Myth, or Fact? - Marijuana Harmless? Think Again
Transcript Myth, or Fact? - Marijuana Harmless? Think Again
This power point was developed in
partnership with youth involved in Students
Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) and
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What Will You Learn Today?
• The Facts about Marijuana
• Educate you on the effects, dangers, and negative
risks associated with marijuana
• Empower you to take control of your physical and
emotional health early
• Discuss ways to resist using drugs
What is Marijuana?
• Marijuana is a green, brown, or gray mixture of
dried, shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of
the hemp, or cannabis, plant.
• It goes by many different names—pot, herb, weed,
grass—and stronger forms include sinsemilla
hashish, and hash oil.
• All forms of marijuana change how the brain works!
• Marijuana contains more than 400 chemicals,
including THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol).
What is Marijuana?
What is Marijuana?
Photo Source: Jessica Smith
Definitions & Facts
• Tolerance – The power of enduring or resisting the action of a drug or
• Addiction - the compulsive need for or use of a habit forming
• Withdrawal - the syndrome of often painful physical and
psychological symptoms that follows discontinuance of an addicting drug
<a heroin addict going through withdrawal>
• Addiction
• The younger you are when you start using substances, the higher your
chances of addiction to those substances. 15 y/o student who drinks has a
40% higher chance of alcohol addiction.
Myth, or Fact?
Marijuana is not addictive.
Repeated marijuana use can lead to addiction—which
means that people have difficulty controlling their drug
use and often cannot stop even though they want to,
and even though it undermines many aspects of their
Myth, or Fact?
It’s safe to drive while under the influence of
Marijuana affects a number of skills required for safe
driving—alertness, concentration, coordination, and
reaction time—so it's not safe to drive high or to ride
with someone who's been smoking.
Myth, or Fact?
Marijuana won’t effect my ability to perform in sports or
other after school activities?
Marijuana has many short term effects such as impairing
memory, attention, judgment, coordination and balance.
The long term effects would be impaired memory and
learning skills, sleep impairment, and chronic
cough/bronchitis, risk of mental disease, anxiety or
Myth, or Fact?
Marijuana use, occasional or habitual, will have no effect on my
school work.
Compared with their peers who don't smoke, students who
smoke Marijuana tend to get lower grades and are more likely to
drop out of high school. Longtime Marijuana users report being
less satisfied with their lives, experiencing memory and
relationship problems, poorer mental and physical health, lower
salaries, and less career success.
Myth, or Fact?
Marijuana can help me relax from the stresses of school, work,
and life.
High doses of marijuana can cause psychosis or panic when
you're high. Some people experience an acute psychotic reaction
(disturbed perceptions and thoughts, paranoia) or panic attacks
while under the influence of Marijuana.
Myth, or Fact?
There are no withdrawal symptoms from Marijuana use.
The symptoms are similar in type and severity to those of
nicotine withdrawal—irritability, sleeping difficulties, anxiety,
and craving. Withdrawal symptoms can make it hard for
someone to stay off Marijuana.
Myth, or Fact?
Since Marijuana is used as a medicine, it can’t be that bad for
Several states have passed medical marijuana laws, but
marijuana has not been approved by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) to treat any diseases. It still carries the
negative consequences and risks that non-medical Marijuana.
Resistance Skills
What are some ways you can say no or avoid
situations where drugs may be available?
• 2012 Arizona Youth Survey
Thank you for your attention!