Lectures 16-17 - Department of Computing

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Transcript Lectures 16-17 - Department of Computing

Introduction to Bioinformatics
Biological Networks
Department of Computing
Imperial College London
March 11, 2010
Lecture hours 16-17
Nataša Pržulj
[email protected]
Data Clustering
• find relationships and patterns in the data
• get insights in underlying biology
• find groups of similar genes/proteins/samples
• deal with numerical values of biological data
• they have many features (not just colour)
Data Clustering
Data Clustering
• There are many possible distance metrics
between objects
• Theoretical properties of distance metrics, d:
– d(a,b) >= 0
– d(a,a) = 0
– d(a,b) = 0 a=b
– d(a,b) = d(b,a) – symmetry
– d(a,c) <= d(a,b) + d(b,c) – triangle inequality
Clustering Algorithms
Example distances:
• Euclidean (L2) distance
• Manhattan (L1) distance
• Lm: (|x1-x2|m+|y1-y2|m)1/m
• L∞: max(|x1-x2|,|y1-y2|)
• Inner product: x1x2+y1y2
• Correlation coefficient
• For simplicity we will concentrate on Euclidean
and Manhattan distances
Clustering Algorithms
Distance/Similarity matrices:
• Clustering is based on distances –
distance/similarity matrix:
• Represents the distance between objects
• Only need half the matrix, since it is symmetric
Clustering Algorithms
Hierarchical Clustering:
Scan dist. matrix for the minimum
Join items into one node
Update matrix and repeat from step 1
Clustering Algorithms
Hierarchical Clustering:
Distance between two points – easy to compute
Distance between two clusters – harder to compute:
Single-Link Method / Nearest Neighbor
Complete-Link / Furthest Neighbor
Average of all cross-cluster pairs
Clustering Algorithms
Hierarchical Clustering:
1. Example: Single-Link (Minimum) Method:
Resulting Tree, or
Clustering Algorithms
Hierarchical Clustering:
2. Example: Complete-Link (Maximum) Method:
Resulting Tree, or
Clustering Algorithms
Hierarchical Clustering:
In a dendrogram, the length of each tree branch represents the distance
between clusters it joins.
Different dendrograms may arise when different Linkage methods are used.
Clustering Algorithms
K-Means Clustering:
• Basic Ideas : use cluster centroids (means) to represent cluster.
• Assigning data elements to the closet cluster (centroid).
• Goal: Minimize intra-cluster dissimilarity.
Clustering Algorithms
K-Means Clustering
Clustering Algorithms
• Differences between the two clustering algorithms:
– Hierarchical Clustering:
• Need to select Linkage Method
• to perform any analysis, it is necessary to partition the dendrogram into k disjoint
clusters, cutting the dendrogram at some point. A limitation is that it is not clear
how to choose this k
– K-means: Need to select K
– In both cases: Need to select distance/similarity measure
Clustering Algorithms
Nearest neighbours clustering:
Clustering Algorithms
Nearest neighbours clustering:
Pros and cons:
1. No need to know the number of clusters to discover beforehand (different than
in k-means and hierarchical).
2. We need to define the threshold .
Clustering Algorithms
k-nearest neighbors clustering -- classification
algorithm, but we use the idea here to do
– For point v, create the cluster containing v and top k
closest points to v (closest training examples);
e.g., based on Euclidean distance.
– Do this for all points v.
– All of the clusters are of size k, but they can overlap.
• The challenge: choosing k.
What is Classification?
The goal of data classification is to organize and
categorize data in distinct classes.
 A model is first created based on the data distribution.
 The model is then used to classify new data.
 Given the model, a class can be predicted for new data.
Application: medical diagnosis, treatment effectiveness analysis,
protein function prediction, interaction prediction, etc.
Classification = Learning the Model
What is Clustering?
There is no training data (objects are not labeled)
We need a notion of similarity or distance (over what features?)
Should we know a priori how many clusters exist?
How do we characterize members of groups?
How do we label groups?
Supervised and Unsupervised
Supervised Classification = Classification
 We know the class labels and the number of classes
Unsupervised Classification = Clustering
 We do not know the class labels and may not know the
number of classes
Classification vs. Clustering
(we can compute it without the need
of knowing the correct solution)
Classification is a 3-step process
1. Model Construction (Learning):
– Each tuple is assumed to belong to a predefined
class, as determined by one of the attributes,
called the class label.
– The set of all tuples used for construction of the
model is called the training set.
– The model is presented in forms such as:
Classification rules (IF-THEN statements)
Mathematical formulae
Classification is a 3-step process
2. Model Evaluation (Accuracy):
Estimate accuracy rate of the model based on a test set.
The known label of test sample is compared with
the classified result from the model.
