Transcript Economics

With your group, come up with a definition
for the term “economy”.
Economy: Production or exchange of
goods and services by a group
› Goods: things to be traded, bought, or sold
› Services: work done in exchange for payment
› Labor: work force, the workers
Custom and tradition determine what should be
Goods and services are exchanged without money;
Change and growth proceed very slowly
Often there is no private property; things are
owned by the family or village
Goods and services are produced to meet the needs
of the members of the family/tribe
Very little outside trade
Also called “Barter”
All important economic decisions are
made by government leaders,
including production of goods and
Cooperation is supposed to replace
competition, allowing everyone’s
needs to be met; goal is to achieve a
classless, equal society
Citizens can be assigned or strongly
encouraged into various employment
Private property ownership is
abolished and replaced by national
ownership of all land, factories, farms,
and major resources
Also called “planned economy” or
Goods and services are determined through supply and
demand; individual decisions on what to buy or sell
People are free to take part in any business, buy any
product, or sell a legal product.
Private ownership of businesses and land; private
The government only provides and enforces a set of
common rules, maintains monetary system, and will
sometimes break up or regulate companies that could
defy market forces
Also called “free market economy” or “capitalism”
Combination of
command and market
Mixed amounts of
government control
and private ownership
Example: Canada,
most European
What is it?
What role do
citizens play
in economy?
Make sure to highlight, underline, circle,
and summarize your notes.
Subsistence Agriculture
growing only enough to
feed the farmer and his
family. There is rarely a
surplus so very little is sold
or traded. Economic
growth is slow.
Commercial Agriculture
farmers grow food not just
for themselves, but in
order to sell it to others for
cash. Crop production is
intended for distribution
to wholesalers and
retailers, such as
supermarkets and grocery
stores. Large scale makes
production cheaper.
Mechanized equipment is
used over large tracts of
Cottage Industries
people use their spare
time to weave cloth, make
furniture and clothes.
Producing goods by hand.
Help farmers and their
families meet their needs
and may give them extra
income during the winter
months. The entire family
works together.
Commercial Industries
goods are
manufactured in
factories for sale
throughout the
country or overseas.
Gathering raw
materials like natural
resources taken from
the Earth
› Examples: mining,
fishing, farming,
agriculture, forestry
Manufacturing and Industry
› Converts raw materials into
new products
› Adding value to raw materials
by changing their form
› Example: food processing,
manufacturing, refining
› Found: near markets to serve
customers, where special
manufacturing needs can be
met, where the government
creates the industry
Service Industries like business or professional
› Example: retail salespeople, doctors, hair stylists,
manicurists, health care, banking
Provide information
processing, research, or
management by highly
trained professionals
› Example: store managers,
scientists, computer
programmer, legal services,
Wood from tree is manufactured into a
2. Executive for toothpick Company
wants to create a toothpick that is
cheaper to produce and lasts longer
3. Toothpick is advertised (marketed) and
sold at H-E-B by a sales employee.
4. Lumberjack chops down the tree
 Create
an illustration depicting
each economic activity.
› Make sure to label economic
activity AND color your
Demographic Indicators
Birth Rate
 Death Rate
 Infant Mortality Rate
 Fertility Rate
 Life Expectancy
› The average number of years an individual in
a country is expected to live; related to the
country’s level of poverty
How do these indicators apply to more
and less developed countries?
Economic Indicators
Economic indicators tell how well an
economy is performing
 More developed countries will have:
Higher GDP / GNP
Higher per capita income
Higher standard of living
More trained professionals such as doctors
Workers’ productivity depends on machinery,
computers, and other high-tech tools
› Average number of technological appliances:
automobiles, telephones, televisions,
Social Indicators
Social indicators concentrate on the social
services provided by countries for their citizens
Some indicators that are considered:
• Literacy rates (percentage of people who can
read and write)
• Percentage of people attending colleges and
• Number of working professionals
• Quantity and quality of housing
• Water supplies
• Sanitation
Political Indicators
• Political indicators include:
• Freedoms people enjoy
• The degree of democracy and voting rights
• The level of human rights,
• The degree of government oppression and,
• Tolerance for different points of view.
• There is no direct relationship between economic
development and a nation’s system of
• Some more-developed economies have been
ruled by dictators while,
• Some democracies are less developed
 Also Called Industrialized
 Why?
› Form of government
 Also Called Third World
 Why?
› Undeveloped industry
› Free market economy
› Lack modern technology
› Lack of corruption
› Low levels
› More dependent on
manufacturing than
› Prevalent technology
› United States
› Japan
› Germany
› France
 Education
 Healthcare
 Life expectancy
› Mexico
› Brazil
› South Africa
› Thailand