Accuracy rate is the percentage of test set samples
that are correctly classified by the model.
Test set is independent of training set, otherwise
over-fitting will occur.
Classification is a 3-step process
3. Model Use (Classification):
The model is used to classify unseen objects.
• Give a class label to a new tuple
• Predict the value of an actual attribute
k-Nearest Neighbours (k-NN)
• In k-nearest-neighbour classification, the training
dataset is used to classify each member of a "target"
• There is no model created during a learning phase
but the training set itself.
• It is called a lazy-learning method.
• Rather than building a model and referring to it
during the classification, k-NN directly refers to the
training set for classification.
Simple Nearest Neighbour Classification
• It is very simple. The training is nothing more than
sorting the training data and storing it in a list.
• To classify a new entry, this entry is compared to the
list to find the closest record, with value as similar as
possible to the entry to classify (i.e., nearest
neighbour). The class of this record is simply
assigned to the new entry.
• Different measures of similarity or distance can be
Simple Nearest Neighbour Classification
k-Nearest Neighbours (k-NN)
• The k-Nearest Neighbour is a variation of Nearest
Neighbour. Instead of looking for only the closest
record to the entry to classify, we look for the k
records closest to it.
• To assign a class label to the new entry, from all the
labels of the k nearest records we take the majority
class label.
• Nearest Neighbour is a case of k-Nearest Neighbours
with k=1.
k-Nearest Neighbours (k-NN)
Correctness of methods
• Clustering is used for making predictions:
– E.g., protein function, involvement in disease,
interaction prediction.
• Other methods are used for classifying the data
(have disease or not) and making predictions.
• Have to evaluate the correctness of the
predictions made by the approach.
• Commonly used method for this is ROC Curves.
Correctness of methods
Definitions (e.g., for PPIs):
• A true positive (TP) interaction:
– an interaction exists in the cell and is discovered by an
experiment (biological or computational).
• A true negative (TN) interaction:
– an interaction does not exist and is not discovered by an
• A false positive (FP) interaction:
– an interaction does not exist in the cell, but is discovered
by an experiment.
• A false negative (FN) interaction:
– an interaction exists in the cell, but is not discovered by an
Correctness of methods
• If TP stands for true positives, FP for false positives, TN for true negatives,
and FN for false negatives, then:
• Sensitivity = TP / (TP + FN)
• Specificity = TN / (TN + FP)
• In other words, sensitivity measures the fraction of items out of all
possible ones that truly exist in the biological system that our method
successfully identifies (fraction of correctly classified existing items), while
• specificity measures the fraction of the items out of all items that truly do
not exist in the biological system for which our method correctly
determines that they do not exist (fraction of correctly classified nonexisting items).
• Thus, 1-specificity measures the fraction of all non-existing items in the
system that are incorrectly identified as existing.
ROC Curve
• Receiver Operating Curves (ROC curves) provide a standard measure of
the ability of a test to correctly classify objects.
• E.g., the biomedical field uses ROC curves extensively to assess the
efficacy of diagnostic tests in discriminating between healthy and diseased
• ROC curve is a graphical plot of the true positive rate, i.e., sensitivity, vs.
false positive rate, i.e., (1−specificity), for a binary classifier system as its
discrimination threshold is varied (see above for definitions).
• It shows the tradeoff between sensitivity and specificity (any increase in
sensitivity will be accompanied by a decrease in specificity).
• The closer the curve follows the left-hand border and then the top border
of the ROC space, the more accurate the test; the closer the curve comes
to the 45-degree diagonal of the ROC space, the less accurate the test. The
area under the curve (AUC) is a measure of a test’s accuracy.
ROC curve
• Embed nodes of a PPI network into 3-D Euclidean unit box
(use MDS – not required in this class, see reference in the footer if interested)
• Like in GEO, choose a radius r to determine node connectivity
• Vary r between 0 and sqrt(3) (diagonal of the box)
– r=0 makes a graph with no edges (TP=0, FP=0)
– r=sqrt(3) makes a complete graph (all possible edges, FN=TN=0)
• For each r in [0, sqrt(3)]:
– measure TP, TN, FP, FN
– compute sensitivity and 1- specificity
– draw the point
• Set of these points is the ROC curve
Sensitivity = TP / (TP + FN)
Specificity = TN / (TN + FP)
• For r=0, sensitivity=0 and 1-specificity=0, since TP=0, FP=0 (no edges)
• For r=sqrt(3), sensitivity=1 and 1-specificity=1 (or 100%), since FN=0, TN=0
D. J. Higham, M. Rasajski, N. Przulj, “Fitting a Geometric Graph to a Protein-Protein Interaction Network”,
Bioinformatics, 24(8), 1093-1099, 2008.
Types of Biological Network
• Molecular networks: the backbone of molecular activity
within the cell
• Comparative approaches toward interpreting them -contrasting networks of
 different species
 molecular types
 under varying conditions
• Comparative biological network analysis and its applications
to elucidate cellular machinery and predict protein function
and interactions.
Sharan and Ideker (2006) Nature Biotechnology 24(4): 427-433
Types of Biological Network
• Data on molecular interactions are increasing exponentially
• This flood of information parallels that seen for genome
sequencing in the recent past
• Presents exciting new opportunities for understanding cellular
biology and disease in the future
• The challenge: develop new strategies and theoretical
frameworks to filter, interpret and organize interaction data
into models of cellular function
Types of Biological Network
• As with sequences, comparative/evolutionary view is a
powerful base to address this challenge
• We will survey computational methodology it requires and
biological questions it may be able to answer
• Conceptually, network comparison is the process of
contrasting two or more interaction networks, representing
interaction types, or
time points
Types of Biological Network
• Based on the found similarities, answer a number of
fundamental biological questions:
• Which proteins, protein interactions and groups of
interactions are likely to have equivalent functions across
• Can we predict new functional information about proteins
and interactions that are poorly characterized?
• What do these relationships tell us about the evolution of
proteins, networks, and whole species?
Types of Biological Network
• Noise in the data – screens for PPI detection report
large numbers of false-positives and negatives:
• Which interactions represent true binding events?
• Confidence measures on interactions should be taken into
account before network comparison.
• However, since a false-positive interaction is unlikely to be
reproduced across the interaction maps of multiple
species, network comparison itself increases confidence in
the set of molecular interactions found to be conserved
Types of Biological Network
• Such questions have motivated 3 types (modes) of
comparative methods:
1. Network alignment
2. Network integration
3. Network querying
Types of Biological Network
1. Network alignment:
• The process of overall comparison of two or more
networks to identify regions of similarity and dissimilarity
• Commonly applied to detect subnetworks that are
conserved across species and hence likely to present true
functional modules
Types of Biological Network
2. Network integration:
The process of combining several networks
encompassing interactions of different types over the
same set of elements (e.g., PPI and genetic interactions)
To study their interrelations
Can assist in predicting protein interactions and
uncovering protein modules supported by interactions of
different types
The main conceptual difference from network alignment:
 the integrated networks are defined on the same set
of elements.
Types of Biological Network
3. Network querying:
A given network is searched for subnetworks that are
similar to a subnetwork query of interest
• This basic database search operation is aimed at
transferring biological knowledge within and across
1. Network Alignment
• Finding structural similarities between two networks
1. Network Alignment
Subgraph isomorphism (NP-complete):
• An isomorphism is a bijection between nodes of two networks G and H
that preserves edge adjacency
• Exact comparisons inappropriate in biology (biological variation)
• Network alignment
– More general problem of finding the best way to “fit” G into H even if G
does not exist as an exact subgraph of H
1. Network Alignment
1. Network Alignment
• Methods vary in these aspects:
A. Global vs. local
B. Pairwise vs. multiple
C. Functional vs. topological information
1. Network Alignment
• Methods vary in these aspects:
A. Global vs. local
B. Pairwise vs. multiple
C. Functional vs. topological information
A. Local alignment:
 Mappings are chosen independently for each region of
 Can be ambiguous, with one node having pairings in different
local alignments
 Example algorithms:
PathBLAST, NetworkBLAST, MaWISh, Graemlin
1. Network Alignment
• Methods vary in these aspects:
A. Global vs. local
B. Pairwise vs. multiple
C. Functional vs. topological information
A. Global alignment:
 Provides a unique alignment from every node in the smaller
network to exactly one node in the larger network
 May lead to inoptimal machings in some local regions
 Example algorithms:
GRAAL, IsoRank, IsoRankN, Extended Graemlin
1. Network Alignment
• Methods vary in these aspects:
A. Global vs. local
B. Pairwise vs. multiple
C. Functional vs. topological information
B. Pairwise alignment:
 Two networks aligned
 Example algorithms:
Multiple alignment:
 More than two networks aligned
 Example algorithms:
Greamlin, Extended PathBLAST, Extended IsoRank
1. Network Alignment
• Methods vary in these aspects:
A. Global vs. local
B. Pairwise vs. multiple
C. Functional vs. topological information
C. Functional information
Information external to network topology used, e.g., protein sequence, to define
“similarity” between nodes
Careful: mixing different biological data types, that might agree or contradict
Example algorithms:
all except for GRAAL; some can exclude sequence, e.g. IsoRank, but then perform poorly
Topological information
Only network topology used to define node “similarity”
Good -- since it answers how much and what type of biological information can
be extracted from topology only